How to become a computer hardware reseller?

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i'm doing my engineering currently which will be completed by May. I still haven't got a job and would be going for off-campus selection once i get my degree.

But, on the other hand, i'm thinking of starting a business selling computer hardware parts, maybe video games consoles too. I would be asking my dad for the investment but i would like it to be a no-shop-no-warehouse type thing. I mean i'll be selling ,on forums like te and maybe a website.

So, getting no help from the internet and currently not knowing anybody in this business, i've posted this query in here. I'm not sure if anyone here has got any idea about how to go about this, but still wanna try my luck.
I am not an expert of this topic but i also thought of setting up a shop also selling online.

Here are my thoughts or ideas .... Rent a shop however small it may be and specialize in items that are not available in regular Computer sales shops.

I am assuming that you are following the latest tech so you can get the latest tech to your consumers.

Maintain DVD of latest version of all major Linux distros .

You can also specialize in high powered Rigs . Because i often see my friends buy whatever the seller says to buy and end up with a low power rig at almost the same cost of a good one which can do nothing.

You can also maintain few entry level IEM & headphones .
^^ thanks for the idea but i'm not really considering having a shop in order to save cost and my time. i can ship all the orders which i get in a day but i can't sit on my shop for a whole day. i might get a shop if i get some success but right now, it's not on the cards for me.

and i basically want to know from where do i procure the products? i mean would i be needing a whole lot of money in order to get products in wholesale at a discounted price..?
I have no experience about setting up a business, but have a fair bit of idea.

Firstly I think you should do a sales tax registration and other registrations required as per your area.

Then contact the distributors of the products you want to sell. You can find the distributors from the company's website. A few distributors I know of are Tirupati, Rashi, Aditya Infotech, MSI.

Contact them and negotiate a deal.

Best of luck !!
good advice #[member='flash23'], now to the next part, i'll take care of the registration part but no idea about how much price would be quoted for the dealership..
Since you are dealing with the distributor I think the initial cost required will not be much, though I might be wrong.

Try with the distributors of companies that have low penetration in India but an established brand. I think Gigabyte will be your best bet, also try out MSI because unlike other companies they themselves handle their own Indian distribution, sot this cuts down the middleman's margin.
Excellent thread started #[member='hackboy89'] and excellent reponse guys, Thanks. This has answered all my questions too.

Most important, register your company first, this not only gives you a good feeling that you have started your business but you are also ready to sell items, Get registration done from a CA, can cost you anything around 15 to 20k (company registration, vat no , sales tax and CA fees)

If you get it done from your local municipal corporation, you might land up paying a few bucks extra( you know why, corruption :-| )

1. One more very important point you should think of is transportation of your items.

2. Also consider octroi charges .

3. Plus you can also check with courier companies.

4. Get a good website designed.

5. For a good start, contact an ad agency to publicize your business even before you start your business (a week ago) like a "coming soon" tag or something.

6. Check for the yearly professional tax that you got to pay. I am not clear on it. Let me know once you know anything about it.

7. "After sales" service is the most important thing. Make a deal with a few local technicians, let them know that you have started a reseller business and looking for a good PC technician. They might help you in this venture plus it will be an extra earning opportunity for them as well.

Please feel free to contact me (contact info in signature). I am going through the same phase. Lets help each other and make life simpler :-). I am from Mumbai...

gonna contact them tomorrow.. just saw msi has mron as its distri..

I am from mumbai .. where do you get all distributors information? Will the distributor sell me(the reseller) the items at customer's buying price or reseller's price?

I am confused, do we have anything like a reseller's buying price or something?

Is there any standard price list published by the government or the manufacturer which we as resellers can refer on daily basis ? So that we as resellers can buy the item at a fair price from the distributor and sell it at a fair price to the customer as well...
IMHO don't get it registered through a CA . If you have a *close* relative who has a experience in this field get his help. It is not at all difficult and you can get it easily within a week after some * greasing * or may be you have to wait like 2 months to get it without greasing .

It might cost around 20 Grands for greasing . Also you require a lot of documents like

PAN number , various id proofs etc .

You will have to maintain a stock of various products . Try getting distributorship with a few brands like Gigabyte , Asus etc . If you want to start on

a comparatively smaller scale then tie up with multiple retailer's for various products , keep a stock of a few , and keep getting products you want from him according to order you get . It all depends upon the investment you are willing to do .
Thanks #[member='mpaspc'].

Without *greasing* how much would it cost money and time?

Without *greasing* if i plan to register my business, which government department/ sub-department do i contact? (muncipal corporation, zilla parishad or any other?)

Regarding PAN, do you submit your own PAN details or you have to create one PAN for your company as well? If yes, then how much it costs to create a PAN for your business.
You need your own PAN . If you plan on trading after using the name of your company , you first need to get it registered . For a private company you first need to get the Certificate of Incorporation Which can be obtained after submitting required documents to the registar of companies.

Though i would advice against it . GO with a sole proprietorship form , you can still give you shop a name say ' Hackboy sales' . If you plan on getting a company (pvt ) registered it will be of the form 'Hackboy Sales Pvt. Ltd. " .

Who Should Register?

You are required to register under DVAT if: 1. Your turnover in the year preceding the commencement of the DVAT Act exceeded Rs 5 lakhs; 2. Your turnover in the current year exceeds Rs 5 lakhs; 3. You make any interstate sale; or 4. You make interstate purchases for resale in Delhi.

For registration purposes, your turnover does not include 1. Sales of capital assets; 2. Sales made in the course of winding up your business; and 3. Sales made in the course of a permanent diminution of your business. In the case of dealers involved in the execution of works contracts, the turnover includes the total contract amount.

If you are not already registered, your obligation to register and pay tax starts on the day when your turnover exceeds Rs 5 lakhs, or you make an interstate sale or purchase. You need to apply for registration within 30 days, once you cross these thresholds.

If you deal entirely in exempt goods, you are not required to apply for registration under DVAT.

If you are making sales to other registered dealers in Delhi, it may be beneficial for you to apply for registration even if your annual turnover is less than Rs 5 lakhs. Registration will allow you to issue tax invoices and claim tax credits. The tax that you charge on your tax invoices can, in turn, be claimed as a credit by your customers who are registered dealers. To accommodate such situations, the legislation allows you to apply for voluntary registration, if you fall outside the conditions for mandatory registration.

If you have more than are one place of business, you can apply for a single registration. Registration for Dealers Already Registered Under DST/CST To facilitate transition to the new system, if you are already registered on 31st March 2005 under the Delhi Sales Tax (DST) Act, Delhi Sales Tax on Works Contract Act, Delhi Sales Tax on Right to Use Goods Act and/or the CST Act, we will automatically register you under DVAT. However if you are registered only under DST and your turnover in 2004-2005 is less than Rs 5 lakhs, you may write to us to not automatically register you under DVAT. How to Register? An application for Registration is to be made in Form DVAT-04 with the prescribed fee.

A security not exceeding Rs 1 lakh is to be submitted along with the application for registration. The security amount can be reduced by a maximum of Rs 50,000 if you can provide certain documents with your registration application. The reduction in the security amount allowed for various documents is as follows. 1. Last paid electricity bill in your name, Rs 10,000; 2. Last paid telephone bill in your name, Rs 5,000; 3. A PAN number, Rs 10,000; 4. A document as proof of ownership of principal place of business, Rs 30,000; 5. A document as proof of ownership of residential property, Rs 20,000; and 6. A notarized photocopy of the passport of proprietor/ managing partner or managing director, Rs 10,000

Security may be in cash, bank guarantee, post office cash certificates, bonds/debentures, dealers' surety, or mortgage of immoveable property. The surety for registration may be revised by the Commissioner under some circumstances. When Will You be Registered If you do not hear from us within 15 days of making your application, you are automatically registered and will be entitled to receive a registration certificate in Form DVAT-06 from the Commissioner. Once you are registered, a Tax Identification Number (TIN) will be issued by us, which you should quote in all dealings with us to help us process your tax affairs correctly and promptly.

If you are not registered within 15 days of making the application, you will receive a notice in Form DVAT-05 from the Commissioner, setting out the reasons why your application is proposed to be rejected.

You can respond to this notice within the time provided in the notice. If you do not respond to the Commissioner's notice, your application for registration will be rejected automatically.

If the Commissioner is satisfied with your reply, he will register you and issue you a Registration Certificate in Form DVAT-06.

If your application is rejected, you can object to the decision within two months.

After registration, you may expect a visit from a DVAT official who may verify the particulars of your business.

Rights & Responsibilities as a Registered Dealer Once you are registered for DVAT, you will be: 1. Required to pay tax at the appropriate rate on sales made in Delhi; 2. Eligible to claim tax credits in respect of your purchases for which you have valid tax invoices; 3. Eligible to claim refunds where the credits exceed your output tax; 4. Eligible to issue tax invoices; 5. Required to file periodic returns; and 6. Required to prepare and maintain proper records and books of accounts.

Credit for Stock Brought Forward During Transition

As a registered dealer, you will be entitled to claim a credit for the Delhi Sales Tax already paid on your opening stock held in Delhi on April 1, 2005, the date of commencement of the DVAT Act. The credit will allowed in respect of 1. The trading stock; 2. Raw materials; and 3. Packing materials for trading stock

There are additional conditions for claiming this credit, as follows: 1. The goods for which the credit is being claimed must have been bought after April 1, 2004. 2. The goods must be for use in making a taxable sale under DVAT, or for export or inter-state sale from Delhi. 3. You must hold a valid invoice issued by a dealer registered under the DST Act, showing the amount of DST paid. In the absence of such invoice, the credit amount will be based on the tax that would have applied at the applicable DST rate on 75% of the price paid for the opening stock. 4. If your claim for the credit exceeds Rs. 1.00 lakh, you must submit a certificate signed by an accountant certifying that the credit claimed is true and correct.

Amendment/Cancellation of Registration Certificate As a registered dealer under DVAT, you must make all efforts to keep your registration details up to date. You must inform the Commissioner within one month in Form DVAT-07 if you: 1. Sell your business or any part of it; 2. Effect or come to know of any other change in the ownership of the business; 3. Discontinue your business or change your place of business or warehouse, or open a new place of business, or close the business for a period of more than one month; 4. Change the name, style, constitution or nature of your business; 5. Enter into partnership or other association; or 6. Add, delete, or change the particulars of persons having interest in business.

De-Registration You are required to apply for cancellation of your registration in Form DVAT-09 within 30 days of the occurrence of any of the following events: 1. You cease to carry on any activity which entitled you to be registered as a dealer under the DVAT Act; 2. You are an incorporated body and you close down or otherwise cease to exist; 3. Your firm or association of persons is dissolved; 4. You cease to be liable to pay tax under the DVAT Act; or 5. Owner of a proprietorship business dies, leaving no successor.

If you are required to apply for cancellation of your DVAT registration, you will have to pay tax on the stock in hand on the date of de-registration, equal to the higher of the following amounts: 1. The tax that would be payable if the goods were sold at their fair market value; and 2. The tax credits previously claimed in respect of those goods.

Registration of a Casual Dealer If you do not carry on business in Delhi on a regular basis, but make sales on an occasional basis, e.g., during an exhibition or trade fair, you would need to apply for registration as a Casual Dealer. Specials rules and procedures are put in place to expedite the registration of casual dealers and to process their tax returns and remittances.

If you are a casual dealer, then you need to apply for registration in Form DVAT-4A three days prior to the commencement of business activities in Delhi. As there is no threshold amount of sales for registration as a casual dealer, you need to register and account for DVAT regardless of the volume of your turnover. You will be asked to deposit security, in cash or in the form of bank draft, as may be fixed by us which will not exceed the estimated liability to pay tax for seven days or for a lesser period for which you are conducting your business.

After verification of the information furnished by you and on receiving the prescribed security, we will register you as a casual dealer.

Consequences of Registration as a Casual Dealer As a casual dealer, your procedures for accounting for tax will be as follows: 1. You pay tax daily on the sales made in the previous day. 2. You submit a DVAT tax return in prescribed form after conclusion of your business in Delhi. 3. You are not allowed to issue a tax invoice. 4. You will be issued prescribed forms by us for transportation of goods to and from Delhi for the purpose of your business. 5. You will account for the used forms and surrender the unused ones along with the tax return to be submitted at the conclusion of your business in Delhi. 6. We will assess you within five days of submission of your tax return and the forms for movement of goods. On completion of the assessment, we will refund you the balance amount of your security, after adjusting for any tax or dues payable.

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