DLSR Advice: 650D vs 550D

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Hi Guys,

I need some advice on my purchasing my first DLSR. I have been using the FZ-35 since the past two years and it has been a great learning curve. But I think its now time to move on and upgrade. Plus i'm getting a pretty good deal for my FZ-35, which kinda gave me the final push to get on the DSLR bandwagon.

I'm basically confused between the EOS 550 and newly launched EOS 650D. I'm not even considering the EOS 600D since it's not worth the extra 10k over the EOS 550D.

The major differences the the EOS 650D has over the EOS 550D include:

  • A Flip-Out Touch Screen
  • More Cross-Type Focus Points
  • Video Autofocus
  • In-Camera HDR
  • Better ISO Sensitivity
  • Faster Burst Rate
What matters for me is the 'Faster Burst Rate', 'More Cross-Type Focus Points' and 'Better ISO Sensitivity' with the latter being the most important. Is ISO sensitivity that good? Are all these features worth the 20-24k extra? Coz I think it it would be wise for me to save-up for better lenses instead.

Also, another thing that worries me is that the EOS 550D has been declared as a EOL product? Will that have any effect on my purchase? I want to buy something that will last me for alteast the next 5-6 years... or maybe even more (support and after market accessories wise)
In case you are not aware, there is a custom addin firmware called Magic Lantern which is available for 550d. This has a lot of additional features over the Canon stock firmware. As far as higher ISO is concerned, I dont think you wud be shooting above 1600 anyway.....

The real comparison wud be with 50d ..I saw a 50d being offered on a different forum I think ....only thing is no video ...so if only photos are ur needs, then 50d is the way to go ..
I was in similar confusion between 550D vs 600D vs Nikon D5100.. but at the end made different call ..got the 60D.
550D is a capable camera.. end of line may not have impact on the accessories .. most of accessories are generic and are not model specific.
What matters for me is the 'Faster Burst Rate', 'More Cross-Type Focus Points' and 'Better ISO Sensitivity' with the latter being the most important. Is ISO sensitivity that good? Are all these features worth the 20-24k extra? Coz I think it it would be wise for me to save-up for better lenses instead.
Actually what will make the biggest difference is the flip out LCD, and if you wanna use an external flash then the in-built commander mode support which is absent on 550D. Sadly am outta touch by the developments in DSLR so not too aware of 650D, but if you are saying 20-24k extra, isnt 60D a better choice?
Just installed magic lantern, its really awesome
ur signature says 300d ....Does ML work on that too ???

Magic lantern takes yr camera to new heights....The auto HDR is new in this version ...am yet to try it out ..
Thanks for inputs everyone...

I shall be getting the Canon 550D with standard 18-55m kit lens for now... learn a bit more in meanwhile and save the additional cash to upgrade to a better lens later on :)
Good decision mate.

I am a proud owner of EOS 550D since couple of months now(there was no 650D then). Lens does matter in the world of DSLR, and 20K+ is hell lot of money where you can add more lens to your kit. 650D is good but not worth 20K premium. if you stretch so much you can go for mid level DSLRs instead.

550D should keep you happy for few years easily
ur signature says 300d ....Does ML work on that too ???

Magic lantern takes yr camera to new heights....The auto HDR is new in this version ...am yet to try it out ..
My sig is very old, I am kinda lazy to modify it. I still have that old 300d but my current cam is 550D :) Lot many things changed in the past 5 years.

And yeah, I would suggest spending money on lenses rather than bodies. If I had a choice, I would buy 550d with 18-135 rather than 650 with 18-55.
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