Review Amazon - Feedback Thread

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Long story short, I have bought tons of items from Amazon and like many, I have never been once disappointed by the service. It just amazes me how a company, which is as big as Amazon, manage to have an excellent track record when it comes to after sales service. Agreed that this is the first time I had to return an item but what other re-seller would do that? Thank you Amazon for setting the customer service bar so high :hail:
Had bought a travel pillow from amazon (3rd party seller) and when opening its cover of chain, it broke and i hence could not close back the chain (not really good quality i guess) , requested a replacement and they shipped a new pillow and told me not to return the old one.
AMAZON rocks...pretty sure no Indian ecommerce company will ever come close to this.
pretty sure no Indian ecommerce company will ever come close to this.
got a faulty laser mouse with my dell laptop - dell replaced it without a return ( after that i opened it up and fixed it with some superglue)
got a faulty 2.1 from flipkart, againt got a replacement without return (problem was with the sattelite. ended up using both woofers as a 2.2 system :P)
got a pair of faulty screen protectors from some ebay seller. turns out that guy was shafter by the chinese co, because they were clearly labelled "atrix 2" and wouldnt fit mine. got a refund without return ( still figuring out what to do with this ).
Returning damaged products to To vendors (from Reseller's pov) is both time taking and a pita. They just charge the vendor for it, if the extent of damage is not very high and the consumer is okay with using a partly damaged item then reseller refunds a part of the price to the consumer too. All this to avoid returns, because it's disposition takes time and resources.
yes, I met a seller or two on (not .in) who has refunded me the whole or part amount and allowed the item to be kept for a positive feedback, but I've a very bad experience of ebay India Sellers (even then I buy from ebay india but not from the sellers whose FB is below 96 or 97 percent). Amazon if comes in its original form (not Junglee) to India even with a little price high then I think it'd be a good thing for Indian customers.
It can actually get better. Amazon had refunded me $120 for a broken silverstone case which i ended up fixing with a 20/- super glue. These were the precise words used by customer care "Sir, we are refunding you the amount as a gift card , you can keep the case , send it or donate it. "
i had a similar experience with a 200 Rs book from flipkart. The book had 2 blank pages and they sent me a new book and never bothered to ask for the return or proof of the incomplete book though i asked them for the address and other details to send back the damaged book.

All they said was, they will send someone to collect it and return it if someone turns up for the book which eventually never happened.
+1 . Does anyone have any idea about their service and response?

AFAIK, they just redirect you to the actual seller of the article and I don't think they handle any sale directly, even for items on

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+1 . Does anyone have any idea about their service and response?

AFAIK, they just redirect you to the actual seller of the article and I don't think they handle any sale directly, even for items on
could be a error but hoopos did the same , wrongly sent my kids dress a size bigger , then sent a replacement for it but never bothered to pick it up
man, it turns out the atrix 2 were a correct fit, because of the bevelled edges of the atrix 2, you can't cover the whole screen anyway.
Damn, I got 6 screen protectors for free:rofl:
AFAIK, they just redirect you to the actual seller of the article and I don't think they handle any sale directly, even for items on

I've never used ebay/amazon from India. Though ebay is a bit different.

Does Amazon service and warranty etc still hold good for India transactions?
Only ever bought from once. I have heard such horror stories with regard to online shopping, as a result i tend to keep away from shopping online.

However after reading all these posts, i think i'll give online shopping a shot.
Ebay is a different ballgame altogether.

Flipkart is an established online retailer. There's a big difference. I've had only good experiences with them.
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