0-20k Upgrade options for HomePC

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Pl. help in looking for advice on upgrade options. I do not have any intention to upgrade for the next few years as my needs are limited. So pl. suggest accordingly.

*** Compatibility with Windows XP is essential: most of my educational apps for kids run in XP ***

Q: What is your budget?
15-20K (CPU, MoBo, RAM & Cabinet)

Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
CPU - Intel E4500 Core2Duo
Motherboard - G31 based Asus
GPU - None
Monitor - ViewSonic 1928w
SMPS - FSP SagaII 400
HDD: 1x250GB IDE, 1x500GB SATA, 1x1TB SATA
Cabinet: Frontech legend

Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
Monitor - ViewSonic 1928w (Intend to upgrade in a couple of months to a 23" IPS panel monitor like Dell/AOC)
SMPS - FSP SagaII 400
HDD - 1x500GB SATA : for OS, rest for data/dump.

Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
CPU - Intel - easier to get in my location
Motherboard - any compatible motherboard
RAM : 4GB ?
GPU - only if essential.
Cabinet : How are these two: Antec NSK4480B, CM Elite 311 - which is better? Are they worth spending the extra 700-1000 bucks over Zebronics/Frontech/iBall etc. I have seen the NZXT Gamma being recommended in the sticky guide, but the shipping cost ~550-650 is not factored in that list.

Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
Yes, will NOT upgrade for a few years. Intend to upgrade only the monitor in a few months to a 23" IPS panel based Dell/AOC.

Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
Kakinada (small town in AP) / Open to online purchase

Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market

Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
Download rig, 24x7 operation
HTPC: Watching HD Movies / documentaries
Light photo editing
Run VMWare : for Windows98 (legacy educational apps)

Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
Intel based stuff are easier to get in my place.

Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
Very light games for kids - like the one made by Gamehouse.

Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
Desktop - 1440x900

Q: Are you looking to overclock?

Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
Windows XP, 7 (and 8 when it launches!)

Linux - Ubuntu (only for emergency)

Pl. help!
@Jambumali best is that you go for the following --

Intel Core i3 3220 ~7500/- (this might require you to wait till month's end to be widely available) OR Core i3 2120 ~6500/- (if you cannot wait)
GIGABYTE-B75M-D3H ~4500/- (get this from flipkart.com) OR Intel DH61WW ~3000/- (but this is very low on features)
Corsair ValueRAM 4GB x1 ~1200/-
Cooler Master eLite 311 or Bit Fenix Merc Alpha ~2800/- (again from flipkart.com)

Hope this suits you, Cheerio!
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That was real quick #ALPHA17 !

I can wait for a month, there is no fire!! What about the GPU - can the i3 take care of the 1080 videos also? Most of my videos are 720p (from the size point of view) but a few are 1080 -the current setup is not able to play 1080p videos cleanly.

Forgot to add one thing: I had difficulty in fitting the FSP PSU in the present cabinet - it almost covered the CPU cooler. Pl. consider that when suggesting the cabinet.

Are the premium cabinets worth the difference?
I can wait for a month, there is no fire!! What about the GPU - can the i3 take care of the 1080 videos also? Most of my videos are 720p (from the size point of view) but a few are 1080 -the current setup is not able to play 1080p videos cleanly.

Forgot to add one thing: I had difficulty in fitting the FSP PSU in the present cabinet - it almost covered the CPU cooler. Pl. consider that when suggesting the cabinet.

Are the premium cabinets worth the difference?

Yes the iGP can easily handle 1080p playback.

Then go for a Cooler Master eLite 311. Depends, with better component used in their construct they are more hardy and the more expensive models carry all painted interiors which make the whole thing very resistant to rust and corrosion. So your call but I feel something like a decent cabinet goes a long way. Cheerio!
Yes the i3 3220 will be able to handle 1080P videos with ease,Also you can easily fit any PSU in Bit Fenix Alpha OR Nzxt Gamma-2.4k for that matter.If you're spending 3k for Case the get CM 430 instead of 311.These cases can fit GPU like HD7870 and such without a prob,So the PSU won't come in a way of cooler,Which Cooler do you have?
That was real quick #ALPHA17 !

I can wait for a month, there is no fire!! What about the GPU - can the i3 take care of the 1080 videos also? Most of my videos are 720p (from the size point of view) but a few are 1080 -the current setup is not able to play 1080p videos cleanly.

Forgot to add one thing: I had difficulty in fitting the FSP PSU in the present cabinet - it almost covered the CPU cooler. Pl. consider that when suggesting the cabinet.

Are the premium cabinets worth the difference?
No #Jakob , I do not intend to spend a lot on the case! #ALPHA17 - thanks once again for the prompt clearance of the doubt!

Which of the two: Antec NSK4480B or the CM ELite e311 would be better?

I will go for the i3-3220, Corsair ValueRAM and the Gigabyte MoBo.

I will get back to you if
No #Jakob , I do not intend to spend a lot on the case! #ALPHA17 - thanks once again for the prompt clearance of the doubt!

Which of the two: Antec NSK4480B or the CM ELite e311 would be better?

Go for whichever is cheaper although the Cooler Master looks a little more enticing to me because of its painted interiors and front USB 3.0 port + 120mm fan provision (the Antec lacks these).

Hope this helps, Cheerio!
@ALPHA17: CM e311 does not have the front USB 3.0. It is the CM 344 that has USB 3.0.
@Jakob : my CPU cooler was the stock Intel one.

Tomorrow I am planning a trip to the market. I will get back to you on local availability. Thanks!
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@ALPHA17 : this 311 Plus is totally diff from the 311. Now I get your "painted interiors..." line. Let me see where I can source it from. Thanks, once again!
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@ALPHA17 : this 311 Plus is totally diff from the 311. Now I get your "painted interiors..." line. Let me see where I can source it from. Thanks, once again!

Yeah I am sorry, I thought they were one and the same until you pinged me.
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@matrixvipin the pricing is crazy there.

On street prices of this stuff is easily ~750/- -->1000/- quid cheaper than what they have been listed for there.
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ALPHA17, Jakob & matrixvipin :

ordered this in white today : NZXT Source 210 Elite cabinet (company link)used 7% off coupon on eBay & thru' primeabgb.

Tried CM directly - gave me crazy pricing (higher than FK!). Searched at a few more places, in general CM Elite 311 Plus was ~500 more & anyway the kids preferred white! Problem is my location - I have to buy online only. Spoke to PrimeABGB before placing order & was assured that there would be no issue in fitting the B75 MoBo inside.

the i3-3220 is not available online - searched at a number of places. Any hints?
ALPHA17, Jakob & matrixvipin :

ordered this in white today : NZXT Source 210 Elite cabinet (company link)used 7% off coupon on eBay & thru' primeabgb.

Tried CM directly - gave me crazy pricing (higher than FK!). Searched at a few more places, in general CM Elite 311 Plus was ~500 more & anyway the kids preferred white! Problem is my location - I have to buy online only. Spoke to PrimeABGB before placing order & was assured that there would be no issue in fitting the B75 MoBo inside.

the i3-3220 is not available online - searched at a number of places. Any hints?

Nice call on the cabinet, the Source is a good piece.

On the processor try to get in touch with these people, SMC International, Nehru Place, New Delhi.

Hope this helps, Cheerio!
Nice cabinet selection, just 1 query though, it says 2 fans can be placed in front but I don't find any mesh or anything for airflow?
Seems nice cabinet, even I may opt for it. thx.
the front fan can be placed behind the face plate. This guy repositioned one of the two fans to the front (as intake) - see this thread. I would not suggest if your place is a bit dusty (most of India, is!) - as there is no dust filter. You may have to make a small mod if you really need that front fan with filter.
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