Phone for my father..

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I am planning to gift touchscreen phone to my father in the price range of appox 7k. At presnt he is using keypad phone.

Main criteria in phone should be biggest possible screen (in this budget) with easy to type virtual keyboard, new android OS, email, decent camera, wifi, gps & ability to increase/decrease the size of photos with fingre (like in apple phone).

Please suggest the model I should be looking at. I am looking for the phone that can last for atleast three and in this context would prefer to go with Samsung, sony, HTC.

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IMHO, You won't get any decent android phone from Samsung, Sony or HTC in that budget.. If you want the best in this price range from a reputed manufacturer then I would suggest you to have a look at the Huawei X5 U8800.. Here are the specifications - Huawei U8800 IDEOS X5 - Full phone specifications
You can get it at 7.2k from Shopclues(after applying a 7.5% off coupon which you can get by recharging your phone from paytm) - Huawei Smartphone U8800 Ideos X5
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