CPU/Mobo PC won't turn on after turn off

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I have a great problem.

My Confrigration Is:

HCL EZ001138 Desktop PC.

Small Brifcase cabinet.
250 Waat TFX SMPS.
Intel DG31PR Motherboard.
3 GB of Ram. (1 x 1GB in slot "A", 1 x 2GB in Slot "B".)
320 GB of Hitachi Hard Disk.
6 in 1 intarnal USB card readar.
No other component is connected.

No matter which operating system installed.
I tried in Xp 2, Xp 3 and my current os is Window 7 ultimate 32 bit.

My Problem is.

I am going to say in step by step so you can easily understand.

1) I start My computer, And it run well.
2) There is a sudden power off, or i Turn off the pc, Till well, no problem.
3) Now i want to run the pc on again.
4) I power on the AC Power supply and press the cpu power key.
5) BOOM! No light is turn on.

Only Mother board light is on, insite the cabinet.
A very high speed spinning sound from HDD is coming on.
Processor fan is running.
But in my moniter it is shown "NO INPUT SIGNAL" and moniter turn off autometically.
No error BEEP from system.

And there is no way to start the pc on that time.

Then i press and hold the cpu power switch for 2 second, and the system turn off. and i then switch off the AC power supply.

Then i have to wait for more than 3 hour.

If within 3 hour I ever going to start the pc i have to wait for another 3 hour from that time.


My pc is purchaced on october 2009. No internal hardware is change till today.

My cpu temparature is 39.
and motherboard is 62.

All driver are updated.

The issue does not happen due to update.

My previous update is on january 2012 and my next and last update is on february 2013.
But issue start on middleof november 2012.

So my main problem is if i turn off my PC due to any reason it can not be turn on with in 3 hour.

This is very problemetic, when i have a important job to do but i turn off my pc by mistake, or power off.

This problem is happen with UPS attach and Without UPS too.
I say this because my ups battary now a days give a back up of only 2 second.LOL.

Is This motherboard problem? I don't know.
Please help me. Is there any way to resolve it?

Thanks for reading this large topic.
Today a very strange thing happen,
I took my Cabinet to my friend house, And there i Turn on and turn off my system more than 11 time, But it is very strange that the issue does no happen there for a single time.
I am really surprise.

What do you think is this can be happen due to any fault in AC power supply?
I can't understand any thing ,
Any idea please share.
1>Clean the cabinet apply proper power pin connection on mobo (make sure that it doesn't damage)

2>Clean ram slots

3>Check if you have proper power-supply (no little fluctuation)

The without UPS connection you pin the Cabyy and Monitor separately,does you have good working spike guard :)
Check your BIOS settings, there is an option in certain motherboards to stay in power off mode after a power failure and you have to press the power button to restart the system at that point.
If that option is set just turn it off.
1>Clean the cabinet apply proper power pin connection on mobo (make sure that it doesn't damage)

2>Clean ram slots

3>Check if you have proper power-supply (no little fluctuation)

The without UPS connection you pin the Cabyy and Monitor separately,does you have good working spike guard :)

I used to clean my cabinet in every 2 month as my this room is on main road side, so hare is very dusty.
My ram is all clean at all.
I also try without the UPS but the problem is the same.
And about my power supply what should i say, It is 250 watt, and i ask about this in this forum previously but then the said that it is OK for me as i do not use any graphic card.
And what is spike guard?

Do you use a power strip /surge protector ? Test PC without the same.
Earthing, check earthing.

No i use nothing else except my UPS say it is surge protected and i don't know about my SMPS is it also give protection from surge or not.
As my PC is a branded one of HCL so i do not have any User Manual for any parts of my computer, I downloaded my Mother board manual from Intel web site , That's all.
One more thing my hard disk position is not too good.
I recently scan with HD tune pro. in the month of March. I am trying to upload one image of that situation.
Sorry i can not able to upload a current picture because of now i have to use Window xp sp2, due to my modem problem. I also discuss this problem in
And in this OS i am not able to install that software, every time i tried it give me an error massage.
Any way i do not know Is this HDD is respocncible for all this problem, Please take a look at the picture and reply.
Thanks for your time. HD Positon.JPG
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