Storage Solutions 1144MB/s Read and 1168MB/s Write from SATA3 :)

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Whaa.. are we using PS skills ?

NO Guys, it is an actual benchmark , no quiz to guess whats wrong etc, its my new SSD's benchmark, It uses something called Samsung RAPID, and this is the performace on gets from it, on SATA3 port with RAPID enabled.
Also, Rapid uses about 1gb of RAM so if you have spare RAM one could try it with the newer Samsung EVO drives only as of now though. BUt should be enabled on other drives as well.
The Samsung EVO has quite a few tricks up its sleeve to make it crazy fast for Consumer SSD's mind you these are not so good for Servers as they will choke beyond their buffer which on my drives is about 3GB I think
which is huge for me, I am not gonna be playing with that sized flies on these SSD's.

YOu can see the SSD's here:
Wow seems pretty sweet , and if it works well without hitches ... amazing .... ppl considering this would have 8gb ram atleast anyways.
Wow seems pretty sweet , and if it works well without hitches ... amazing .... ppl considering this would have 8gb ram atleast anyways.

True, but in the future Samsung might make this adjustable by the user so you can adjust how much RAM do you really wanna use, right now its locked at 1gb I think, plus the SSD also has a 3GB SLC to write on as cache and then it will eventually write to the TLC's.
Its kinda a slightly more complex drive to bench as the drive behaves differently with different file sizes, depending on when which buffer/cache is getting filled.
So far any workload generally below 3gb of file size, which is a plenty consumer none of the buffers/cache's will fill and it will give blazing performance till that point.
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