Upgraded to all new Mavericks, world's most advanced operating system 
I just love it. I find it very very fast. And I have no reason why lol
- Safari has been improved really good. Looks good to use. But fck it, I switched back to Chrome.
- Everything is fast. Launchpad, Sidebar, Spotlight, Going full screen mode, iTunes etc etc.
- Love iBooks. Working as I expected.
- Boot time is fast
- Tags feature is good
- Newly installed apps shine like this :
Bad :
- No new wallpapers -.-
- Notes not working

I just love it. I find it very very fast. And I have no reason why lol

- Safari has been improved really good. Looks good to use. But fck it, I switched back to Chrome.
- Everything is fast. Launchpad, Sidebar, Spotlight, Going full screen mode, iTunes etc etc.
- Love iBooks. Working as I expected.
- Boot time is fast
- Tags feature is good
- Newly installed apps shine like this :
Bad :
- No new wallpapers -.-
- Notes not working
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