GOSF 2013 - deals, links

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The fake sales festival by Google's partners is back this year too.
Dates: Dec 11-13.
Wonder how much % stage they jack up prices on goods to show sale tag. :p

Source: www.fonearena.com/blog/90292/googles-great-online-shopping-festival-gosf-is-back-great-deals-from-december-11th-to-13th.html

Great Online Shopping Festival, aka GOSF, by Google was an initiative by the Mountain View company to bring a “Cyber Monday” like deals bonanza to India last year, and it is back again this year, with more partners and of course, more deals. Unlike Black Friday, Cyber Monday and GOSF are online-only, and Google aims to attract the eager buyers of the legion of Indian internet shoppers, with deals on a single platform. That single platform is the website – GOSF.in, which lists all the partners and even has a countdown for the first day of the shopping festival, which begins on December 11th and ends on the 13th. 3 days, over 200 partners including all major e-tailers, and hopefully insane deals.
Yah! GOSF is a just a bogus sale. Still if anyone willing is interested in buying something during this offer period. I would recommend not to believe on these fake offers blindly and Do some research on different sites and locally before buying the stuff.
Nexus 2012 on flipkart back at 7,999

I don't know what the F**k Flipkart is doing to clear Google cache. It's just gets refreshed in no time. (Looks like google is in the background)
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Yah! GOSF is a just a bogus sale. Still if anyone willing is interested in buying something during this offer period. I would recommend not to believe on these fake offers blindly and Do some research on different sites and locally before buying the stuff.
^This. Went through some stuff. Not worth imho. Dont waste your time
Maths fail by fk.
Besides Croma, FK & Amazon India, which other sites have this sale going on?
Croma prices don't seem too different after discount. Probably 100-200 rupees off I guess.
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