So NYE then..

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(New Year's Eve for those who didn't understand)

What's the fuss all about? What did you guys do/plan to do?

Seeing as this forum does not have a single thread about the New Year celebrations, I'm guessing most of you don't/didn't care one bit for this thing?

Personally I've never given a fat rats arse about such things. I'm going back home and enjoying a good night's sleep :)
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Well I never was excited, ever. Maybe people are unhappy for most of the times in a year, so that they just have to make something out of this little periods, don't know!
Anyway, Happy New Year to all and all those sayings...
(New Year's Eve for those who didn't understand)

What's the fuss all about? What did you guys do/plan to do?

Seeing as this forum does not have a single thread about the New Year celebrations, I'm guessing most of you don't/didn't care one bit for this thing?

Personally I've never given a fat rats arse about such things. I'm going back home and enjoying a good night's sleep :)

A tiny one then, maybe?
For me it's just another day. Never understood the hype surrounding it.
I see many people celebrating just coz everyone srrounding them is celebrating.
I abhor such kind of herd mentality
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good to see sane people here. Absolutely hate the incessant facebook posts wishing happy new year as if the year of salvation has arrived
Well, there are people who will want to see the positive in anything and wish their fellow human beings and friends a happy year ahead.

Then there are the grinches and the grouches.
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Went into the new year with a good start. Stayed awake the whole night on 31st (no partying, rather, spent time at home with immediate family and then saw Breaking Bad), went straight to office at 06:30 A.M. on Jan 1 2014.

Though many of you seem to be against celebrating new year on principle, but I'll keep it simple since I have many things that I hope to get done in 2014 ..

Wish you all the strength, the courage and the luck to make your dreams come true!
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Well, there are people who will want to see the positive in anything and wish their fellow human beings and friends a happy year ahead.

Then there are the grinches and the grouches.

People who see positive in everything need a reality dose. Only when u face problems in life, can you get to know who your real friends are and i am thankful for them. :)
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