CPU/Mobo Help me upgrade my RAM

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Hi guys,

I have 4 gb of corsair xms ram (2gb X 2) which is high in performance and I got it from US few years back.

However, my system slows down too much when running virtual systems, and I would like to upgrade my RAM now.

I'm thinking another 4gb should be enough.

So can I buy another 2gb X 2 of Corsair Ram, and fit it into the remaining two slots or should I buy 4 X 2gb or 4 X 4gb because it may not work as the RAM are of two different types and latencies, etc.

What do you guys think I should do? I would really like some expert advice on this.

Thanking you and looking forward to your expert advice,

System Specs:
Windows 7
Intel Core i5-2500K processor
2 X 2gb corsair xms ddr3 ram
Asus p67 pro motherboard (without wifi)
Hi guys I have run the scanner but I don't know how to share the results with you. Also, I just wanna know if I can mix and match ram modules, and whether or not they'll be guaranteed to work with each other...
when running virtual systems
By virtual system do you mean Virtual machines? Using Virtualbox or VMWare etc?
I have 4 gb of corsair xms ram (2gb X 2) which is high in performance and I got it from US few years back.
I wont say its a "high performance" RAMs.
Also, I just wanna know if I can mix and match ram modules, and whether or not they'll be guaranteed to work with each other...
Yes they will run fine as long as they are of the same type regardless of the frequency. I checked your board, it seems to support 1600MHz max by default and you need to OC to achieve better result. I suggest getting the same RAMs if possible but if you are worried about the tiny details then sell off your current XMS3 RAMs and getting new set altogether-2x 4GB or 4x 4GB.
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I asked a friend whos an expert in this field. He said:
4GB is fine, 8is ideal, 16GB is great
Thats a pretty generic statement without knowing what the host OS is, what the guest OS is, how many instances he's running, etc. 4GB will be fine only if the OP is running 1 guest OS, whereas the OP seems to indicate he's running multiple VMs. A better way would be running resource monitor and monitoring if the disk is thrashing with pagefile requests. If it is, simply get more RAM till it stops or reduces significantly.
Hi guys, thanks for all your help. I have bought 8gb 4gb X 2 of corsair xms 1600Mhz ram and happy to say that all 12 gigs of my ram are working fine and am able to run the virtual system of mac os x well, without a glitch. Thanks for all who replied to this thread.
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