Sugest a Good Shaver for a Dense Beard (currently Using Mach 3).

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Hey guys,

I have a dense beard, and currently what is happening is if I shave in the morning, early next morning you can see small specks of hair has already grown, and because of this, I have to shave DAILY :( Need a clean shaven face EVERYDAY because of office etiquette.

Now, the Mach3s are coming in costly. Is there an alternative ? like using an electric shaver or something? Are they any good and worth investing in ? Like those Phillips and Panasonic ones. I don't care much about trimming and shaping the beard. Just a good clean shaven face :)

Please suggest :)
For dense really dense beard (read a week to a month old) I use El cheapo Gilette Guard at first to do 95% of the job.
The Gilette Guard is awesome as it prevents nicks on my lumpy and bumpy skin even when I have tough beard.

then after that I give the finishing touch for smoothness using any Normal Double blade disposable.

Shaving Gel/Cream is of utmost importance for meand other tough dense bearded folks.
nothing less than Gilette shave gel would do.
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I have a dense beard, and currently what is happening is if I shave in the morning, early next morning you can see small specks of hair has already grown, and because of this, I have to shave DAILY :( Need a clean shaven face EVERYDAY because of office etiquette.
mach3 is 3 passes in one direction so it does not remove as much as a multi-pass from different directions. A sharper blade removes more than a blunt blade. You're getting growth because of one direction pass and blades getting blunter. As you say those mach 3's are expensive and supposed to be replaced once a month.

As to shaving daily i don't know whether you can avoid that. With a close shave it will take longer for those small specks to appear. Long enough to go two days without shaving ?

Why don't you do a simple test. Go to a barber for a shave first thing in the morning and see how long it takes for your growth to return. They will do 2 passes usually. See how long it takes for stubble to return. Could you get away with 2 days or not ?

If its close then you can push it longer to 3 or even 4 passes yourself. But to get there will take time & practice. Not as easy as using a electric shaver. And initially it will take more time than a mach 3 but with practice you should be able to get this down to around 10 minutes. Too long for you ? :)
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I have a dense beard and I use mach 3 only. But only on wednesdays :P and I goto saloon on sunday :D . No one cares about a developer with beard:cool:
Same problem with me too, office etiquette requires clean shaven face every day and am having high hair growth naturally. Daily shaving increases hair growth, now even after clean shaving small dots appears where the stub was present. I'm looking for some oil or aftershave which can reduce hair growth.
Lawnmower :p

Check the thread suggested by @asingh. Personally was not happy with a Phillips electric shaver so used to do what @Mechanic has suggested. A cheap shaver for 90% of the beard and finishing touch with a double one.
Wow, awesome replies guys. Sorry for my late reply. My broadband has been down for quite a while now :(

I will be reading up on all the posts and suggested threads and will reply back.

Thanx a lot for the help and suggestions guys. Really appreciate the effort :)
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Ditto, sometimes I use soap/face wash and sometimes skip it.
Best solution I feel is to use a razor which allows you to use a fresh regular blade everytime.
so combine something like a 7 o clock razor and a platinum series blade and you have one heck of a shaving kit.
Same here now. I use disposable razors to remove my thick beard since I dont shave for upto several days at a stretch (factory visits, don't have time except on Sundays) and then use the Fusion to clean up.

However, when am in office, daily shave is done. Fusion only. Dont see that much facial hair :P

On a funny note, are you related to Anil Kapoor? :P
Just wanted to chime in and mention that I purchased the Philips AT890 (was using Mach 3 earlier) and it did not work out for me. Its not easy on the skin, my neck looks sandpapered if I apply a bit of pressure (if I don't, it leaves behind a lot of hair). It takes much longer to shave since multiple passes are required over the same area.
Maybe my face is too craggy but I didn't like it at all.
anyone used schick hydro 5? or any schick? I promise that you will be surprised :)
^^ i have multiple packs of schicks lying around as i moved to straight edge 2 years back. i was using 2 & 3 blade versions, and contemplating on moving to 5 blades, when i took the u-turn and moved to single blade. now i use the cheapest DE blades available in the market and i am quite 'surprised' to find out that i was spending a way lot of money on shaving stuff when the cheapest of the lot could give me better results.

if you try a straight edge with DE blades, i promise that you won't go back to your hydro 5 ;-)
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