Suggest a software to extract images from a slideshow

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So i have got a dvd of my brothers' marriage. The pics are in an exe file. I just have to click on that exe file and the slideshow starts. Now how can i extract images from this exe file?
Depends on which software created the exe. If its a flash exe, you will need a swf decompiler to manually extract images by searching.
If its another program, then try using 7zip to open the exe file. If it errors out, you're out of luck. Just print screen each image or ask the guy who took pics to give a copy.
Its not a flash exe. I cannot take a screenshot manually too coz if i press any button on the keyboard,the slideshow exits. So far i have tried Irfan view, fraps and universal extractor but no results. Although after some intense googling i have found a nifty little software which allows me to take screenshot but its time consuming. Searching for an automatic tool. So any help will be appreciated.
Try to identify the file header using a hex editor. You may find more info regarding the content or the software used to make that exe.

If i were you, i would've beaten the hell out of that videographer and asked him to hand over the originals :D
Photo studios now use digital slrs to shoot marriages. They give some photos in a disk to the patrons to select ones which they want to be added to the photo book. Most of the time people copy those images and dont opt for printing. Studios lose on revenue and thats why they have come up with such work arounds.
Either they will reduce the image resolution / add water marks / create vcds/ executable slideshows and then give it to patrons. who then show the disk to their family and list the no/files names of the images they want to print.
If this disk is an out come of what I mentioned above I suggest you buy the original digital photos from the studio/photographer.
It will be worth it coz even extracting images wont give you high quality images. You wont be able to properly post process them or print them in good quality.
What a low down trick. The images are property of the people who contracted the photographer. They have every right to the originals free of charge. They paid that person to take pictures, not for some exe file.
^^ 1) I am not sure what is OP's case. Maybe he has legitimate/paid copies of the images and the photographer was stupid to make an exe instead of image files burnt to the disk.

Now coming to your point @6pack
1)It all depends on how the contract was with the photographer. If the contract was say x hours of video + 250 printed photos for say Rs XYZ then its fine.
In many cases its pre decided whether digital copies will be provided as a part of the deal and how many. All / fixed no. like 100, 200 or only those which customer opted to print in hard copy.

One needs to understand that only because a digital camera does not need a film and images are stored in digital format does not make them free.

There are many other facets to be considered.
1)Cost of the equipment. Lenses and cameras used by these professional photographers are NOT cheap.
2)Labor cost of the staff attending the shoot/ transporting the equipment, etc.
3)Cost of the post production facilities. Right from the software license costs to the salary of the guys who do all the post processing and editing on the videos and photos.
Not every photo can be printed straight from the camera. PP is required.
So it all depends on the terms of contract between the customer and photographer. And this varies from state to state.

And if the deal was for say 250 photos then ideally customer should get 250 photos even if the studio shot 5000.
Technically its a grey area whose intellectual property it is depending on the terms of agreement between the customer and the studio. But no studio will and can use a customer's photo without their consent. Even the display images in studios are either stock images or they are put there with the permission of involved parties.

This mindset is very common in India that digital photos are kind of "FREE". Not every image is royalty free. And Photography is not a cheap hobby/profession.
P.S: For me photography is an art. You can hire a photographer from Rs1000/day to Rs 2Lakhs/day. You get what you pay for....
Guys, hold on to your horses.
First off all the total pics are in excess of 500. I have already paid the photographer his quoted charges for printing 150 pics and also for the video too. All i can say that it was an expensive affair. Also for those 150 pics, he made a slideshow movie which works on pc only. I want to upload the pics on flikr so that it can be shared. Thats it. Also the photographer is ready to give me raw images which i know i can easily convert with irfan view. So its not like i am ripping him off. Its just that i dont have time to visit him.
No details on properties tab.
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