Getting a Weight Lifting Package

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Guys my friend is thinking of getting a Weight lifting package for exercising at home.
He zeroed down on Protoner equipments as they are in his budget and offer good combo.
But first he want to know users opinion/reviews before buying, so here are the reviews for one of Protoner product.

Foll. are just SAMPLE products which we choose just for Reviewing purpose, actual product will be different but similar to these combos and will be decided later.

1] Protoner Weight Lifting Package

2] Protoner Weight Lifting Package

There are mix reviews for both products so should he opt for Protoner?

Also, how good are Rubber material weights in terms of traditional fully metal ones?

If all goes well even I may think of buying one of these but lets see how in real they are good before making my purchase.
Both are bad. Imo get real iron weights if your friend really wants to get a home gym.
Solid metal weights are any day better and more durable than plastic or rubber coated weights. Plus you can sell them as scrap metal in future if no ones using it. Plastic and rubber will harden and break after few years.
@nRiTeCh I am pretty sure there are metal weight lifting equipments on Shopclues. My friend bought an entire set from there for around 4k. Its quite good. The rubber ones aren't though. Another friend bought those and they start to whither away pretty soon. I had zeroed in on a set but later decided not to for other reasons.
Dont get those. Extremely bad quality.

Infact dont get any of these home thingies. I have a good quality one 120/kg metal with rubber coating and adding and removing plates becomes a headache.
i prefer rubber plates at home. the reason being i wont have to be afraid of be breaking the floor in case of failure.
That said rubber plates are huge compared to iron of the same weight & as mentioned junk in 5 years of hard use.

Can help you out if you are in bangalore
i prefer rubber plates at home. the reason being i wont have to be afraid of be breaking the floor in case of failure.
That said rubber plates are huge compared to iron of the same weight & as mentioned junk in 5 years of hard use.

Can help you out if you are in bangalore
These are rubber coated Iron plates. They wont scratch your floor unless you drop them 2-3ft.
Friend wants a rubber ones as he fears damaging the floor/tiles on his brand new revamped home.

Is rubber just applied as a COVER to the original iron weights or these rubber ones are itself purely made of rubber only???

It doesnt matter if they remain in good shape for atleast 2 yrs.
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^where are you ppl from? I can pinpoint exactly where to get weights in Bangalore for a lesser price.
Please check out with gym instructors etc. IDeal price should be around 60-75Rs/Kg. Anything extra is waste of money.

Oh BTW anyone interested 45kG set for 2k? Check out my sale thread(i need to bump it up after a long time)

:) Obviously for ppl from bangalore only.
^^ steel costs more than iron.
am not sure of this but I think its other way round. Even Olympics use Iron. There is a huge discussion in BB about this. Most people prefer Iron, I have no idea why. Maybe the volume is small.

As I said 60-75kg u get the desired quality plates ranging from rubber to Iron. Please note Branded ones cost a bit more and if there is any label like PUMA, adidas its complete ripoff.
I have 30kg worth lying in the store room. Had got the 110rs kg ones with metal inside. Never used them. You will have to constantly screw unscrew the plates and trust me its more of a chore than anything else.
These were Rs. 140/kg but even better than Cosco. Coscos were all black. Looked weird.

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