51-70k Need advice on finalizing the components for my gaming PC

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Amaan Ali

This is the configuration I have finalized for my gaming PC, is there anything better in this budget I can go for?

  1. What is your budget?
    • Around 55K
  2. What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • None
  3. Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
    • Monitor - Toshiba 32" Full HD LCD TV
  4. Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • CPU - AMD FX 8350 Rs. 12300
    • Motherboard - any compatible motherboard
    • GPU - Asus AMD ATI Radeon R9 290 4GB Rs. 17500 Used
    • PSU - Best Power Supply Units
    • RAM - Corsair Vengeance CMZ8GX3M1A1600C10 8GB Rs. 5745
    • HDD - Western Digital Blue WD10EZEX 1TB Rs. 3500
    • Cabinet - Gamemax 9507 Rs. 2400
    • (please mention the rest in above format)
  5. Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    • Not upgrading for next 3 years
  6. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Delhi
    • Open to online purchase
  7. Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • Yes
  8. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Gaming
  9. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • None as such
  10. If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • Latest and famous titles like Battlefield Hardline, GTA V, Crysis 3, Tomb Raider 2013 etc.
  11. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. Gaming - 1920x1080
    2. Desktop - 1920x1080
  12. Are you looking to overclock?
    • Yes,not for now, but when more demanding titles come out
  13. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 8.1 64 bit
    • Windows 10 in future
CPU: AMD FX8350 ~12500
Motherboard: Asus M5A97 R2.0 ~7000
GPU: as you mentioned ~17500
PSU: Seasonic S12II 620 ~5700
RAM: as you mentioned ~5800
Case: as you mentioned ~2400

Total ~51K.

Regarding hard drive WD Blue drives are hard to find these days.
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Thnku vyral_143, WD Blue drive is on sale on snapdeal for just 3500.

And would I really need a 620 Watts PSU for this configuration??
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Actually r9 290 [used] Rs. 17500 is no longer available.. So I'm going for r9 270x 4GB [new]..on its page its showing only 300W will be required,so would I still need a 620W PSU or 500W or 600W is enough??
A Seasoni S12II 520w PSU would do. But keeping a headroom of 100W is suggested when you thinking to overclock.
Thank you so much bro, and can you tell me shoud I go for r9 270x 4gb [16000], or is there any better alternative in this budget. I'm looking for around 60fps [1920x1080p] in latest games.

One more thing, the mobo you mentioned, whats the difference between this mobo and the mobos which are a little expensive than this one, like M5A99FX Pro R 2.0. My budget for a mobo can be increased to 11-12k. so which one will b best the for me?
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Both the motherboards are based on different chip-sets. M5A97 is based on AMD 970 chipset where as M5A99 FX is based on AMD 990FX chipset. 990FX chipset is flagship chipset from AMD with more PCI, PCI - E slots, better audio capabilities, supporting CrossFire as well as SLI,. Apart from that manufacturer can add some more premium features to it like better power phases.
Better audio capabilities? Will Asus M5A97 R2.0 be able to play DTS HD Master Audio?? I'm planning to connect my pc to my onkyo home theatre..it supports master audio...
Why do you need 4gb of vram? One a single monitor setup for 1080p gaming, 1 GB is sufficient but 2 GB is recommended as newer games come out may need additional vram. 4gb is absolute overkill. I'd suggest the 2gb version, or you can save some money and get r7 265. 265 is best bang for buck right now.

Also - Spending anything more than absolutely necessary on a mother board is pointless. Having room for 4 graphics cards is cool, but are you ever going to need them ? Just buy a motherboard that is on the cheap, and from a reputed brand that has a service center in your area - if needed. I own a m5a97. It has more things than I ever needed..
On asus's website...it says that m5a97 is compatible for windows xp, vista, 7,8,8.1, so will it support windows 10 and later???

Shoud I go for m5a97 or m5a97 r2.0 or the evo r2.0 version?

And yea...i guess r7 265 is not meant for 1080p with around 60 fps in gaming...
And i was just searching for a good graphic card..so in some threads, people say that games like watch_gods and all needs more than 2gb of vram to play in high to ultra settings.
On asus's website...it says that m5a97 is compatible for windows xp, vista, 7,8,8.1, so will it support windows 10 and later???
Check the list of device drivers. In general I find you only need to install Audio and Ethernet drivers, and those usually have generic drivers compatible with all versions of Windows.

Shoud I go for m5a97 or m5a97 r2.0 or the evo r2.0 version?
The M5A97 is no longer sold - replaced by the R 2.0. Unless you're referring to the M5A97 LE, which is not preferred.
The M5A97 R2.0 is good and the bare minimum you should get for an FX 83xx.
The Evo R2.0 adds more power phases so should be better if you plan to overclock.

No idea about feature differences between the 3, you can check the Asus website to see if there's anything you need feature wise.

Just buy a motherboard that is on the cheap, and from a reputed brand that has a service center in your area - if needed. I own a m5a97. It has more things than I ever needed..
Recommending a cheap motherboard for an FX 83xx is a recipe for disaster. You can find out why by checking this motherboard VRM database : http://www.overclock.net/t/946407/amd-motherboards-vrm-info-database
Thnku so much bro...i think i'm gonna go with m5a97 evo r2.0 Rs. 7735
Bt on ebay m5a97 r2.0 is only for Rs. 4462 with coupon [MOBIEBAY15]

So should i go with m5a97 r2.0 or the evo??

And my budget for the graphic card is 17000-18000, i can stretch it to 18500, bt not 19000, so can u suggest me the best gpu in my budget..thanks bro :)
Thnku bro, i ordered my AMD FX 8350, WD Blue 1TB, Corsair Vengeance 8GB yesterday, and I'm going to order M5A97 R2.0 and seasonic S12II620W and cooler master K380 today, the only thing left is my GPU, so my budget for the graphic card is 17000-18000, i can stretch it to 18500, bt not 19000, so can u suggest me the best gpu in my budget, I want to play in full hd resolution [1920x1080p] with higher to ultra settings in around 60 fps
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I was thinking about the R9 270x toxic 2GB Rs. 17289, but 280 (without x) 3GB OC is on sale for Rs. 18500 on flipkart.
Which one would be better?? Or is there any other graphic card which can beat these two in this budget??
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And yea...i guess r7 265 is not meant for 1080p with around 60 fps in gaming...
And i was just searching for a good graphic card..so in some threads, people say that games like watch_gods and all needs more than 2gb of vram to play in high to ultra settings.

I would like to see the source of that information. AFAIK - more than 2gb vram is needed only for 1440p or higher displays AND/OR multi-monitor setup. On a signle monitor 1080p displays, 1 GB does the job but 2gb is recommended. And YES - r7265 is the best bang for buck for 1080p gaming.
Doesnt mean its the best card for 1080p gaming. but price to performance (read frame rates) ratio - r7 265 at 10K INR is difficult to beat. (am ignoring AA )

Recommending a cheap motherboard for an FX 83xx is a recipe for disaster. e

When I said cheap, I meant getting something that you absolutely need and not spending on something that you are never going to need.
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