Airtel withdraws VoIP charges for now, after forcing TRAI’s hand on net neutrality consultation

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Bharti Airtel has issued a statement that it is withdrawing the launch of its VoIP packs, given that the TRAI has issued a statement that it will issue a consultation paper on issues relating to “services offered by OTT players including VOIP.” Airtel’s statement:

“We have no doubt that as a result of the consultation process a balanced outcome would emerge that would not only protect the interests of all stakeholders and viability of this important sector but would also encourage much needed investments in spectrum and roll out of data networks to fulfill the objective of digital India,” said the company.

Effectively, Airtel forced the TRAI’s hand: It instituted a pack that violated net neutrality, thereby, following the criticism and outrage, ensuring that the TRAI Chairman, Rahul Khullar announced a consultation process. Remember that Khullar said that Airtel’s action is not illegal, since there is no law preventing violation of Net Neutrality.

We’ve already questions TRAI’s predisposition, and a TRAI recommendation, post consultation, if it allows interconnection charges or differential pricing, will only legitimize Airtel’s actions. Then, Airtel could bring back the packs, and say that the law allows it.



Well played.

Things to remember:
1. Airtel hasn’t withdrawn the VoIP packs because of consumer outrage. It’s withdrawn the pack because of the impending TRAI consultation.

2. As Airtel points out, the consultation will not just cover VoIP, but also other OTT services. As per a COAI paper, these services include Instant Messaging (IM), Applications (Apps), Cloud Services, Internet Television, IPTV, M2M – Machine to Machine (M2M) communications, Social Networking, apart from VoIP.

3. The TRAI, as we explained, appears predisposed towards a regulation of online services, and we’re not sure if we can expect a neutral consultation from the TRAI.



Days after it announced that its prepaid customers will no longer be able to access VOIP calls with regular data packs, Airtel on Friday announced new VoIP exclusive packs at Rs 75 for 75MB with a validity of 28 day.

“Our Customers can enjoy a superior VoIP calling experience on Airtel’s network by choosing from a range of new VoIP specific data packs that will soon be launched,” said a release, adding that the Rs 75 package will “allow customers to make between 200 and 250 minutes of calling”. It said affordable VoIP plans will also be launched for postpaid customers. “There would be no other charges in respective of VoIP calls,” it added.

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What about Whatsapp's voice calls facility launching in next 45 Days.

I didnt had an ETA on that. Thanks.
Seems like this ll either break failtel, or will simply (and God forbiddingly so) usher in a phase where these providers will really rule the roost.
The Launch is imminent, They know Whatsapp is gonna Screw Both Telecom Division and Hike. I guess Both rest of Cartel Partners are in Wait and Watch mode to impose that VoIP exclusion from 2G/3G packs?

"However, in line with our philosophy of putting our customers above all else, we are committed to making VoIP services extremely affordable and attractive by ensuring adequate minutes for a very small charge on VoIP," Airtel said in a statement.

Do they understand The meaning of Net Neutrality?
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new VoIP exclusive packs at Rs 75 for 75MB with a validity of 28 day.

Rs 75 package will “allow customers to make between 200 and 250 minutes of calling”. It said affordable VoIP plans will also be launched for postpaid customers. “There would be no other charges in respective of VoIP calls,” it added.
Assuming latency is superior on these plans compared to regular data packs.

First question is how much data would 200-250 minutes of calling take up ? presumably 75MB

A 2G 1GB plan costs Rs.175 for 28 days so Rs.14 for 75MB
A 3G 250MB plan costs Rs.95 but since it expires in 20 days the real cost would be rs.127 for 28 days or Rs.38 for 75MB.
A 3G 500 MB plan costs Rs.145 and is supposedly valid for 28 days or Rs.22 for 75MB

So what are we paying 2-5 times more for ? less latency or to cover losses accrued by people shifting to data from voice.

As far as voice plans go in Karnataka, these voip plans expire in 28 days they are comparable to bulk minute buys which similarly also expire.

Rs.198 for 291 mins of local airtel to airtel with 30 days validity
Rs.149 for 220 minutes of local & STD valid for 22 days.

So right there a voIp plan is cheaper than a regular call. course nobody uses these bulk minute buys because who wants a self expiring plan. So next best is to go with never expiring talktime, there are sliding rates here. Lets keep it mobile only. Without a rate cutter 200-250 mins costs me Rs.192 - Rs.240. More expensive.

With a rate cutter that expires in 25 days and costs Rs.65, 200-250 mins works out to rs.80 - rs.100 = Rs.165

Wow, still more than Rs.75 that airtel is charging for 200-225mins

Now there are no bulk buys for international plans. That is where VoIP is the most effective. You can skype with anybody anywhere in the world. Intl voice rates can be quite high. Because more people want to talk abroad than abroad wants to call India. I wonder what the latency will be like on data plans to call abroad. Course there is the other party that comes into the equation as well.

it's clear data is threatening voice. What are these isp's to do. Voice is their bread & butter and the writing is on the wall. But excessive use of 2g/3g clogs up the airwaves makes the experiecne crap for everybody, so these are disincentives until 4g is deployed which can handle congestion better. Whether it can handle indian levels of congestion remains to be seen. With smartphones getting cheaper the demand for data rises exponentially.
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OT, isn't VoIP with in India is illegal?
Yes, Illegal within India.

So right there a voIp plan is cheaper than a regular call. course nobody uses these bulk minute buys because who wants a self expiring plan. So next best is to go with never expiring talktime, there are sliding rates here. Lets keep it mobile only. Without a rate cutter 200-250 mins costs me Rs.192 - Rs.240. More expensive.
I have not seen any Ridiculous Comparison than yours, A company can Charge Even 999 For 1Gb of Data. No Problem but You cannot Charge Separately for VoIP, It violates Net Neutrality. Period.
So if it's illegal in India, then blr_p's above comparison on local calls is invalid. Another point here is, in VoIP plans now both end needs to pay even if we consider VoIP is legal. Did you consider this in your calculations?
I have not seen any Ridiculous Comparison than yours, A company can Charge Even 999 For 1Gb of Data. No Problem but You cannot Charge Separately for VoIP, It violates Net Neutrality. Period.
oh, my post is ridiculous because you support net neutrality ?

pls watch this

I thought you found some mistake in the calcs :D

Yes, Illegal within India..
i've heard this BS many years ago when i lived abroad. bought a pc used ms messnger to keep in touch. Amount we saved in long distance calls worked out $10k. computer was $1k. internet speed was 64kbs. Worked very well.

Nobody came knocking on the door. we enjoyed the savings over the course of a year. when i mentioned this to other people i worked with they came out with the same line :)

And this was after India decided to normalise its intl calling rates. It was always cheaper to call India from abraod then to call abroad from India. Once India joined the ITU they had to charge no more than what what the incoming rate was. Caused lots of heartburn to the govt but they did it.
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^Its not illegal if you call from outside country to india.. but call originates and ends in india is illegal aFAIK. though i'm not sure whether its applicable for all the calls like messenger to messenger. But definitely its illegal to call from voip service to a landline or mobile phone in India.
^Its not illegal if you call from outside country to india.. but call originates and ends in india is illegal aFAIK. though i'm not sure whether its applicable for all the calls like messenger to messenger. But definitely its illegal to call from voip service to a landline or mobile phone in India.
That's the part the drones going on about 'illegal' missed.

So if its illegal then why is airtel offering it ?
Airtel: “Over the last twenty years, we have invested over Rs. 140, 000 crores in rolling out telecommunications services in every nook and corner of the country. In addition, we have paid over Rs. 50, 000 crore in terms of government levies in just 5 years. “

In just the last two and a half years, Airtel has earned Rs 141,545 crore in revenues, and Rs 16,211 crore in profit. Over 20 years, they’ve substantially made more money, which is great return on their investment. They’ve invested for the return they’ve gotten.
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In view of the news reports that a consultation paper will be issued shortly by TRAI on issues relating to services offered by OTT (over the top content) players including VoIP, we have decided not to implement our proposed launch of VoIP packs," Bharti Airtel said in a statement today.

Something tells me .. this is going to be official and then there will be no stopping.
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