I also faced the same problem with one of my invite , i think @madhukannan has an inviteThe invite shared with dheerajshetty not working.
Its not working with my amazon ac also.
But its still in my OPO ac.[DOUBLEPOST=1420907723][/DOUBLEPOST]Someone here pl share invite to dheerajshetty.
addedAnyone has invite? Please add my name in the list.
That's because people don't acknowledge that they got the invite and as long as the receiver is not conforming about it, I tend not to remove them from the list.Even after so many shares the list is quite big.
irony.... and they just post once requesting the invite and never turn up, so in short the list is filled up mostly with "Not so Active members of the forum".True ^^.
And most of people in that list have less than 20 posts.![]()