[Politics] AAP wins Delhi election. AK set for CM for the next 5 years.

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Brutally Honest
I was really busy packing my things that I didn't know about the Delhi election result.
Apparently AAP won winning won a clear majority (64 or 65 67 out of 70). That is incredible and honestly, unbelievable. I thought that the BJP/Modi's #AccheDin would make BJP win by a huge margin. I was not disappointed. :P
And Delhiites seem to be more forgiving than we thought. Didn't expect them to give a second change to Kejriwal. Hoping Kejriwal will not make the same mistakes twice. Hoping to see great things from him.

Meanwhile Congress... :rotfl:

Edited. PS: apparently counting is still going on done. Well played AAP. Congrats.
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Let's hope AK learns from his mistake and remains content with CM seat for next 5 years and doesn't dream for PM.
How many of you see Kiran bedi one of the factors for BJP's complete loss?. Before her announcement as CM candidate, it was 50-50 Fight.

Here is what worked for AAP and Kejriwal in Delhi:

1) Arvind Kejriwal's image, his apology and fighting elections on his name

Despite accusations of AAP accepting donations from fake companies, Arvind Kejriwal and his followers came out as the cleanest of the lot. His image of an anti-corruption crusader, apologising for his mistake, a nature alien to the Indian politician, and AAP going into the election projecting him as the chief ministerial candidate worked for the party.

2) Started campaigning 3-4 months back

AAP started to campaign in Delhi by mid 2014 October with its volunteers and leaders fanning out across the national capital. They initiated direct contact with the electorate and visited almost every Delhi voter. The door-to-door campaign, padyatras and street corner meetings had much more visibility that the high profile rallies of its rivals. The voters felt a direct connect with AAP candidates which are reflected in the superlative show.

3) Sticking to local and constituency specific issues

Kejriwal raised constituency and Delhi specific issues eschewing the big talk of BJP and Congress. Problems of power, water, sanitation, women's safety, lack of schools and colleges in some areas were raised prominently and AAP concentrated on explaining how Kejriwal's government would implement the election promises.

4) Anti-corruption stand along with the promise of slashing of power and water tariffs

With petty corruption emerging as one of the biggest electoral issue in Delhi and hitting the common man directly, Kejriwal promised to end it. His supporters and AAP leaders claimed that corruption had come down during his rule which was also supported by the voters.

AAP's promise to cut down electricity and water tariff was a major draw in unauthorised, resettlement colonies, slums and the poorer sections of the society who came out in large numbers to back Kejriwal.

5) Slugging it out in Delhi after Lok Sabha debacle

Kejriwal decided to stick with Delhi after the Lok Sabha debacle and strengthened his party which was hit by desertions. He brushed off the charge of being a dictator and gave his candidates a free hand to raise local issue but at the same time kept a hawk eye on their performance. He did not fail to pull them up if the candidate was found to be lacking.

6) Collapse of Congress

With Congress lurching for one electoral defeat to another, the party's traditional vote bank shifted to the AAP. Dalits, Muslims and the poor moved enbloc to AAP, giving the party a major boost.

7) Divided BJP and the negative campaign

BJP was a badly divided house in Delhi and its leadership could not project a chief ministerial candidate when they were still in the race giving AAP the headway. The party never came up with a positive agenda believing that it was on a roll and would win Delhi easily riding on the Narendra Modi wave.

BJP's advertisement targeting Kejriwal and calling him "upadravi gotra" did not go down well with the voters. Their series of questions to Kejriwal also worked in AAP's favour and the BJP itself had no answer how they would solve Delhi's problems.

8) Overreliance on Narendra Modi

The Narendra Modi card failed badly in Delhi. A man who always leads from the front, Modi addressed poorly attended rally which sent alarm bells ringing in the party. BJP President Amit Shah then brought in an army of 120 MPs, over 20 Union ministers, several state chief ministers and leaders creating the impression that they were in the panic mode. Kejriwal used the deployment of the massive BJP election machinery to his advantage as people saw in him a David taking on the Goliath.

9) Kiran Bedi's projection as CM

With Kejriwal going all out to project that BJP did not have a capable leader in Delhi and Modi was not going to become the CM, the party belatedly brought in Kiran Bedi. But she proved to be a big disaster creating more divide within the party. A very poor orator, Bedi was seen as a loner and dictator alienating the common BJP worker. Her elevation also ended hopes of other local leaders who kept away from campaigning.

10) Challenging BJP leaders directly

Kejriwal was called "bhagoda" (runaway) by his rivals but he never shied away from taking on the opposition. He challenged Kiran Bedi for a debate but she never replied to it giving out the impression that BJP had no concrete plan for Delhi.

Apparently AAP won winning a clear majority (64 or 65 out of 70). That is incredible and honestly, unbelievable. And Delhiites seem to be more forgiving than we thought. Didn't expect them to give a second change to Kejriwal. Hoping Kejriwal will not make the same mistakes twice.

Let's see what AAP amounts to. What this 'addressing deficit in democracy' business actually means.

Electorate delivering thumping majorities is a recent trend see Akilesh, Jaya, Modi and now Kejriwal.

Hoping to see great things from him.
When delhi electricty board manages to get their finances in order and starts to turn around, here comes a guy that wants to slash prices (!)

I thought that the BJP/Modi's #AccheDin would make BJP win by a huge margin. I was not disappointed. :p
I wanted the BJP to win too but you have to ask yourself what was the reason for 3 term dikshit. It was an ineffective BJP. And they were not able to turn it around this time.

BJP is Delhi isn't a coherent unit beset with infighting and quite frankly that is not what the people who live there want.

Meanwhile Congress... :rotfl:
down but not out, still suffering from anti-incumbency. Happens to ruling parties, its cyclical. People get tired of the present they go for another.

Kiran bedi was beyond terrible in all her TV interview, debate...
Sore point for BJP workers, work for years and then some outsider gets brought in. They are a pretty demoralised group in Delhi. That decision is going to get looked at more in the coming days.

How could general amit shah get it so wrong.

Am not impressed to hear that Jaitley was doing campaigning, he has more important matters to busy himself with.
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Lesson for BJP is to rebuild from ground up for next 5 years. A sort of good setback to have so that they can prevent further damages (in upcoming elections) by improving in areas they lack.
Time for AAP to deliver on the promises, and prove that they can perform given a chance.
Congress, well is a gone case.
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When delhi electricty board manages to get their finances in order and starts to turn around, here comes a guy that wants to slash prices (!)

Last time he was in power, he proposed some plans to specially reward people who refused to pay their power bills on his bidding. I guess that also went a long way in winning him votes.

In any case, bringing in Kiran Bedi brought down BJP's chances from 50% down to 0.

AK and KB are both equally dishonest and corrupted individuals, but people of Delhi have first hand and proper experience of Kiran Bedi when she was in the police force and for a longer time than AK. No common man around Delhi and Chandigarh that I met has a good impression of KB. She supposedly discriminated and abused her police power and influence for her own gain and some others.
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How many of you see Kiran bedi one of the factors for BJP's complete loss?. Before her announcement as CM candidate, it was 50-50 Fight.
I think KB was one of the main reason for BJP defeat in Delhi and I also agree with @blr_p about an outsider coming and gaining the power in the party.
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I don't know how relevant is this but written on 19th Jan:

Though as always many newspaper are full of "blow to Modi". Something which goes up will come down eventually. Celebrating one guy's defeat so heavily is rather strange. They first demi godifying the guy and then wonder how he got so powerful. BJP dint win J&K cause of "Modi" but the file and rank of state level workers. KB's promotion caused quite a lot of stir and we see what is the result.

And then, 'I Haven't Lost, the BJP Has, It Should Introspect', Says Kiran Bedi (I haven't watched the video so cant verify this):
In a single stroke, BJP has managed to divert the attention from party mascot Narendra Modi to Bedi as far as Delhi polls are concerned. So if BJP loses or fails to get a majority, you have a convenient scapegoat.
Very nice :) protect the king.

what will BJP gain from losing Delhi? A lot actually. If Kejriwal wins Delhi, it will be projected as a victory of a mass movement, media will eulogise Kejriwal, hail him as a hero and will dissect AAP’s campaign for days. Prime time on television will be reserved for one man only — Kejriwal. More importantly, Kejriwal’s victory will divert attention of the people who are getting restless from Modi’s inability to deliver on his election promises.
again protect the king

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley is planning a radical budget and several unpleasant decisions are expected this March. The media spotlight on Kejriwal government will allow Jaitley to quietly to push through unpopular reforms — disinvestment of PSUs (public sector undertakings), budget cuts in health, education — in his attempt to cut budget deficit.

if he does it get ready for strikes all over the country form the trades unions. This will be the year of strikes. Remember to grin and bear it.

Secondly, away from media spotlight, the right-wing Sangh Parivar machinery can then unleash its foot soldiers to polarise voters with low-intensity disturbances ahead of the two big battles — Uttar Pradesh (UP) and Bihar. These two states are absolutely essential for BJP’s growth. Victory in Bihar and UP will complete the Parivar’s dominance in the cow belt. Moreover, UP and Bihar will shore up BJP’s strength in Rajya Sabha, an absolute necessity for pushing far more radical and unpopular reforms. Last but not the least, these two states will make Modi, Shah and Jaitley the most powerful political coterie in the history of democratic India.
don't know what's going on in Bihar but Mulayam is safe till 2017.

as for gaining a majority in the rajya, won't happen until 2018 and that is the optimistic projection.
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Did I just heard 67/70 seats?? holy... *jaw drop*
I have many criticisms for the BJP/Modi govt. I'm not without my reasons. I'll share when I get the time.

Also since it could be my last stay in Delhi (till further notice) I want to try to meet AK if I can even if its for a few minutes. Wish me luck.

I was really busy packing my things that I didn't know about the Delhi election result.
Apparently AAP won winning a clear majority (64 or 65 out of 70). That is incredible and honestly, unbelievable. I thought that the BJP/Modi's #AccheDin would make BJP win by a huge margin. I was not disappointed. :P
And Delhiites seem to be more forgiving than we thought. Didn't expect them to give a second change to Kejriwal. Hoping Kejriwal will not make the same mistakes twice. Hoping to see great things from him.

Meanwhile Congress... :rotfl:

Edited. PS: apparently counting is still going on.
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Also since it could be my last stay in Delhi (till further notice) I want to try to meet AK if I can even if its for a few minutes. Wish me luck.
wish you best of luck :p when you meet AK just ask him "Aaj khush to bahut honge tum, haiii"
Now is time to perform for AAP...
Going to be more interesting to watch. Both his distractors /opponents are much more experienced than him and his party.

Hope he will not end up like Mamata Banarjee.

By the way, why so few posts on this thread :)
67/70. Now for the delivery. Im sure AK will show his nay sayers how its done. Apparently educated people cant understand simple financial logic. So, lets just wait and watch till then.
67/70 needs to be considered in the context of first past the post system. AAP got 55% of the vote which is significant.

financial logic is the means to the end. The harder one to grasp is the end, this alternative politics. Turning subjects into citizens. Sounds good until you wonder how they will go about achieving it. About not making compromises in a system that requires you to do just that if only to survive. When you are in the system (!) Absolutism leads to authoritarianism.

Reminds of hippies in the 60s going on about 'the man' and then we get to the 80s and those hippies become 'the man'. There were a few changes but it was not as revolutionary as advocated. Or the more extreme case where the changes imposed are so extreme that bureaucrats just refuse to comply and render the ruling govt ineffective and that kills them off.

The system is healthy if a party can come out of nowhere and win. And to do so on matters that have nothing to do with the usual identity politics. I can see an increased push for transparency because they promise to get done what required tons of money to do before. This will threaten livelihoods of powerful people. But there is a catch here. Those solutions termed corrupt might actually be the most cost effective worked out given the circumstances. Now they will be re-examined and alternative ways will be enforced. Rearrange the furniture here and there and in the easier cases throw the furniture out wholesale.

Winning an election is easier than delivering. These guys are going to be on an even shorter leash than Modi. All the best.
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BJP vote share in the 2013 elections = 33%
BJP vote share in these elections = 34%

Its the congress which had given up, and they transferred all their votes to AAP.
wish you best of luck :p when you meet AK just ask him "Aaj khush to bahut honge tum, haiii"
Nah my question would be: dear saar what is your response to your haters on TE? Can you do something to piss them off even more? :P[DOUBLEPOST=1423624988][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hope he will not end up like Mamata Banarjee.

By the way, why so few posts on this thread :)
Funnily enough mamaji said she supported AK.
Few posts because no #AccheDin this time lol
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67/70 needs to be considered in the context of first past the post system. AAP got 55% of the vote which is significant.

financial logic is the means to the end. The harder one to grasp is the end, this alternative politics. Turning subjects into citizens. Sounds good until you wonder how they will go about achieving it. About not making compromises in a system that requires you to do just that if only to survive. When you are in the system (!) Absolutism leads to authoritarianism.

Reminds of hippies in the 60s going on about 'the man' and then we get to the 80s and those hippies become 'the man'. There were a few changes but it was not as revolutionary as advocated. Or the more extreme case where the changes imposed are so extreme that bureaucrats just refuse to comply and render the ruling govt ineffective and that kills them off.

The system is healthy if a party can come out of nowhere and win. And to do so on matters that have nothing to do with the usual identity politics. I can see an increased push for transparency because they promise to get done what required tons of money to do before. This will threaten livelihoods of powerful people. But there is a catch here. Those solutions termed corrupt might actually be the most cost effective worked out given the circumstances. Now they will be re-examined and alternative ways will be enforced. Rearrange the furniture here and there and in the easier cases throw the furniture out wholesale.

Winning an election is easier than delivering. These guys are going to be on an even shorter leash than Modi. All the best.

Like I said wait and watch. They will falter they will learn. If murderers and thugs can be "good leaders" I have no doubt AAP will kickass!
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