Wow you're as stupid as you are ignorant. Go protest in front of the parliament and see how many cases they slap against you. Do it a few times, you would break that guy's record.
What do you even know about Panchayats? Do you know how difficult it is to administer hundreds of villages? There is no alternative to Panchayats. Anything else will be the same thing in a different name. He said they needed to be upgraded and sensitized. Please understand, its not just one stupid Khappanchayat leader that thinks chowmein is bad its majority of the village, and like AK said they need to be sensitized and education is the only way to uplift these parts.
How many political parties have you run? Will you give them the money they need, more importantly, CAN YOU? The law doesnt allow anon donations above 20k. IF that anon money is donated, its taxed at full rate. Just FYI. You cant stoop someone from donating, that would be throwing the axe on your own foot. And when you need the money for a good purpose no one gives a shit where it comes from. They have said clearly, there will be no quid-pro-quo for the donations. Now why do you care after all this?
I spent 3 hours in the BSNL office today just to get the plan changed and get the sign of an officer who was too lazy to be in his office. Had this been under AAP, that bas*ard would have been in his office out of fear if nothing else. The Narendra Modi govt doesnt give a ****, neither of the previous govts did. This is your only hope. Better enable them, instead of b**ching about them.
Oh please don't try to preach your nonsense to me. Go read the self declared affidavits of all the AAP candidates and then try justify why they have so many cases completely unrelated to any protests. Most of them have cases that have nothing to do with any protests and get this, many of their so called candidates did not even participate in any meaningful protests either. They just exchanged money for party tickets which AAP was happy to hand out to anybody who cared to pay them a tidy sum. Heck their candidates don't even declare the cases or even their assets sincerely. There are AAP candidates who went in cars to submit affidavits which declared their net worth as Rs 100 or 500 or 1000. Yeah right, that is how a party containing honest folk behaves.
Secondly get the difference between the general gram Panchayats and Khap Panchayats. Panchayats are constitutionally and legally provisioned bodies and the members are elected in a democratic manner. They hold limited powers for the self governance of the village. They still have to abide by all the laws of the country. Khap panchayats are self appointed and monarchy style bodies usually constituting just the upper caste folk or the rich and powerful of the village who subject the rest of the people to their own brand of lawlessness in the name of justice. They take no responsibility, but abuse all the power they can get. Usually in such villages, everything is decided by this body and that includes who the votes go to in elections. They have been trying to get their lawlessness legalized for a long time now. Kejriwal simply made statements to get on their good side because they hold the power to force the entire village to vote for his party.
As for donations, there is absolutely no reason for political donations to be anonymous. Anonymous donations in most contexts (religious trusts or even in case of charitable trusts) is either black money or bribes. This is even more so in case of political donations.
If a party is as really honest as they claim to be, they would ensure at most transparency in how they are funded. If AAP doesn't care to show the people where and how they get their funds, then they have already defeated the self proclaimed reason for their existence. As an example, If somebody is running a chain of orphanages and old age homes and funding it by running prostitution and drugs racket, by your logic, would you be fine just acknowledging the former part that he is funding a good cause while ignoring the source of those funds?
How exactly do you even know that all the money is going to be used for good purposes. How do you define "good purpose" here. Note that this party is being run by a guy who is shameless enough to be leeching off his friends for years which is something no human being with self respect does. Without transparency, how exactly do we know that all those anonymous donations and donations from all those shell companies is being used for your so called "good purposes".
And yeah, nothings gonna change with the kind of governance that AAP and its leaders believe in. At a glance, it might look like corruption has reduced here and there at the surface level as they go about brandishing their power in an arbitrary manner, but what would actually happen under those kind of conditions is that the corruption will transition from one location to another and would actually intensify. This is same as what happened during Hitlers regime in Germany.