1: You are crying about a foreigner made to apologize (which I think was wrong to do) for making fun of India but find an adult show with limited audience with disclaimers offensive. Which is fine BTW, calling anybody who watched the show "classless" isn't.[DOUBLEPOST=1424267916][/DOUBLEPOST]
2: Regarding the file disappearances, I would like to know more about it. You have any links to news articles, then kindly do post.
http://www.reddit.com/r/india/comme..._registered_against_aap_mla_in_burari/cos9u3jContext : 2 children were kidnapped probably molested, Delhi Police did not want to register FIR, People went to the MLA, MLA asked police to register. Police did not relent, MLA did not relent. Protests ensued, some AAP workers injured. FIR registered against MLA. Original FIR registered.
No no its great party still
No rti within party no account telling of expenses.
No talks of lokpal due to which they resigned last time.
No swaraj within the party
Only dictatorship
Self curation by naturopathy
Who gives a shit to all promises done