Storage Solutions Data Recovery options required: Gurgaon, Delhi. Need urgent help.

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To cut long story short, I accidently dropped my 3tb WD My Book Essential from 1ft height on a marble floor while it was operational. I was able to recover about 157gb data from it, post which it started hanging for long duration. I ran chkdsk but the HDD could no longer be read. Now I can hear that it is getting the power, but something seems to be stuck.
The data to be recovered is around 2TB. I have heard horror stories about stellar's exorbitant pricing. I would be really grateful if brothers on this forum can help me out suggesting a cost effective and reliable source which preferably can recover data right in front of my eyes as some of the data is confidential and I can't take a chance with it. Request urgent support and inputs.
I have seen these vendors charging per GB of data and you heard it right!! it's too costly. If you hear a click sound when its powered on, might be the case of the head stuck on the disk (it might be something else too as you told you could recover data after it dropped). And don't power it on every now and then, as it might lead to disk scratching and losing more data. You can check youtube for some videos regarding solutions to struck head. I have done it a couple of times and it was just the case of the head struck on the disk. But if you value your data more than the cost of retrieving you should seek professional help.

Sorry I can't help you much here, but you can definitely open the hard disk to check if the head is struck. Do this in a clean environment, a box with 2 holes for hands to work on the hard disk and a transparent cover on the top.

And for everyone else, the best precaution is to save really important data on some cloud with file names which are not obvious (like raspberry pi introduction and stuff for pdf's. Be a lilttle imaginative). I do this for my financial data, just in case and I am sure most of us won't have more than 5GB of such data. I would save in two different cloud's (drop box and google) and I would avoid saving it on the google account which I use for day to day use.
Stellar charges exorbitant rates for recovery. They charge for per GB. Long time back I had a 500GB hardisk to be recovered and they quoted Rs.25000. However they were not able to recover and said that it is not possible to recover as the hardisk head has been destroyed. The good thing is they did not charge anything for that. I was however able to recover the data from the local electronic market for a fraction of the amount they quoted.

And for everyone else, the best precaution is to save really important data on some cloud with file names which are not obvious (like raspberry pi introduction and stuff for pdf's. Be a lilttle imaginative). I do this for my financial data, just in case and I am sure most of us won't have more than 5GB of such data. I would save in two different cloud's (drop box and google) and I would avoid saving it on the google account which I use for day to day use.

Well I thought keeping the data in cloud would be safe but recently the data in dropbox was hijacked by malware known as ransomware. These hackers demanded $600 to to give a pass code to unlock the files. For safety I had earlier created another dropbox account and had the same data there as well. So I was saved. I think any sensitive data (bank account nos, passwords) should not be kept in cloud storage. It can be easily hacked as I found out.
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