Net Neutrality: DoT panel ok with Airtel Zero, against FB's

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A DoT panel on net neutrality is learnt to have opposed projects like Facebook’s, which allow access to certain websites without mobile data charges, while suggesting that similar plans such as Airtel Zero be allowed with prior clearance from Trai.

The panel has stated however that “collaborations between telecom operators and content providers that enable such gate-keeping role to be played by any entity should be actively discouraged”, sources said.

Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad had directed the Department of Telecom (DoT) to form a panel on net neutrality and give its recommendation on the matter.

Net neutrality implies that equal treatment be accorded to all Internet traffic and no priority be given to an entity or company based on payment to content or service providers such as telecom companies, which is seen as discriminatory.

The neutrality debate heated up in India after telecom operator Airtel launched a platform, Airtel Zero, that would allow free access of some websites on it network. However, the companies were asked to pay Airtel for joining the platform., on the other hand, is a Facebook-led initiative which aims to bring 5 billion people online in partnership with tech giants like Samsung and Qualcomm as well as mobile operators. In India, it had tied up with Reliance Communications.

Sources said the DoT panel has stated that this project has been criticised for violating net neutrality principle and favouring Facebook’s own services over its rivals. Facebook, however, at various forums has said that the project is pro-Internet access and hence does not violate the principle.

They said the panel however has favoured allowing of zero-rating platforms, like Airtel Zero, but with a rider that operators should take prior permission of telecom regulator Trai to launch it or take action against such plan if they are founding violating principle of net neutrality, sources said.

The DoT did not respond to email query sent in this regard, while Facebook spokesperson said “Until we have the DoT panel findings we are not in a position to comment.”

The earlier provided restricted Internet access to subscribers RCom, the panel is learnt to have noted.

“The panel observed that until April 2015, users could have free access for only a few websites and Facebook’s was seen as gatekeeper in determining what websites were in that list. This was seen as violating net neutrality. In early May 2015, due to severe criticism, Facebook opened it to websites that meet certain criteria,” the source said.

It also observed that large organisations with market have started creating closed ecosystems which profit their business model in the long run.

Looks like Anil Bhai is losing touch with the current government, why the favour-ism towards the Mittal group?
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Free Basics gives people access to vital services like communication, healthcare, education, job listings and farming information – all without data charges. It helps those who can't afford to pay for data, or who need a little help getting started online. And it’s open to all people, developers and mobile operators.
But Free Basics is in danger in India. A small, vocal group of critics are lobbying to have Free Basics banned on the basis of net neutrality. Instead of giving people access to some basic internet services for free, they demand that people pay equally to access all internet services – even if that means 1 billion people can't afford to access any services.
The TRAI is holding a public debate that will affect whether free basic internet services can be offered in India. Your voice is important for the 1 billion Indian people who are not yet connected and don't have a voice on the internet. Unless you take action now, India could lose access to free basic internet services, delaying progress towards digital equality for all Indians. Tell the TRAI you support Free Basics and digital equality in India.
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lol i also heard about this. Funny how facebook make net-neutrality supporters look like the bad guys.
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