Career graph is going bad , need advice from older people :'(

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Not judging you, but you want to marry just to sleep with someone?

Either I have a wrong notion towards issues like these or someone needs to really sit down and think what he wants from life.

Anyways, no more ot-ing!
it means to have a partner , your wife to share things with. if i wanted just to sleep i anyway can currently.[DOUBLEPOST=1450282166][/DOUBLEPOST]
Dude, 26 is not late. I'm just 20, and my parents wants me to settle down, get my own house and marry at the age of 29-30. And that's fine with me. What's the use of marrying when you don't have funds to live happily?
lol , come back when ur 26 and then say so. i usedto feel same when i was young too that il marry at 29-30
Hey buddy,

I know any kind of advice will be futile, there is no formula to such things, but I have learnt a few things in the past 1 year, which you might find useful.

I am from bangalore, did my engineering from a decent college, did fair in studies and landed a handful of jobs (4) in my campus placements. According to my friends I was fairly set. I chose a company which was not the highest paying among my options. I chose this then "small-ish" now fairly popular company called musigma. I worked there for about 20 months, salary wise things were okay (got about 40k then) but I could not say I was happy. I used to travel 5 hours a day (many bangaloreans do that) and then take shit from your higher ups who did not know anything. I then wanted to try out something "real" and joined a school friend of mine at his boostrapped startup. At this point, I had had much better offers but chose to work with my friend at a salary of about 10k. I learned a lot, worked about 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. Travel time was less (~2.5 hours) and work quality was good. But after over an year, when the company was not growing and my poor salary started affecting my confidence (in front of friends, family) and other issues in the company (regarding its direction) I decide to leave that too. Now I am in a company where the salary is good, people are good, food is good, etc, but I am not still happy, because I say the "leadership" is not good.

The point is that I find excuses NOT to be happy. I think many of us do the same. We can blame others, blame situations or blame ourselves, but there is no point. I think we need to take the positives out of every situation and move on, period. Being happy is and always will be in our hands.

PS: don't look too much into the hike figures. For some people, 20% hikes are less. On the flip side, ask guys in infy if they would like a 15% hike. Don't make money the only criteria, it WILL only make you unhappy.
Hey buddy,

I know any kind of advice will be futile, there is no formula to such things, but I have learnt a few things in the past 1 year, which you might find useful.

I am from bangalore, did my engineering from a decent college, did fair in studies and landed a handful of jobs (4) in my campus placements. According to my friends I was fairly set. I chose a company which was not the highest paying among my options. I chose this then "small-ish" now fairly popular company called musigma. I worked there for about 20 months, salary wise things were okay (got about 40k then) but I could not say I was happy. I used to travel 5 hours a day (many bangaloreans do that) and then take shit from your higher ups who did not know anything. I then wanted to try out something "real" and joined a school friend of mine at his boostrapped startup. At this point, I had had much better offers but chose to work with my friend at a salary of about 10k. I learned a lot, worked about 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. Travel time was less (~2.5 hours) and work quality was good. But after over an year, when the company was not growing and my poor salary started affecting my confidence (in front of friends, family) and other issues in the company (regarding its direction) I decide to leave that too. Now I am in a company where the salary is good, people are good, food is good, etc, but I am not still happy, because I say the "leadership" is not good.

The point is that I find excuses NOT to be happy. I think many of us do the same. We can blame others, blame situations or blame ourselves, but there is no point. I think we need to take the positives out of every situation and move on, period. Being happy is and always will be in our hands.

PS: don't look too much into the hike figures. For some people, 20% hikes are less. On the flip side, ask guys in infy if they would like a 15% hike. Don't make money the only criteria, it WILL only make you unhappy.
THANKS FOR SHARING. well if i was in ur situation i wud have been v happy , all i need is a good salary and a company with 5 day working so i have a lil life of peace in weekends. agree happiness comes from within but need some factors for it. need to find them for myself
You need to grab something to eat and maybe calm yourself mate. Long way to go (I am 25, about your age), relax, build relationships, find a mate, be happy.
Or you might just be trolling, in which case, carry on ;)[DOUBLEPOST=1450282847][/DOUBLEPOST]
THANKS FOR SHARING. well if i was in ur situation i wud have been v happy , all i need is a good salary and a company with 5 day working so i have a lil life of peace in weekends. agree happiness comes from within but need some factors for it. need to find them for myself
Those factors that make one happy will always change buddy. I have accepted it. Trust me, it makes life so much easier.
Where to start with you? Why are you obsessed with what kind of girl you get to marry when you should be thinking about sorting out your career? Is finding a girl to marry or getting rich some sort of motivation here without which you wouldn't bother?

Your general attitude seems to be the reason for your misery and let me assure you that you are going to be miserable where ever you go with that sort of attitude. If you let that kind of attitude be visible in any serious Job interview, make no mistake that you would not be hired at all. You do not have the maturity for starting a new relationship either.

For a change, think long and hard and decide what you want to do with your life in the short term and long term. No, marrying a girl with 45k pm income does not qualify as a plan.

You already made some big career blunders.

- Absconding from a company without notice is never a good idea. That is going to bite you later in your career.
- Stop hopping jobs. if you change jobs more than 4~5 times in 8 years, you would be out of luck at many good companies.
- Joining a company because your friend is the manager. No good ever comes out of such things.
Where to start with you? Why are you obsessed with what kind of girl you get to marry when you should be thinking about sorting out your career? Is finding a girl to marry or getting rich some sort of motivation here without which you wouldn't bother?

Your general attitude seems to be the reason for your misery and let me assure you that you are going to be miserable where ever you go with that sort of attitude. If you let that kind of attitude be visible in any serious Job interview, make no mistake that you would not be hired at all. You do not have the maturity for starting a new relationship either.

For a change, think long and hard and decide what you want to do with your life in the short term and long term. No, marrying a girl with 45k pm income does not qualify as a plan.

You already made some big career blunders.

- Absconding from a company without notice is never a good idea. That is going to bite you later in your career.
- Stop hopping jobs. if you change jobs more than 4~5 times in 8 years, you would be out of luck at many good companies.
- Joining a company because your friend is the manager. No good ever comes out of such things.
Yes i made some v big mistakes. need to correct them now. That girl things is not that big a thing , i jokingly said it. I anyway wont marry till 27 atleast so have like 1 year and 9 months to sort myself.

Heres my short term plan-
Work here till i complete 1 and half years now , which should be jan 2017. Work hard and give efforts , no matter i have unsupportive boss. then look for a operations profile with a 30% hike atleast. That should get me to a 40k inhand salary.
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The curious case of missing goat

It all started one lazy Sunday afternoon in a small town. Two school-going friends had a crazy idea. They rounded up three goats from the neighborhood and painted the number 1, 2 and 4 on their sides....

That night they let the goats loose inside their school building.

The next morning, when the authorities entered the school, they could smell something was wrong. They soon saw goat droppings on the stairs and near the entrance and realized that some goats had entered the building.........

A search was immediately launched and very soon, the three goats were found. But, the authorities were worried, where was goat No. 3?

They spent the rest of the day looking for goat No.3. There was panic and frustration.

The school declared a holiday for the students. The teachers, helpers and the canteen boy were all busy looking for the goat No. 3, which, of course, was never found. Simply because it did not exist.....!!!!

We are all like those folks in the school – We may have our own goats, but are obviously looking for the elusive, missing, non-existent goat No.3. So, instead of making the most of what we have and focusing on our strengths, we worry about the missing piece and curse our shortcomings.

Do the best you can with what you have and be grateful for what you get. And you will be happy.

Stop worrying about goat No. 3........!!!!!!!!


Source -
have seen it myself. all the good looking girls marry big salary people. below 40 u cnt hope anything. why will a girl choose u over some guy who earns like 60-80k
F-ck the good looking girls man! Look for a girl who wants to marry you, and not your pay check.
But what do I know, I'm just 20. I might be wrong.

If you want to get married, just to sleep with someone, then my friend, you have got wrong notion of marriage.
Not just 'someone' , a good looking girl not from a small town.
You are on a wrong direction mate, you can't get rich in a normal 9-5 job.

Totally agree with this line of thought. Unless you own the factors of production, you can't get rich, monetarily. An employer only pays you that much which is sufficient so that you return to work the following day.

Also, @op there is no end to ones greed. What is the guarantee that even after you earn 40 k, heck take 1 lakh, your wife won't run away with someone earning twice as much ?

Always base/model your needs and wants on yourself and not on a third entity...
Obviously, OP is a normal person with normal, realistic aspirations...unlike the majority of users (EDIT: your brethren) who frequent TE

While we dream of GPUs, CPUs, Graphics and Hi-end audio gear (EDIT: to name a few, so please forgive me if i've offended anyone!), OP just wants to get married, buy a house and procreate like any other normal person...

Want more proof? Just compare chose 'derp' - a internet savvy yet uncommon username that invokes multiple connotations in an effort to differentiate and establish yourself as a unique individual with uncommon tastes among your brethren. OP on the other hand chose 'Mr. India' - a popular first-time username among users (EDIT: who haven't an inkling of the embarrassment surrounding such as username either) who don't have any reason to frequent internet forums (let alone TE) other than to kill time.

I hope i've made myself clear. ;)
Nopes. You haven't actually. Your definition of "normal" and "tech savvy" being two opposite ends of the spectrum doesn't make any sense what so ever. Technology for some, is a hobby and that does not make them "abnormal".

On an unrelated note, this sounds familiar to you?

A billion people in India will disagree with you; even if half that number were regular members on TE. And FYI, "normal" and "tech-internet-savvy" are very much at the opposite ends of the spectrum, more so in countries like India than anywhere else in the world.

P.S. i don't consider FB/YouTube spammers to be "tech-internet-savvy"

So you are abnormal based on your standards? Considering the fact that you have derived your moniker from a movie obscure to more than 95% of the Indian populace?[DOUBLEPOST=1450324415][/DOUBLEPOST]
Solve some equations and plot a exponential graph
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Want more proof? Just compare chose 'derp' - a internet savvy yet uncommon username that invokes multiple connotations in an effort to differentiate and establish yourself as a unique individual with uncommon tastes among your brethren. OP on the other hand chose 'Mr. India' - a popular first-time username among users (EDIT: who haven't an inkling of the embarrassment surrounding such as username either) who don't have any reason to frequent internet forums (let alone TE) other than to kill time.
Such logic, much wow. Bow Chicka Wow Wow.
OP on the other hand chose 'Mr. India' - a popular first-time username among users
Now that this thread is derailed... let me do some leg-pulling too.

I know, I am going overboard with this but what the heck :D

OP chose "Mr India" as his TE handle because he feels that he is invisible to the world around him. Girls don't notice him unless he wears a GoT T-shirt. He needs some special deo/perfume to make his presence felt. I am sure he bought the car because it was on his to-do list to become 'marriageable'. He needs good job that can earn him a handsome salary, which in turn will get him a like-minded cosmopolitan bride.

It's good that OP has figured out what he needs in his life. His dream girl is as elusive as a mirage... He needs lots of motivation, hard-work, dedication to overcome the barriers. Hopefully, his efforts will earn him a huge salary.

what about my handle guys? :p
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