suggest me good hindi /english movies to watch. have 55 gb left for 4 days ;)

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Mr India

please suggest good ones. i liked nh10 , dum laga ke , game of thrones, sherlock. suggest me anything. i like good comedy too

i have not seen any but they look like cheap hindi comedies and i dnt enjoy them. also no bluray as i watch movies on my 11 iinch netbook only
Bheja Fry is one of the finest comedies from the bollywood movie industry. (sequel was crap though)

Why don't you get some series? Breaking Bad/walking dead/Friends/Sherlock/Person of Interest/Modern Family/House/Dexter - etc etc.

Or if you really want some movies - go to IMDb. Go to any of your favourite movie page. Look for 'lists' on the RHS. Many people creates lists of similar movies - nice place for recommendations.
Bheja Fry is one of the finest comedies from the bollywood movie industry. (sequel was crap though)

Why don't you get some series? Breaking Bad/walking dead/Friends/Sherlock/Person of Interest/Modern Family/House/Dexter - etc etc.

Or if you really want some movies - go to IMDb. Go to any of your favourite movie page. Look for 'lists' on the RHS. Many people creates lists of similar movies - nice place for recommendations.
ok if you are insisting i will get bheja fry. series should not be a drama type. my current fav is GOT and sherlock ive already seen. il just download first episodes of series you said if they are not dramss and try one episode. And i dont like friends and its like 10 year old show.
guys suggest me something in hindi now or some good english movie. no series. no drama /thriller /horror /animated /boring type. comedy my fav but i like other genres too just as much. 25 gb still left . thinking of updating my windows 7 but can it get slower after update ? my netbook already very laggy and i cant risk it get slower even a little.

what i legally downloaded till now -
how i met ur mom
walking dead
modern family
gods of egypt
daddys home
breaking bad
bheja fry
avengers even if i seen it in theatres
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guys suggest me something in hindi now or some good english movie. no series. no drama /thriller /horror /animated /boring type. comedy my fav but i like other genres too just as much. 25 gb still left . thinking of updating my windows 7 but can it get slower after update ? my netbook already very laggy and i cant risk it get slower even a little.
Whoa dude better delete this screenshot before the mods rip you a new one......:hungover::hungover:
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