Windows Issue with context menus shortcut keys

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My default shortcuts keys for Windows 8.1 Right-click context menus have changed. I dont know how this happened. This has changed for any Right-click context menu be it for file/folder/ideally on dekstop etc.

I want to restore them to their original or best if I can manually edit them in registry.

I got the registry paths but cannot find this particular Open and Properties values so that I can re-assign the default "R" as shortcut for Properties. which has unfortunately changed to "O" which clashes with Open.

This is causing me inconvenience in normal operations as I heavily depend on shortcuts.

I tried some tools like
ShellNewHandler, ShellExView and ShellMenuView but they only allow to add/del/enable/disable newly added items to context menu but not to edit the original OS ones.


Even searched registry for "Pr&operties" term but yielded no such result.

Can somebody pinpoint me to the perfect key or tool?
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