Uninstall the wifi driver from device manager and then scan for hardware changes or restart the machine and then check.
must be something wrong with MS usb 3 drivers. Windows does some really bad power management on usb devices. I've had portable hdd's spinning down and making noise due to lack of power while transferring large amount of files on them. just change the power setting to performance mode from standard mode. it should stop this excessive usb power management.
Disable USB3 in BIOS and check naa
don't disable usb selective suspend settings. if you try to eject a usb pen drive or hdd it won't be able to. you will need to shut down the pc to safely remove any usb drives once you connect them to the pc. even a log off does not work. (i tried disabling usb suspend settings and this was what I observed). The extension cable might be doing that. Windows thinks something is connected to the pc and keeps making that noise.
does it make it laggier. my win 10 with 4gb ram already lags to much on multi tabs and skype usage.
I have noticed lags as well. Happens during system animations.does it make it laggier. my win 10 with 4gb ram already lags to much on multi tabs and skype usage.
me too. have to be on it all hours at workSkype is seriously a bloatware. You can't pay me enough to use it. Ironically I am forced to use it at work![]()
Then they are paying you enough to use it at work![]()
I think my isp is taking internet from Jio. Saw this speed while windows was updating to Creater's update. (That's a freaking 80mbps speed - first time i've seen such speeds in my life )
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