Storage Solutions Various type of HardDisk drive, difference ? help me selecting.

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Ramadhir Singh

this is about internal HD. new or used i want to buy.

I'm looking to buy 1Tb WD green, its performing amazing for past couple of years to me. When i look in marketplace this looks like extinct as dinosaur. or very exorbitant pricing.

earlier it was only 3 type, green, blue and black - straight forward.

now what i can see is, even the blue drives can't match the performance of previous green drive.
and lots of other name-tags, RED, Purpule, gold, etc with no clear comparison provided.
looks like WD green is re-branded as WD blue these days.

I am looking to by a 1TB (any VFM capacity) a silent drive with low power consumption. on SATA 3 or 6 interface. looking for read/write speed of 60mbps+

does not necessary have to be WD, but looking for budget option, mostly be used for storing photo RAW files and editing.

Please suggest.
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If you are looking for 24x7 usage (NAS), then go with a WD Red. If this is for a desktop go with a WD Blue or a WD Black.
The greens were rebadged as blues by WD a while ago. Now, the blues exist in the original 'green' LP configuration (5400 RPM) and the high speed 7200 RPM ones.
The one to buy would be the EX (7200 RPM 1TB Blue)

If you're looking for storage with slightly lower speeds, get the EZRZ version (2TB ) (Similar to the old green)

For better security of data, probably the WD RED NAS drives.

Also keep in mind, even the 'slow' EZRZ blue drive that I have can consistently deliver over 125 mbps, much better than the old greens. Technology changes.
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I assume you are talking about 3.5 inch HDD.

The seagate one is a new model with a bit of improvement over the the WD Model which is an old model but it is still reliable.

Thanks for the suggestion, after looking around a bit, looks like the WD blue is my only option as its the only 7200rpm drive available remain all blue drive is actually re-branded green drive with blue price.
The after-sale of Seagate is looking very negative around internet, else i was interested in going for this ,
The greens were rebadged as blues by WD a while ago. Now, the blues exist in the original 'green' LP configuration (5400 RPM) and the high speed 7200 RPM ones.
The one to buy would be the EX (7200 RPM 1TB Blue)

If you're looking for storage with slightly lower speeds, get the EZRZ version (2TB ) (Similar to the old green)

For better security of data, probably the WD RED NAS drives.

Also keep in mind, even the 'slow' EZRZ blue drive that I have can consistently deliver over 125 mbps, much better than the old greens. Technology changes.

Thanks for your insight.
No im not looking for Red drives.

yes looks like 1TB blue is the only option or the 2TB Seagate i mentioned above ( skeptical about their after sales, looks like they take really long if once has to claim warranty & are not very customer friendly responses).

im planing to move my photoshop scratch disk off the SSD and move to this drive, so 7200rpm in needed.
@netant why dont you opt for a used SSD? Having used PS myself, having that SSD helps, and I believe you do digital ads right?
I'm currently currently using SSD for PS ( OS is also installed in this SSD along with PS, still 75% empty ), but someone says it will reduce the overall life of SSD if used as scratch disk.
I work on multiple section in PS, from editing RAW images to create game textures & digital paintings. SSD is definitely helping as i moved from 5400 rpm mechanical disks not more than 16-18months ago, but i was thinking if moving to 7200 rmp drive deliver similar speed, i may move it off the ssd.

Also, i am planing to build a monster rig with 16 Ryzen core by end of this year**, just started research on this as well. so this drive should be little future proof to be used in that rig.

** based on economic & tax situation of this country. right now the 16 cores are untouchable in India. A friend bough a model form US costed him 48K INR, this cost 95+k in India locally.
I'm currently currently using SSD for PS ( OS is also installed in this SSD along with PS, still 75% empty ), but someone says it will reduce the overall life of SSD if used as scratch disk.
I work on multiple section in PS, from editing RAW images to create game textures & digital paintings. SSD is definitely helping as i moved from 5400 rpm mechanical disks not more than 16-18months ago, but i was thinking if moving to 7200 rmp drive deliver similar speed, i may move it off the ssd.

Also, i am planing to build a monster rig with 16 Ryzen core by end of this year**, just started research on this as well. so this drive should be little future proof to be used in that rig.

** based on economic & tax situation of this country. right now the 16 cores are untouchable in India. A friend bough a model form US costed him 48K INR, this cost 95+k in India locally.

SSDs do have a limited life, and yes, it will reduce, but if you have a larger SSD, and you overprovision it, it should easily last about 5 years. Generally, take around 20GB writes per day, your SSD should, on average, last 5 years. This is a generic figure for most SSDs from the likes of companies such as Samsung, Intel, Crucial etc, and can even be more.

Secondly, no HDD will come close to an SSD in single disk terms, you might build a RAID10 array and you will get the similar speeds, give or take.

At the end of the day, its your call. If it was for work, I would suggest getting those used SSDs, because you wont spend time waiting for a filter to get applied.

Coming to Ryzen, you may want to wait for Ryzen 2nd gen. The cost of the 16 cores is not higher just because of the govt, mostly due to retailers as well. Those buggers are going to get fried at some point in time.
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