Ever since Sony and a tatasky war I tried after a month to watch tatasky from my pc.
Headed to this site:
logged-in and bang: Not able to find any single Sony channel for viewing. Fine.
Worse!!! For even any basic channel i click on i get this error
HDCP Error Detected:
To play this video, your display and HDMI cables must support
High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP).
You can also try reconnecting HDMI cables or restarting your display
I think a month back or so I shifted on onboard gpu and unplugged my nvidia gtx690 due to non gaming for next few months.
Do this have any effect on this viewing & hence getting this error?
Getting utmost Pathetic Cheap Worst is their service center. When I'm telling them that I'm getting this very error on my pc and unable to view any channels in absence of tv those dumbasses always think the whole world is watching only on mobile and keep telling me to uninstall app or its your network settings bla bla!!!
She then transferred my call to her some age old so called Illiterate Dumb senior who sounded some about to die person who too kept shitting same shit from his mouth to unplug charger check network settings and install app etc. when here I'm shouting him like mad that its a damn computer/laptop and not able to view it anywhere. Can I have it transferred to a technical dept??? He was embarrassed and was quite for 2 mins or so then silently hung up!!
I wonder if tatasky hires such Illiterates & Dumbs then where shall we customers refer to??
Right now I'm worried about the error.
My dell monitor is connected via hdmi to my onboard gpu and I have no issues with any other sites expect this tatasky.
Please help fix this error.
Headed to this site:
logged-in and bang: Not able to find any single Sony channel for viewing. Fine.
Worse!!! For even any basic channel i click on i get this error
HDCP Error Detected:
To play this video, your display and HDMI cables must support
High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP).
You can also try reconnecting HDMI cables or restarting your display
I think a month back or so I shifted on onboard gpu and unplugged my nvidia gtx690 due to non gaming for next few months.
Do this have any effect on this viewing & hence getting this error?
Getting utmost Pathetic Cheap Worst is their service center. When I'm telling them that I'm getting this very error on my pc and unable to view any channels in absence of tv those dumbasses always think the whole world is watching only on mobile and keep telling me to uninstall app or its your network settings bla bla!!!
She then transferred my call to her some age old so called Illiterate Dumb senior who sounded some about to die person who too kept shitting same shit from his mouth to unplug charger check network settings and install app etc. when here I'm shouting him like mad that its a damn computer/laptop and not able to view it anywhere. Can I have it transferred to a technical dept??? He was embarrassed and was quite for 2 mins or so then silently hung up!!
I wonder if tatasky hires such Illiterates & Dumbs then where shall we customers refer to??
Right now I'm worried about the error.
My dell monitor is connected via hdmi to my onboard gpu and I have no issues with any other sites expect this tatasky.
Please help fix this error.