A new but very serious threat is showing up

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red dragon

Someone very high up in Adhanom's office sent me an email yesterday. It said drug abuse ( meth and heroin) in certain states of America has skyrocketed. Those infamous tunnels from Mexico is sending enormous amount of meth and fentanyl laced heroin to certain southern states and truckers are carrying it to different parts.
Since substance abuse is my speciality, I have some contacts in Europe. Some of them texted me that the business is growing at a breakneck speed.
In Madrid, we have started tox screening of all patients who are brought unconscious or brought dead. And at least 5 samples have heroin in it (in a single hospital in less than 24 hours)
This is an extremely dangerous situation. We can't deal with both ODs and Corona at the same time.
Surprisingly no one in media is talking about it, however Trump did mention about it earlier.
How's the situation in India? I'm sure, it has not reached the media yet or being suppressed by government.
The psychological aspect of this epidemic ( specially the lockdown) will have a more lasting effect compared to the actual physical impact.
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Allowing liquor shops to stay open for a few hours of the day will reduce anxiety people have.

Otherwise it just means more boot legging will occur which has other issues.

Govt is losing big time in excise so they will have to allow it.

There is nothing new about what you said otherwise, mexican gangs have been sending stuff over for a long time now.

Why would drug abuse suddenly start skyrocketing surely its whatever the current level is. Maybe a little trend up.

The US isn't locked down, only some states are.
This sudden rise is completely new. I'm fully aware of the drug situation @ US. The cartels have again started mixing carfentanyl ( as fentanyl source is drying up from China and these Mexican bastards have enough carfentanyl in stock, as they stopped using it about 6 months ago, due to OD in more than 60 percent users)
This carfentanyl is extremely dangerous and can cause OD even with very high levels of opiate tolerance.
This chemical is possibly the most dangerous opiate known to mankind.
As a former junkie myself and after heading the substance abuse division of WHO for 5 years in Eastern and Central Europe, I'm more than certain that a lot of junkies are going to OD and die in next couple of months. Those are human lives too.
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( as fentanyl source is drying up from China and these Mexican bastards have enough carfentanyl in stock,
As a former junkie myself and after heading the substance abuse division of WHO for 5 years in Eastern and Central Europe, I'm more than certain that a lot of junkies are going to OD and die in next couple of months. Those are human lives too.

(glad you quit and I agree that drug addicts need to be saved)

1. Why can't America introduce a zap-and-study program for everyone? (Judge Rotenberg style) If a person is in trouble he checks into a boot camp for a period/schedule (study, work, play) he decides in advance, in a camp of his choosing.
2. The army and NGOs monitor for abuse and the person spends his time there in a reasonably safe environment.

I don't understand how blaming Mexico and the cartels solves a problem within American borders: the real issue is human greed WITHIN AMERICA. The rich Americans don't want the poor Americans to compete with them so they divert them into addiction and war!

The cartels are stupidly happily to cheat the "wicked" American though it's the poor yanks who suffer the most - the cartels already exploit their fellow Mexicans so.. there's no point blaming them - cut off their supply of $. Stop buying their drugs! Organize your society to fight back and crush the cartels! Protect your people by tying their asses to a chair and making them study or do productive things in a sensible/democratic fashion!

(instead America has the army so people can die in there killing each other in mindless war)
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No, I'm not blaming the cartels for everything. But addiction is not a choice, it is a disease and there are treatments.
Possibly you don't know, India also has a very large number of addicts. India probably has the maximum number of NA/ AA meetings.
America's war against drugs was a massive mistake. Treating addicts like criminals is violation of human rights. This disease of addiction is somewhat similar to diabetes mellitus.
Both are incurable ( but treatable) and progressive.
It's difficult for a normal person to understand an addict. So a recovering addict can help an using addict most effectively ( Both me and my wife went through it, we disclosed our past history of addiction to WHO, and we became the team leaders of the substance abuse team)
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well Trump's not happy with WHO.. but I agree with everything you say regarding addiction and yeah India has a huge problem with this - we need to do exactly what I suggested America do.. study in a boot camp and organize ourselves to kick out exploitative a*holes (NO KILLING them)
This sudden rise is completely new. I'm fully aware of the drug situation @ US. The cartels have again started mixing carfentanyl ( as fentanyl source is drying up from China and these Mexican bastards have enough carfentanyl in stock, as they stopped using it about 6 months ago, due to OD in more than 60 percent users)
This carfentanyl is extremely dangerous and can cause OD even with very high levels of opiate tolerance.
This chemical is possibly the most dangerous opiate known to mankind.
As a former junkie myself and after heading the substance abuse division of WHO for 5 years in Eastern and Central Europe, I'm more than certain that a lot of junkies are going to OD and die in next couple of months. Those are human lives too.
I'm a bit confused. You said drug use has sky rocketed ?

Then you said they are substituting in another ingredient that results in OD.

So what you really mean to say is deaths due to OD are rising or have the potential to rise ?
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Possibly rising, not absolutely sure yet. DEA seized few packages, all laced with carfentanyl.
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well Trump's not happy with WHO..
Everyone should be very unhappy with WHO. Most of the things circulating in media are actually true. China's funding has increased significantly since 2019.
WHO has basically divided into 2 groups, the doctors and the non medical people ( this group increased significantly over last 5 years, we didn't even have HR department, when I joined. This new corporate culture in an organisation like this will destroy it completely)
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US media except fox and a few unknowns are anti trump, so they are never going to show anything good trump does. Last week US started the largest operation againsts drugs pouring into the US. Unfenced or places with no walls are manned by 20k mexican troops, Flir camers monitoring other places.

So the cartels decided to US the sea route. So the US military using multiple navy/coast guard ships and P8 planes to scan the sea of surfsce and under water vessels.
Everyone should be very unhappy with WHO. Most of the things circulating in media are actually true. China's funding has increased significantly since 2019.

the doctors and the non medical people ( this group increased significantly over last 5 years, we didn't even have HR department, when I joined.

why exactly is China funding the WHO wrong? are you are saying that the money china invests in the WHO is being mis-spent by bureaucrats? how exactly is the WHO being misused by China?
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Unfenced or places with no walls are manned by 20k mexican troops, Flir camers monitoring other places.
So the cartels decided to US the sea route. So the US military using multiple navy/coast guard ships and P8 planes to scan the sea of surfsce and under water vessels.

The walls are being built to EXPLOIT THE American poor - NOT PROTECT THEM!
For years the US allowed drugs into America BECAUSE MOST of that stuff destroyed Afro-american communities living in the hood. Now there is an urgent need for America to fight a rising China and THEY DON'T WANT nukes to smuggled in through a porous border.

The war on drugs was NEVER a PRIORITY for the rich in America because poor people suffer the most from it. But now they need to plug gaps in their internal security - hence the rise in police crime against minorities in America.

If America was truly serious about tackling the drugs trade they'd stop weapons exports to Mexico, they'd tighten gun control laws WITHOUT BANNING guns. THEN they introduce zap-and-study in exchange for dole BUT THAT increases competition for the rich.
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Chinese funding is not the problem. But the favours they want in return is.
Trump has genuine reasons to be mad. After all, without financial help from US, WHO won't last a week. And even after the recent scandal, the current state of affairs in US, Trump's government is still pouring in with lot of resources. We all tend to hate Trump, but I don't think any other US president would release this crazy amount of money in the system now. He is really going all out.
You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT about the America's war on drugs.
Also the physicians and some pharma companies are responsible for the opiate crisis. Almost every H addict in America started with Oxys.
The opiate crisis is a very complicated matter.
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Chinese funding is not the problem. But the favours they want in return is.
Trump has genuine reasons to be mad. After all, without financial help from US, WHO won't last a week. And even after the recent scandal, the current state of affairs in US, Trump's government is still pouring in with lot of resources. We all tend to hate Trump, but I don't think any other US president would release this crazy amount of money in the system now. He is really going all out.
You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT about the America's war on drugs.
Also the physicians and some pharma companies are responsible for the opiate crisis. Almost every H addict in America started with Oxys.
The opiate crisis is a very complicated matter.

Well that's still pretty vague - you don't hang someone on hearsay and this is just non-existent data. However there are various issues with world bodies that are well understood:
1. take for example $ as the reserve currency (SWIFT network)
2. Asian oil premium
You are claiming that China is influence peddling in the WHO but that's what the US has done too: In fact the US has legalized influence peddling within the US senate. It's exactly like the time the US was caught spying on German/Angela Merkle's phone - everyone does it. Or technology theft and patent violation - everyone with the capacity to do it, does so.

I'd rather we focused on very specific policy changes that need to be implemented in the WHO and restricted blanket criticism of China unless THEY were blocking something specific. (that way we'd at least learn something even if nothing could be done about it)

$ as the reserve currency is very specific - changing that to a basket of currencies including the Yuan and Russian Rouble is very desirable - it prevents the USA from printing money and buying up resources to fight a war in Asia. Tackling Bolsanaro's wiping out of the Amazon is also very specific because it protects indigenous tribes living in it.

The WHO and UN are WORLD BODIES not controlled by any one country SO LONG AS the balance of power is maintained. In this case the mere threat of a resurgent China is causing the US to abandon a world order - similar to the League of Nations being abandoned - that led to World War.

Physians and companies don't/ought not to set policy - what you are doing is criticizing unbridled capitalism and at the same time, in the same breadth taking potshots at China - with no clear justification. (that usually leads to conflict on public forums)
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Just look at how much CNN hates trump, look at yesterday debrief , video starts at cnn Jim acusta question at the end and look a trump answer lol:tearsofjoy: , this is a new low for CNN
Trump is a draft dodger - I suppose you are referring to the political war - not sure what that has to do with the common/real men? Or is it supposed to mean that he's a scumbag and typical of the American white male? (what I know of that is Russia couldn't have won World War single handedly)
Just look at how much CNN hates trump, look at yesterday debrief , video starts at cnn Jim acusta question at the end and look a trump answer lol:tearsofjoy: , this is a new low for CNN
Where does the question begin ? you can't cue things up correctly on this board the way you did it.

You have to hyper link to the video at the time code and then it works at the right spot. This way it bypasses the board's default youtube plugin

They don't have a very GOOD youtube plugin on this board. In other places i can cue something up to start at a specific time and end at a certain point as well.
I found some info on WHO here: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-52230833

The WHO approved a coronavirus test in January - but the US decided against using it, developing its own test instead. However, in February, when the testing kits were despatched, some of them did not work properly, and led to inconclusive results. Public health experts say the delay enabled the virus to spread further within the US.

UN agency has come under continued fire from Mr Trump, who accuses the WHO of being "very China-centric" and has threatened to end funding.

"If Director-General Tedros could withstand pressure from China and come to Taiwan to see Taiwan's efforts to fight Covid-19 for himself, he would be able to see that the Taiwanese people are the true victims of unfair treatment."

There are a number of reasons for Chinese pressure on Taiwan:
1. If war breaks out in Iran, is the mainland supposed to defend them (Iran) with|without the help of HK/Taiwan? The US is already in Afghanistan - once Iran falls, the US through Saudi Arabia is effectively on Russia/China-mainland's doorstep.
2. How would such a policy of defense supposed to be implemented: should China ask nicely during wartime?

Both HK/Taiwan want independence from China but have no capacity to defend themselves against an external enemy UNLIKE North Korea!In which case they are de-facto relying on the mainland WITHOUT themselves promising anything specific!
Where does the question begin ? you can't cue things up correctly on this board the way you did it.

You have to hyper link to the video at the time code and then it works at the right spot. This way it bypasses the board's default youtube plugin

They don't have a very GOOD youtube plugin on this board. In other places i can cue something up to start at a specific time and end at a certain point as well.
It thought it was at the current time stamp but start watching from 57.00 minutes.
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