21-30k Upgrading PC Piece meal

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Is it worth upgrading from the i5 4690k to the 4790k? I currently have a Z97 mother board with 8GBx2 DDR3. I'd like to upgrade it all but I can't figure out an upgrade pathway.
I have an RTX 2060 that I'm afraid is facing a 20 percent bottleneck at 1080p
Budget - 25k
Junk the board/cpu and get ryzen. Those ancient CPUs with dozens of security vulnerabilities aren't worth upgrading to - especially paying a premium.
Junk the board/cpu and get ryzen. Those ancient CPUs with dozens of security vulnerabilities aren't worth upgrading to - especially paying a premium.
+1. Unfortunately the 3 components you've chosed to upgrade must be done in one shot.

Do remember the base model 10100/3300x are now as good as what a 7700k was; what you have is again much older. Getting even the basic combo now will give you a nice boost.

I'd suggest a (relatively) cheap 3300x with a b550 mobo and 16gb of ram for now and plan to upgrade the processor to a 5000 series later down the line.
Hi.. I'm too looking for upgrade my cpu+mobo+ram which is sandy bridge config. but i couldn't find 3300x anywhere. it is out of stock everywhere.. if anyone finds it available in online.. let me know.
Hi.. I'm too looking for upgrade my cpu+mobo+ram which is sandy bridge config. but i couldn't find 3300x anywhere. it is out of stock everywhere.. if anyone finds it available in online.. let me know.
3300x is mostly unobtanium. Look for the intel 10100f or 10400f. Both are reasonably priced.
Would it be worthwhile to get more out of the system till DDR5 systems come out by getting a 2K or Wide-screen 2k monitor?
Will cost the same as a CPU+MoBo+Ram combo or even less?
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