Health & Fitness Corona is in full swing and its not Joke !



WHO chief scientist on vax

"I don't believe we have the evidence on any of the vaccines to be confident that it's going to prevent people from actually getting the infection and therefore being able to pass it on”
WHO warns Covid-19 pandemic is 'not necessarily the big one'

“It appears the destiny of SARS-CoV-2 [Covid-19] is to become endemic, as have four other human coronaviruses, and that it will continue to mutate as it reproduces in human cells, especially in areas of more intense admission.
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I check the daily death rates in India on that Google chart thingy, and it seems there has been no death for 31st Dec., 2020. Is this another Modi special package or true or just Google's bug?
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Google bug,Govt daily update has mortality data of daily basis.
We all know how drug trials are run in india and their regulatory compliance also we have seen Alekh.
no surprise in this.
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Google bug,Govt daily update has mortality data of daily basis.

We all know how drug trials are run in india and their regulatory compliance also we have seen Alekh.
no surprise in this.
I know how things work. I have been in front of DCGI and SEC over 10 times for multiple approvals, but I haven't seen things getting approved without any efficacy(yes, data can be fudged; CRFs overwritten etc). BB merged preclinical animal data with P1/2 data and called it safe and effective. There P3 interim data is based on 190 volunteers instead of >20000 volunteers.
Among the >20k volunteers, they were supposed to do 1:1 randomization b/w vaccine and placebo, whereas their press release says 20k+ volunteers have been vaccinated. So only 3k were given placebo ? How do compare with such a sizable difference in samples ?
None of their data has been peer reviewed or published, only pre-printed.
I understand how many (not most) CTs happen here, but Dr HV announced Covaxin is approved in CT Mode (WTF is that if not just a CT approval ?) only, and everyone will be tracked. Well, will everyone be informed that they are given an experimental vaccine with no useful data ? Will an ICF be signed ? Will a CRF be filled ? Will AEs be monitored ? Who will managed the AEs ? Will volunteers be compensated towards an accident ?
This is blatantly unethical, whatever angle we look at. Worst of all, this is happening by the GoI, basically conducting an unapproved, unconsented trial on their populace. Unprecedented in modern times.
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Vaccine for disease less than 2% mortality is weird issue to begin with.
I agree about unethical part.
whole COVID full of it.
did you get data of Pfizer and all gang ?
it came much later
Which COVID vaccine data is peer reviewed at this point ?
31st December is date of publication.
They got fda approval on 11/12/2020


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Vaccine for disease less than 2% mortality is weird issue to begin with.
I agree about unethical part.
whole COVID full of it.
did you get data of Pfizer and all gang ?
it came much later
Which COVID vaccine data is peer reviewed at this point ?
Pfizer, AZ and Moderna - all interim data has been published in NEJM/The Lancet. If not a full peer review, they must have undergone editorial review, and protocols, with detailed data sets are easily available publicly. Everything is available for dissection.

BB, OTOH, mixing pre clinical and clinical. Sheesh. And all data is still with DCGI and BB. No P3 dataset out.
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Of course it is. You actually think in a third-class hygienic country like ours can have 200 deaths per day? Lmfao. Given our population, refusal to wear mask, use sanitizer and a tendency to live on the streets most times, accounting all of that it's beyond comical.

I may know a thing or two about how hospitals work, i mean the malpractice. Patients dying due to Multi Organ Failure. How many actually go to the length of a postmortem? Literally nobody.
How many percent of our population has exposure to tuberculosis in their life time ?
had their been extensive wrong reporting of mortality, you think Indian media would keep quiet?
And as per first class world cleanliness and hygiene,why America and Britain have so much mortality?@saurab
Can't believe the India numbers. Artificial low reporting.
Generally that would come from not enough testing. This would show up as a high testing yield (WHO benchmark is testing yield of over 5% is considered high). India currently low testing yield (2% for last few days rolling basis). There was an extended period when testing yield was high and its likely cases were under reported at that time due to inadequate testing. This period also coincided with full hospitals and lack of ICU beds. Dont see it as a current problem given low testing yields as well as relatively low COVID load on hospitals.
How many percent of our population has exposure to tuberculosis in their life time ?
had their been extensive wrong reporting of mortality, you think Indian media would keep quiet?
And as per first class world cleanliness and hygiene,why America and Britain have so much mortality?@saurab
Wrong tag, still replying. Why UK or US numbers are higher? Because their govts. are not manipulating data.

Indian media? Seriously?

Hygiene of people living in UK and countries alike are significantly better than of Indians. I don't recall as I read long back but their life expectancy is significantly better, I mean the top european countries and US also.
Hygiene of people living in UK and countries alike are significantly better than of Indians. I don't recall as I read long back but their life expectancy is significantly better, I mean the top european countries and US also.

Hygiene of those countries is definitely higher, no doubt, but it also makes their immune system worse.
I am not saying having bad hygiene is a good thing, but there is some factor at play which is keeping deaths low in India.

Artificial low reporting can be done up-to a level, but millions of deaths cannot be covered up. Please think about it, would opposition and some unfavorable media channels remain quiet if such a thing happened ? Look at how well the farmers protests are being funded and covered.

The present government has done a lot of stupid things and will probably continue to do so in future, but covering up millions of deaths is definitely not one them.
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Artificial low reporting can be done up-to a level, but millions of deaths cannot be covered up. Please think about it, would opposition and some unfavorable media channels remain quiet if such a thing happened ? Look at how well the farmers protests are being funded and covered.

Exactly, another thing is that if there were so many deaths covered up why aren't all the disgruntled relatives of all those patients protesting ?
Was there not a single whistleblower in the entire healthcare industry who could expose that something nefarious was going on and deaths were being unreported ?
Most of those covid speciality hospitals were empty even when the media was hyping it up.

Part of the the reason why most people are careless and don't follow guidelines in public is because the virus isn't that deadly as it has been made out to be in the media, if more people they knew had actually suffered maybe they wouldn't be that reckless.

On one hand people complain that the central government is incompetent af (which they are) and on the other they give it credit to pull off something like this on a national level.
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