Peter McCullough can help you here.Over the last decade or so (and its a sort of work in progress, so please be kind and feel free to propose alternatives), I've started to form a view that that all hierarchical institutions tend to start making key decisions, driven largely by their leaders. And leaders even at scientific institutions tend to get picked based on their closeness to power over time. This is because politicians ultimately get to decide who to pick to head CDC/FDA etc. Further, Industry has figured out ways to set up revolving doors at decision making bodies of regulatory institutions and there are entrenched conflicts of interests. This results in amoral individuals being in these bodies. These people are also often focused on short term decision making at the top of most institutions.
These institutions get tested only during times of crisis such as COVID, which allows them to look good for decades at times. And the testing times, like the COVID mess, to my thinking, are better explained by influence of political and economic powers , and conflicts of interest than assuming that these scientists had to make tough decisions and there was no other way except compromising on transparency / quality of data / using shady assumptions and in some cases , half truths - and still effectively mandating these shots. I find it difficult to reasonably support the hypothesis that these elite scientists suddenly forgot basics of ensuring high quality data, study design requirement to include long term effects, use of high quality statistics instead of marketing through relative risk reduction, and transparency in general.
He speaks about the American experience which I agree with.
That should explain the bolded partDoctors got on the bandwagon because govt and agencies like WHO weren't honest and instead of getting out of the way interfered with process of treatment
This is not the case in India though. The doctors here were more independent minded and didn't treat the WHO with the same reverence. This is what I mean by GOI getting out of the way and letting the pros get on with it.
Cannot generalise the American experience to India.
How do I know?one of the characters here who got banned subsequently complained he was wasn't being given the respect he thought he deserved as a WHO employee by Indian doctors

Peter says WHO will not have dominion over his decisions which has been the default case in India from the start.
He concludes with saying no boosters should be taken and the vaccines need to be pulled. Specifically, he is referring to mRNA Vaccines. He does not say anything about the kind we get here.
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