Fully understand and support your view points.
> There is the showoff factor
Not at all a show off guy, you will find the most austere person ever here. Am not at all an affluent person, but had options which I took by putting some efforts. No, Astra Zeneca vaccine was not an option for me. Nevertheless, there were issues with Astra Zeneca too, by the look of comments here.
> The question is why did you go with MRNA?
btw, why shouldn't one go with the most trusted vaccine from the most developed and advanced country in the entire world ?
mRNA was the chance I could select, only that I took at the earliest chance possible.
lolz. Dude, are you for real ?
> but I think it was fear that motivated you. And there was a LOT of fear mongering going on.
Why shouldn't fear motivate me to get the most advanced vaccine ?
Who were fear mongering (when compulsory vaccination proof was required to even enter offices, travels, etc. etc.) vs why there are stern voices against huge number of people who suffered from vaccine side effects ?
Why should their opinions or lived experiences not count ?
Am fine, so **** everyone else ? Strange thought process.
You will still find staunch supporter of vaccination here.
That should not mean that suffering and realities of in-numerous people who suffered side effects should be suppressed. Don't know what other after effects waits even later. That is why this should be fully studied more and more in detail for future safety.
I find it strange when dealing with people those blindly believe, suppress others opinions and even proof.
For eg., Years back, I have tried my best to keep vaccination records (not for Covid19, of course) of children when I was in Mumbai, the good Dr. there recommended even to keep the package of vaccine bottle with me for future records, since we don't have such kind of facilities in our health system in Inida. Even our family members didn't care about all those, they just got 'vaccine injections', that is all. However, situation changed when we shifted to another state where school authorities were threatening us if the vaccine is not taken again ! We gave full proof of vaccines taken, yet they even wanted us to sign a document to confirm that it is our responsibility 'if something adverse happen' !
Heard they have some requirement from the educational / health system that every child should be vaccinated to show it in some statistics index and the same is supplanted by a private entity ! Probably why the grandstanding.
A local politician at that time even stated, there is not even a need for parental consent before children are vaccinated, they later corrected it...
This is the state of affairs around us.
People should remember that it is profit oriented mega corporations and supplanting government who approve all this. There needs more modern science, accountability, audit and safety measures, that is all.