PC Peripherals Need a long lasting good quality wireless mouse

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Hi guys,

I am looking for a good quality, durable, and long lasting wireless mouse.

I am willing to spend up to INR 1200 for a good mouse. Maybe a bit more if the quality is really good, and it will last longer.

I haven't owned a wireless mouse till now, but I think it is time to own one.

I have been buying wired Logitech mouse since I have been using personal computers. They were very good in early years, but lately, I feel that their quality has gone down significantly. Their mouse, or even keyboards, start to misbehave pretty early. I have a Logitech M105 currently, which I had bought for use with laptop... sometimes has the problem of right click menu coming up when I click the left button.

I even tried an HP mouse before that, but that too went bad just after its warranty, with its scroll button not working. Add to that, no one repairs these mice. Would be great and cost effective and also green, if a simple thing such as a bad scroll button was fixed. But no, they just want you to throw a rather good mouse away, and make you buy a new one.

Anyways, I want a wireless mouse for simple desktop usage. I am not a gamer. I just need it for day to day usage, like browsing, watching movies, etc. Not heavy stuff as such, but yes, I do tend to use the PC throughout the day sometimes, and that way, usage can be more. But, I am planning to cut on that.

I only have idea about Logitech mouse. So, from the Logitech site, I shortlisted some choices.

M331 Silent seems to be best.

M235 does not support Linux, so I did not consider it. I do not use Linux currently, but do intend to try it out in near future.

M190 seems large and also doesn't have silent clicks, so left it out.

M221 is a choice, but M331 seems better for the long run.

If there are any other good suggestions from other brands, please suggest. Remember, I have no idea about the quality of wireless mouse of other brands, so please suggest really good quality mouse. I always look for products which will last a long time without any issues, because I operate in a budget, and cannot afford to spend money frequently.
Just like you I've already tried those Logitech models you've mentioned.
may be I've still got 2-3 M235 and a couple of M331. M331 is best out of these ? I felt the same.
just like you I was also hesitant to spend more than Rs.1000 on a mouse and my usage is same like browsing, watching movies, etc.
Dec 2019 I purchased Logitech M590 and I'm really happy with my purchase, though I paid Rs.2000 but it's really worth it.
it's very noticeably smooth and premium when compared to M331. may be a bit smaller when compared to M331 but much better in every other aspect.
very silent and smooth scrolling.
some of my Logitech mouse failed within 1-2 years just like any other electronic device, it can happen.
but I am using this as my primary and only mouse since last 12-14 months, absolutely happy with it.
It's selling for 2.5k now may be less in offline stores, but it's worth spending than buying another 1200rs mouse.
Give it a try, I'm sure will like it.
Thanks for the suggestion. 2K would be really over my budget, because I am also planning on buying a mechanical keyboard, so I want to put money on that. I will ask for its price from the local computer shop though. If it's cheap enough, will consider it.

Do you still use M331? Found it good enough?
My M331 turned defective after 8-10 months, got another m331 with my sister that's working fine but she barely uses it.
M331 is very good but no where close to M590, once you use it then you'll feel it.
I was also skeptical to spend more on a mouse, but buying M590 was the right decision. I guess It's worth considering the price to performance ratio.

I got this Logitech M310 wireless mouse (untouched condition),
see this - https://techenclave.com/threads/log...00bt-bluetooth-earphones.194740/#post-2237210
if interested I can make it 1300 shipped, no warranty as it's taken from combo set, I can provide 7 days testing warranty.
but I insist to save now and go with M590.
So I bought a G305 to just test it out and compare it to my cheap 1k wireless mouse and seriously it isn't all that better unless you're heavily invested in a competitive fps.
What defect occurred in the M331? That's disappointing to read that in just under an year the mouse turned defective.

Well, of course the more money you put in a product, the better quality you are going to get. So, no doubt in 2K range, you will get a good quality product. If I do decide to go for that budget, then I think other options would be there besides Logitech M590.

Thanks for the offer for M310, but I will decline it.
G604 is what I use. Fabulous mouse but pricey.

I am looking for a mouse in the range of INR 2000 and you are posting about a 7K mouse. Ridiculous. Boast somewhere else please. Such posts are useless.
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it's the scroll wheel, it was skipping a lot on m331, tried online RMA but they asked me to carry to another city (60 km distance), they never asked me to ship to their center.
tried repairing it myself but failed so I just disposed it.
so there customer support is not the best, and I don't care about their warranty for 1-2k rs item.
yes you can also look for some other brands too in 2-2.5k range.
I had M235. Used it for nearly 4 years. Developed scroll wheel issue. So had to replace it.
It worked fine with Ubuntu Linux.

Now got M190.
I was tired of small size mouse which tire your hands for long use.
M190 has a great size like the old days of desktop mouse and is quite comfortable.
Click sound is there but not that loud. Scroll is smooth.
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it's the scroll wheel, it was skipping a lot on m331, tried online RMA but they asked me to carry to another city (60 km distance), they never asked me to ship to their center.
tried repairing it myself but failed so I just disposed it.
so there customer support is not the best, and I don't care about their warranty for 1-2k rs item.
yes you can also look for some other brands too in 2-2.5k range.

Surprised to hear about the service center experience, because service has been a strong point of Logitech and RMA is generally quite good for their faulty products.

Disappointing to hear about such an issue so early in the mouse. I don't know what's wrong with companies today... why can't they make provide quality hardware.
I had M235. Used it for nearly 4 years. Developed scroll wheel issue. So had to replace it.
It worked fine with Ubuntu Linux.

Now got M190.
I was tired of small size mouse which tire your hands for long use.
M190 has a great size like the old days of desktop mouse and is quite comfortable.
Click sound is there but not that loud. Scroll is smooth.

Logitech site says M235 doesn't have Linux support, so had to leave it out. It is a risk if it does not work with Linux.

Thanks for suggesting about M190. I will have a look at it in the local computer shop. It is good to get an idea about the size if you physically look at it... hard to understand from online site. I too like a good size mouse which fits the hand. Should not be too large though. If the click sound isn't very loud, I can consider it.

I have Logitech M105, and it is quite small. I had basically bought for it my spare laptop which I used less. But, with my main HP mouse gone bad, I had to switch to this one.

Thanks for the suggestions.

If there are any other suggestions for other brands, please suggest guys.
Logitech M337

Logitech M590

HP 280


Amazonbasics has got some good rating online, can't go wrong with HP or may be Dell
however Logitech is my preferred brand when it's about keyboards and mouse.

see size difference pic below - M235 - M590- M310

Logitech M235 3rd Mouse in 3 yrs, and 3rd one lasted for 3 yrs.

No.1 & 2 miss clicks/selections/Scroll wheel stuck... randomly exactly after 12 months of purchase, though got replaced from Logitech, but who buy hardware for replacement (each replacement cycle last for 30 days)

relatively little small mouse for average palm.
I had M235. Used it for nearly 4 years. Developed scroll wheel issue. So had to replace it.
It worked fine with Ubuntu Linux.

Now got M190.
I was tired of small size mouse which tire your hands for long use.
M190 has a great size like the old days of desktop mouse and is quite comfortable.
Click sound is there but not that loud. Scroll is smooth.
Same here. I have a MX Anywhere 2S whose left button started double-clicking just after a year, incidentally after the expiry of warranty. I still use it for gaming because of its high DPI and the fact that I cannot use it for anything else.

I had tried another one that I returned on Amazon because of its small size, probably it was the M235.

Purchased the M190 recently to use for work and really happy going back to a full-size mouse. Only thing is that it doesn't come with the unifying receiver and hence requires a separate receiver compared to the single unifying receiver I use with my MX Anywhere 2S and Logitech K780 keyboard.
I use m235 & m185. They do develop problems after about a year or so of extensive use - especially the scroll wheel and the left click (click bounce).
I just open the mouse and clean the scroll wheel slots if there is dust. If dust is the issue, it works well after cleaning.
For the click bounce issue, I just apply a tiny amount of coconut oil with a ear cleaning cotton bud (make sure the oil is not dripping!). This generally solves the click issues for a few months!
You cannot go wrong with any of the mouse you mentioned. My personal favorite is M185. I've got 2 hand-me-downs both 4+ year old and working perfectly. The owners simply got bored of them.
M331 has the silent buttons but its slightly heavier and the plastic is not soft touch and doesn't seem too great to touch.

Side note: Just ask your office to issue you one :P
Logitech M235 3rd Mouse in 3 yrs, and 3rd one lasted for 3 yrs.

No.1 & 2 miss clicks/selections/Scroll wheel stuck... randomly exactly after 12 months of purchase, though got replaced from Logitech, but who buy hardware for replacement (each replacement cycle last for 30 days)

relatively little small mouse for average palm.

Why did you keep buying the same model then? Could've tried out a different model or brand if the particular model number was giving trouble. M235 seems to be quite popular though.
You cannot go wrong with any of the mouse you mentioned. My personal favorite is M185. I've got 2 hand-me-downs both 4+ year old and working perfectly. The owners simply got bored of them.

M185 seems quite small, it is?
M331 has the silent buttons but its slightly heavier and the plastic is not soft touch and doesn't seem too great to touch.

Side note: Just ask your office to issue you one :p

LOL, come on man, don't say such things about M331, I almost have it finalized :grinning:.

I was confused between M190 and M331, but if M190 does not have the unifying receiver, M331 looks like a good choice.

But, on the product page, it does not say clearly if it has the unifying receiver.

It does say it is unifying ready in the technical specifications here:

Now what does that mean?

It does say USB unifying receiver in the product page on Amazon though. Quite confusing.
Thanks to everyone for posting their responses. Reading them all, it seems like however costly product you buy, it might be a hit and miss and it depends on luck on how long it lasts. Some last long without problems, and some start to give trouble even after a short time.

I guess Logitech still seems the choice for mouse though, since everyone just posted about Logitech mouse only.
Why did you keep buying the same model then? Could've tried out a different model or brand if the particular model number was giving trouble. M235 seems to be quite popular though.
bought only 1 and after it.. all are replacement from Logitech
LOL darn! I will have to take a physical look at a local shop to really decide for myself. Man, life is tough with so many choices and decisions to make :D
all are in bristle packing, just unable to judge feel/weight/grip etc.
bought only 1 and after it.. all are replacement from Logitech

Oh okay. How come you got replacement for 3 years? Their warranty is for 1 year only.

all are in bristle packing, just unable to judge feel/weight/grip etc.

Yes, won't get the feel from a packed product, but I am hoping they have some open ones lying around, but yes, it is unlikely. Let's see.
Or, maybe I should go to their service center where they might have these models for RMA :P
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