Need Help for an electronics project!

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I'm working on a project based on the black-pill(STM32f411ceu) board,similar to this(SunLeaf | .

I will be only interfacing 2 sensors(3 max) with the board using SPI,UART connections.

Its data will be uploaded to a thingspeak page via esp8266.

Can anyone please help me in this project? Or guide me to some helpful resources?
I dont know anything as to how to do it....
A Raspberry Pi would be easier as there will be a lot more documentation. What sensors are you using?
It is supposed to be a compact module...that's why I'm using the stm board...

Just a pH and temp & humidity sensor
It is supposed to be a compact module...that's why I'm using the stm board...

Just a pH and temp & humidity sensor
Why can’t you just use an ESP directly then? Why do you need the STM ?
Just search for ESPHOME or any custom esp firmwares
Yes hydroponics

Do you mean the esp32?
Doesn’t really matter. You can use 32 or 8266.

check out the below guide. Hardware wise this is what you will need. To integrate with thingspeak you’ll have to do some protocol conversion -
Doesn’t really matter. You can use 32 or 8266.

check out the below guide. Hardware wise this is what you will need. To integrate with thingspeak you’ll have to do some protocol conversion -
Esp32 is cheaper at at around 350 /board...
I will chech the article out
OK. Please let me know when you have successfully implemented.
Yes Done!
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