VHS Tape to Digital File Format

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Are there any services in Hyderabad who would convert an old VHS tape to Digital File Format? What do they typically charge?

any known videographer would convert for about Rs. 10 per minute !
web has a number of search results for Hyderabad ...

just for my own sake,
around 15 years back I had converted myself using a zenith tuner/capture card
any known videographer would convert for about Rs. 10 per minute !
web has a number of search results for Hyderabad ...

just for my own sake,
around 15 years back I had converted myself using a zenith tuner/capture card
I did so too way back in 1998. At that time DVD Writers were yet to become affordable. So the quality of the video was MPEG1/2 and edited to fit a CD (VCD). I do a have a working VCR and multiple capture cards but no Desktop with PCI slots. In fact stopped using desktops in favour of laptops.

I see that there are many composite / S-Video USB capture cards at throw away prices on Amazon. I think that it the best option.
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