MLM scams

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Brutally Honest
I'm sure that none of you are as foolish as my gullible parents or any tribal in NE area but don't get duped by MLM/networking people lol.
My entire family made lacs of losses. The worst thing was their "downline" people also lost money some of whom were very poor and were in for the quick and massive (?) returns. I will never be able to forget it. The most foolish thing yet? They were fooled into joining 2-3 of these network business. NE region has become a playground for MLM/networking/scams. It's not just the tribal community. I'm specifically mentioning "tribals" because they were introduced by tribals in the region and I'm also one and there won't be anyone crying foul with my rant. These companies are also getting smarter. They sell overpriced products to bypass any legal issue with the govt. If I remember correctly, in India for any form of business you need to offer a product or a service to be called a legal business. MLM scams back then didn't have any of these. I did warned my families and everyone I know who join (or were planning to join) but they replied back with "are you jealous that we are about to make a lot of money and you can't?"
One of the more recent MLM scams involved the crypto market which my neighbors invited me to join. I told them a few things and left them like that.
Also if you were wondering why the govt didn't take any action it was because the wives and family members and friends of govt officers and babus were also heavily invested in it. There were massive returns for the early joiners. Stopping the scam would mean they wouldn't be able to get their investment back (~worth crores) so they just let it run the course. Few of these early "investors" included my relatives who were able to buy off huge land and properties here and there. But for the unlucky late joiners like my own family it was nothing but losses after losses.
I'm sure that none of you are as foolish as my gullible parents or any tribal in NE area but don't get duped by MLM/networking people lol.
My entire family made lacs of losses. The worst thing was their "downline" people also lost money some of whom were very poor and were in for the quick and massive (?) returns. I will never be able to forget it. The most foolish thing yet? They were fooled into joining 2-3 of these network business. NE region has become a playground for MLM/networking/scams. It's not just the tribal community. I'm specifically mentioning "tribals" because they were introduced by tribals in the region and I'm also one and there won't be anyone crying foul with my rant. These companies are also getting smarter. They sell overpriced products to bypass any legal issue with the govt. If I remember correctly, in India for any form of business you need to offer a product or a service to be called a legal business. MLM scams back then didn't have any of these. I did warned my families and everyone I know who join (or were planning to join) but they replied back with "are you jealous that we are about to make a lot of money and you can't?"
One of the more recent MLM scams involved the crypto market which my neighbors invited me to join. I told them a few things and left them like that.
Also if you were wondering why the govt didn't take any action it was because the wives and family members and friends of govt officers and babus were also heavily invested in it. There were massive returns for the early joiners. Stopping the scam would mean they wouldn't be able to get their investment back (~worth crores) so they just let it run the course. Few of these early "investors" included my relatives who were able to buy off huge land and properties here and there. But for the unlucky late joiners like my own family it was nothing but losses after losses.
I know someone from my office was also duped like that. Some quick rich scheme. Sad.
I'm sure that none of you are as foolish as my gullible parents or any tribal in NE area but don't get duped by MLM/networking people lol.
My entire family made lacs of losses. The worst thing was their "downline" people also lost money some of whom were very poor and were in for the quick and massive (?) returns. I will never be able to forget it. The most foolish thing yet? They were fooled into joining 2-3 of these network business. NE region has become a playground for MLM/networking/scams. It's not just the tribal community. I'm specifically mentioning "tribals" because they were introduced by tribals in the region and I'm also one and there won't be anyone crying foul with my rant. These companies are also getting smarter. They sell overpriced products to bypass any legal issue with the govt. If I remember correctly, in India for any form of business you need to offer a product or a service to be called a legal business. MLM scams back then didn't have any of these. I did warned my families and everyone I know who join (or were planning to join) but they replied back with "are you jealous that we are about to make a lot of money and you can't?"
One of the more recent MLM scams involved the crypto market which my neighbors invited me to join. I told them a few things and left them like that.
Also if you were wondering why the govt didn't take any action it was because the wives and family members and friends of govt officers and babus were also heavily invested in it. There were massive returns for the early joiners. Stopping the scam would mean they wouldn't be able to get their investment back (~worth crores) so they just let it run the course. Few of these early "investors" included my relatives who were able to buy off huge land and properties here and there. But for the unlucky late joiners like my own family it was nothing but losses after losses.

These MLMs are getting more "professional". Oriflame, Amway, Vestige, Avon etc push their sellers to present in way that it is easy to get swayed. Flashy lifestyles, big cars etc. My wife was gung ho on joining one, and it was extremely difficult to make her understand that these are MLMs.
These MLMs are getting more "professional". Oriflame, Amway, Vestige, Avon etc push their sellers to present in way that it is easy to get swayed. Flashy lifestyles, big cars etc. My wife was gung ho on joining one, and it was extremely difficult to make her understand that these are MLMs.
I hope that I'm not being sexist but women are more easily fooled than men because many of the products are centered around "beauty and skin care."
My family loves Modicare products lol. The other day my mother bought an Amway Glister toothpaste costing 270rs. I asked her why and she said she heard that Glister is very good and helps people with tooth problems. I told her she could buy 3x of Colgate Strong Teeth of similar size. :banghead:
I have not yet forgotten Herbalife and the Teak plantation schemes from my old times. Parents almost fell prey to Herbalife..
Herbalife products are still being sold here. Same for many other "ayush" products. The market is too vast to put it in one post here. But its obvious that they are popular because people are buying them.
In one of my business class (govt sponsored) one of the so-called "resource person" was an MLM agent disguised as a business consultant. He was promoting IndusViva products for over 90 mins. I stood up and told him that I had urgent work to do and left. Another one of those resource persons was a Patanjali fan and started talking about Yoga under the topic of "energetic." This guy wore a Patanjali badge lol. I reported all these to one of the institute's senior teachers. Lets see what they do about it.
About these ayurvedic MLM companies I think they are freely doing it because the current govt is enabling them.
The most absurd thing about these companies selling overpriced products is how the poorer section of the society easily believe them. I've come across many families.
Its a very profitable business that's for sure. Maybe I'll do something similar when my financial situation gets tough ;)
  • Sad
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I hope that I'm not being sexist but women are more easily fooled than men because many of the products are centered around "beauty and skin care."
My family loves Modicare products lol. The other day my mother bought an Amway Glister toothpaste costing 270rs. I asked her why and she said she heard that Glister is very good and helps people with tooth problems. I told her she could buy 3x of Colgate Strong Teeth of similar size. :banghead:
You are right. Cosmetics is one of the most profitable industries and women still believe fair and lovely/glow works. They will eat crap shit food and apply shit on face and skin and expect miracles to happen overnight .. and they never give up.
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My family loves Modicare products lol. The other day my mother bought an Amway Glister toothpaste costing 270rs. I asked her why and she said she heard that Glister is very good and helps people with tooth problems. I told her she could buy 3x of Colgate Strong Teeth of similar size. :banghead:

Modicare at least has some popular businesses like 24Seven, Colorbar.
  • Wow
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You are right. Cosmetics is one of the most profitable industries and women still believe fair and lovely/glow works. They will eat crap shit food and apply shit on face and skin and expect miracles to happen overnight.
My cousin brother imports Chinese cosmetics and sells them online. He told me that except for the times when the customers scam him (yes its a legit problem) he's making very good profits.
The products are centered around skin "fairness." Brown Indian problems.
Modicare at least has some popular businesses like 24Seven, Colorbar.
I don't know much. But we use their vegetable oil and hair oil and some other products.
  • Haha
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Anything centered around women be it creams, gels, lifestyle, clothing etc and you in profit from day 1.
Reason: Women have zero brains in this matter. 1 2 3 fails doesn't bother them even if they run in wasting thousands they will always plunge deep just to fail and continue the endless loop.
And if its an Indian women then to kya kehna!

My mausi is a pro Amway reseller, she is into this biz since 15+ yrs now and always keeps praising their products. We personally tried them and are good no doubt but even though we can, only a fool will invest in detergent costing 300 bucks lasting a month where my tide powder and soap pack lasts me a good 3-4 months + saving 50% of the amway amount.

Same goes with other stuff so I would better not burn hole in my pockets nor I can afford a bmw for a month where my toyota will last me for a good 8 months.
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Illuminaughti goes in to crazy deep detail about the various MLMs out there.

On a related note, if anyone is looking to recoup their losses from an MLM I have a multi sided promotional opportunity that can see you recover in as little as six months!*

*Recovery not guaranteed. Most members do not recover any money and can expect to lose far more. This service is not intended to actually recoup any money. Limited conditions apply.
Joining a MLM is a great way to lose friends.
On a related note, if anyone is looking to recoup their losses from an MLM I have a multi sided promotional opportunity that can see you recover in as little as six months!*

*Recovery not guaranteed. Most members do not recover any money and can expect to lose far more. This service is not intended to actually recoup any money. Limited conditions apply.
Do I get referral commissions?
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If anything is too good to be true, it probably isn't. This I think will cover almost all financial MLMs.

Coming to other products, its just how they make money. Each person fancying to be a bit of an entrepreneur. Most women want to do something so they do this.
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