Where is our gratitude list thread?

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red dragon

Guess, the title is self explanatory ( gratitude list except God/ whatever higher power you believe in and parents)

I will start...
1. My shrink/ sponsor/ counsellor in NA (killed himself last year)- Sandy, he basically taught me how to live with head up high and there's nothing to be ashamed of ( I was a junkie)

2. A brilliant tattoo artist in Kolkata: My entire left arm was covered with needle punctures and track marks. Had to wear full sleeve shirts even in summers ( quit drugs in 2005, but the scars remained, and got even worse looking by 2010, didn't have money for skin graft..2 years after finishing MD in general medicine)
Met that guy after a concert, he looked at my arm and offered a full sleeve tattoo for almost nothing. Was little apprehensive at first, but he did a wonderful job. Covered up everything perfectly.
I eventually covered both the hands and entire back by him ( and paid for all his work) Even tattoo artists here think he did a wonderful job.

More to follow...but your turn now..
Mod Edit: Please keep the content friendly for all ages

And I'm also grateful to GameLoft for creating Asphalt 9, which causes me to spend less time on forums with rapidly deteriorating thread quality, else I would have lost my sanity ages ago.
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Guess, the title is self explanatory ( gratitude list except God/ whatever higher power you believe in and parents)

I will start...
1. My shrink/ sponsor/ counsellor in NA (killed himself last year)- Sandy, he basically taught me how to live with head up high and there's nothing to be ashamed of ( I was a junkie)

2. A brilliant tattoo artist in Kolkata: My entire left arm was covered with needle punctures and track marks. Had to wear full sleeve shirts even in summers ( quit drugs in 2005, but the scars remained, and got even worse looking by 2010, didn't have money for skin graft..2 years after finishing MD in general medicine)
Met that guy after a concert, he looked at my arm and offered a full sleeve tattoo for almost nothing. Was little apprehensive at first, but he did a wonderful job. Covered up everything perfectly.
I eventually covered both the hands and entire back by him ( and paid for all his work) Even tattoo artists here think he did a wonderful job.

More to follow...but your turn now..
Did you reached home or still strangled somewhere in the air/middle?
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@mods, If it's of sub par considering the lofty standards please close it. Life is little more complex than tech, gadgets and Asphalt 9.
I know of 3 people in this forum suffering from substance abuse.
What's wrong to have little bit of gratitude, empathy and talking about it, specially in these trying times?
And I'm really sorry that you've to pay for such little pleasures in life ( but it's fine, it takes some humane qualities to find a partner in life)
Did you reached home or still strangled somewhere in the air/middle?
Reached on 16th itself mate. Cargo planes are really fast. Budapest to Praha took a lot of time.
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while some may not be comfortable sharing personal information in open forum like this, this might help.

If it's of sub par considering the lofty standards please close it. Life is little more complex than tech, gadgets and Asphalt 9.
my POV, this thread isn't sub par at all. Any topic which gives us opportunity to engage in healthy is good.
Political threads and buy-sell is what keep this forum alive till date. else the base which this forum were laid is thanosed long back.
Now i can see even bakchodi in sales threads.
Very good point, but anonymity can be maintained. I didn't disclose the name of the tattoo artist or the studio he worked for back then.
He doesn't need any promotion.
I am still on leave technically, till this weekend..so have plenty of free time.. finished 4 pending music projects ( from 4:30 in the morning...9-10 hours straight till my head started spinning)
Needed to bring myself out from the covid destruction in India.
After Spain couldn't sleep at night for months. Thankfully the ****ing insomnia didn't come back. 5 hours of sleep is more than enough for my body.
Oh yes, I'm really grateful for my general health and how much torture/ pain it still can endure without complaining.
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Grateful that such forums exist. I find talking to strangers quite calming compared to talking to f&f since there is no pre-set burden of expectations (from either side), and anonymity is always comforting.
Not to mention I don't talk to them, but just that sometimes talking to stranger with absolutely zero reservations is calming for me lol

Also very grateful that I am privileged enough to not suffer much of the horrible consequences this pandemic has wreaked upon most of my fellow countrypeople, and that I don't have to worry about things such as where my next meal will come from. Knowing this kind makes me feel a sense of purpose and fills me with determination for some reason :)

And lastly, I'm grateful that I've always preferred M cars over AMGs, and felt good to see my choice being validated today :p
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@mods, If it's of sub par considering the lofty standards please close it. Life is little more complex than tech, gadgets and Asphalt 9.
I know of 3 people in this forum suffering from substance abuse.
What's wrong to have little bit of gratitude, empathy and talking about it, specially in these trying times?
And I'm really sorry that you've to pay for such little pleasures in life ( but it's fine, it takes some humane qualities to find a partner in life)

Reached on 16th itself mate. Cargo planes are really fast. Budapest to Praha took a lot of time.

nothing sub par about it. If the thread sticks to what it is about, mods will never have an issue.
Its when things move to something that is totally not why this or any other thread was started for, is when we will need to do something about it
It's in 500tattoos.com, crucified Jesus..that's my hand!! Seriously...it's very nicely done. Both of us have uploaded our tattoos for others to get it ( if they like them)
Len has smaller ones. Except one ( which I absolutely hate for the location) all are pretty decent.
Please don't make it a tattoo thread. I don't want to encourage people specially in India getting tattoos..
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It's in 500tattoos.com, crucified Jesus..that's my hand!! Seriously...it's very nicely done. Both of us have uploaded our tattoos for others to get it ( if they like them)
Len has smaller ones. Except one ( which I absolutely hate for the location) all are pretty decent.
Please don't make it a tattoo thread. I don't want to encourage people specially in India getting tattoos..

You know I find you quite strange, you make strange covid/political posts and for example now a tattoo post then turn around and say lets forget it and move on. Maybe you should think before you type. I'll be honest I don't take you seriously. Carry on.

Edit: Forgot to add, I'm grateful for my teacher.
And I'm also grateful to GameLoft for creating Asphalt 9, which causes me to spend less time on forums with rapidly deteriorating thread quality, else I would have lost my sanity ages ago.
Btw for what it's worth, I don't think "political debates (have) killed te" at all. I view them rather as an addition to the list of things that te was already a part of. And ngl it has made the forum much more active/livelier. There still exists the "old" te imo, and that is literally all threads apart from the politics and covid ones. Peace :)
Thankfully the ****ing insomnia didn't come back. 5 hours of sleep is more than enough for my body.
Oh yes, I'm really grateful for my general health and how much torture/ pain it still can endure without complaining.
There is this saying about riding horses vs camels on arid lands for long distances.
If I remember the saying right, before failing horses will show multiple signs and ebb off. Camels just endure and go on and on. Until one unexpected moment, the whole thing folds down saying it is quitting and die.

Used to take extra work which sometimes goes on 2-3 days non stop without a break, not even time for food, changing cloths, sleeping in studio, etc., later take a hard drink to get sleep. Though body is not complaining, that does not mean everything is going to be fine for ever. Enjoy the thrills of life till your body let you ,that is all what everybody can do.
You know I find you quite strange, you make strange covid/political posts and for example now a tattoo post then turn around and say lets forget it and move on. Maybe you should think before you type. I'll be honest I don't take you seriously. Carry on.

Edit: Forgot to add, I'm grateful for my teacher.
It's not a tattoo post. I have them for a reason. But don't want to turn it into a tattoo thread by posting pictures. It's perfectly fine if you don't take me seriously. But please point to a strange/ wrong covid related post I made. I'm genuinely grateful to the tattoo artist. But don't want to encourage people in IT industry to get visible tattoos in India. As we work in completely different environments. You possibly won't get my point.

There is this saying about riding horses vs camels on arid lands for long distances.
If I remember the saying right, before failing horses will show multiple signs and ebb off. Camels just endure and go on and on. Until one unexpected moment, the whole thing folds down saying it is quitting and die.

Used to take extra work which sometimes goes on 2-3 days non stop without a break, not even time for food, changing cloths, sleeping in studio, etc., later take a hard drink to get sleep. Though body is not complaining, that does not mean everything is going to be fine for ever. Enjoy the thrills of life till your body let you ,that is all what everybody can do.
May be you're right...2-3days? I've worked for more than 7 days without break.
Will be very happy to die suddenly before 60 rather than a long painful one at 80.
If you think working as doctor during covid or ebola is thrilling..yes I do have a thrilling life except that hard drink part. Didn't touch alcohol or any drugs in 16 years. And studying/ working like this for 20 years or more.
It's not even 4 here, went to bed at around 22 hrs yesterday. Got up now, will go for a run with the dogs. Had covid few weeks back. Truly grateful to recover so quickly.
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Of-course. A member joined in Jan 2021 would know what the old TE is, and what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about 2012-13-14-15 TE. My join date is July 2012.
When you joined in 2012, how many of the older members threw their join date in your face?

Note to everyone - Please don't engage in personal attacks, it was always against the rules even before 2012.
I don't know what he gains from putting forth his opinion that TE has gone down the drains every time he gets a chance, irrespective of the thread. Be the change instead of whining.

On topic: maybe I'll make a different post, but recently a wallet (with 3K+) that I lost, found its way back to me after 10 days because of some honest and humble common people (a flower vendor). I literally had no hope I'll find it and considered it gone forever, till I got a call one random day.
Faith in humanity restored.
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