CPU/Mobo New Motherboard issue ? SSD disconnects, Weird issue.

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I am facing a weird issue with my new setup. Recently, I purchased this new hardware :

B550F strix Wifi + Ryzen 4650G + Crucial Ballistic 8Gbx2 3600 Cl 16 ram.
WD SN750 1TB Nvme installed on M.2_1 Slot. (Boot drive)

Secondary WD SN700 500GB Nvme installed on M.2_2 Slot. (taken from old system)

I am running latest windows 10 ver 21H1 19043.1083
Updated Bios to the latest version (ignored the beta version).
All Bios settings on default, only tuned the pwm fans.
All softwares and drivers updated from official site.

Everything is working as expected,except the issue I am facing.

Problem: When I resume my system from sleep everything works as expected but the old m.2 drive 500GB disconects (M.2_2 Slot).
I restart the system and still is doesn't appear in my system. After restart it's even not detected in BIOS.
Then I shut down the system and cold start, it's detected and everything works normal.
everytime I resume system from sleep it happens.
*one more thing I noticed is if I wake my system just after 5-7 mins it doesn't disconnects,
only happens if I wake my system after 20-30min or later.

What I've tried:
playing with all those power plan settings and bios settings for the past 3 days.
1. Tried disabling fast boot in BIOS.
2. turned off Pcie link state power management in power plan options.
3. tried enabling/disabling (allow hybrid sleep option in power settings)
4. turned off hibernate option in power settings.
5. changed setting for turn of hard disk to NEVER in power options.
6. Reinstalled windows.

Played with almost all those power settings that I can think of and even googled for more.

7. Completed the diagnostic check for 500gb drive using HD tune pro and WD dash board.
This 2 yr old ssd shows 90% health in WD dashboard and was running absolutely fine when removed 4-6 days back from old system.

Checked the temperatures too, both M.2 SSD's running at 50-51C and chipset 62-65C

I can confirm it's not the trouble with the SSD, and motherboard is also working as expected.
don't know what's this bug, I can guess it's some software issue but not sure.
should I send this 4-5 day old MObo for RMA ?
please suggest something.
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What if you swap the two ssd in the slots? What happens then?

Have you checked for firmware updates for the older ssd?

Also, is there bios option to disable pcie gen4 mode and force gen3 mode?
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Yes, I've checked the SSD firmware using WD dashboard and no updates available.
Boot partition is on 1 tb drive only, can plug it in m.2_2 and boot after swapping both but I've not tried it yet.

There is no such option as disable PCIE gen 4.

options available are : m.2_1 mode : auto/gen1/2/3
: m.2_2 mode: auto/gen1/2/3
: SB mode: auto/gen1/2/3

all there options set to auto (not showing gen 4 may be because I'm using 4650G cpu which isn't supporting it)


here's a walkthrough for this boards Bios settings:
Yes set everything to gen3 and see?

If issue still occurs then swap the ssds and retry sleep/wake...

If same issue happens with same older ssd in slot 1 then at least it points to ssd incompatible with mobo... if same issue happens with new ssd in same slot 2 then indicate mobo issue... just to get a further idea before suggesting further steps... whether to sell old ssd or try mobo rma etc.
changed to gen 3 nothing happened, still the same.

swapped the SSD's -
now 1tb new drive with OS booted from m.2_2 ,
old drive is just data drive without any OS. m.2_1

both recognized and working fine, tried to sleep still fine but after 25-30 min I tried to wake up then it failed and system crashed (surely it disconnected).
tried twice , same thing.
someone also facing this issue like me see this last comment -
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System crashed means the new ssd in slot 2 faced the issue?

Yeah some quirk with the mobo slot 2 then I guess.

I'm not sure if an RMA is worth trying... if the same issue happens with the new board you could sell the old ssd and get a 2.5 inch SATA SSD of larger size for your secondary storage needs.

Before RMA can you try a different SSD in slot 2 ? I mean different brand m2 ssd and if that also has the issue then it's definitely your mobo. If it doesn't have the issue then it's your older ssd that is incompatible and you can just sell it.
But from the swap it indicates mobo issue.
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yes, it's the slot 2 as new ssd also disconnected hence system crashed when trying to wake.
I agree it's not worth wasting time with RMA for just a small bug, yes it's the Mobo.
just waiting for a new Samsung 980 1TB is on the way, I'll try this too and then we can conclude with 100% confidence.
I seriously suspect it to be some issue with the BIOS firmware, beta version is on official website and I'm waiting for it's official release, let's see what happens then.
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100% mobo slot issue.
RMA soon as you never know when lockdowns will hit again and the damage might spread to other components. Not to scare you but you know its electronics so either it will work like this forever or every often something or the other might mess up.
Ryzen have lots of compatibility woes and one has to keep doing bios upgrade, nvme ssd firmware upgrade then their are ram incompatibilities etc. and all these doesn't show up necessarily on first day or during initial run but gradually..
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I suspect it to be mobo but it can also be some firmware issue ?
slot 2 works as expected, it's just that it disconnects when trying to awake. I'll update once I try samsung ssd and new bios update.
or should I try beta version update ?
I feel like its a motherboard/ryzen issue

found issues with wd, sn700, sn 750, sn 850 on b450, b550 and x570

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Can you try to disable PCIe power management from UEFI screen? Some motherboards aggressively try to save power and that may cause issues like this.
yes, others also faced this issue but as said above it's mostly resolved after BIOS update.
so I think it's better to wait for a new bios update, beta is already available.
Backup existing bios and flash beta ones. If issue solved then no harm sticking on new beta upgrade. Else revert back.
Can you try to disable PCIe power management from UEFI screen? Some motherboards aggressively try to save power and that may cause issues like this.
There's no such option in my mobo.
Backup existing bios and flash beta ones. If issue solved then no harm sticking on new beta upgrade. Else revert back.
tried, nothing happened still the same issue so rolled back to previous version.

still trying a couple more settings in BIOS.
At the moment I'm not in a mood for Rma, a bit bussy for taking this unnecessary stress.
I'll update if I came across some useful info regarding the issue and also let you know once my samsung m.2 arrives.
Another disappointment -
Cleaned and applied thermal paste on old setup (B350f strix + ryzen 1600), it failed to power on.
Tried with new corsair rm850 and older rm650x, no issues with the PSU but system not powering ON, only one orange led on mobo is lit.
So, for the time being it's best option to postpone RMA for this board, atleast one system should be working.
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Yesterday, I tried with the new Samsung 980 1TB NVME drive and It worked flawlessly.
No more disconnection issues, checked atleast 4-5 times. Bios reset to defaults and still working as expected.
So certainly it was a compatibility issue. Both WD models were disconnecting on 2nd m.2 slot may be 2nd slot didn't liked WD.

I was expecting a reply from you in this thread @nRiTeCh & you helped mate, thanks.
Though I 've good knowledge of PC hardware etc. but still I feel there's no harm in discussing with others too.
Sometimes is just happens, after troubleshooting the SSDs and Mobo (both were OK) the very basic thing wasn't striking my mind and in this case @vishalrao helped for what I was missing is called "COMPATIBILITY"

thank you guys, and others too for providing relevant helpful info.

As with the old system 99% it's the b350 mobo failure. @nRiTeCh if you remember it's the same mobo I wasn't getting that beep from buzzer.
New mobo on the way, I'll update and surely ask for any further help if required.
Have a nice day & great weekend.
Yesterday, I tried with the new Samsung 980 1TB NVME drive and It worked flawlessly.
No more disconnection issues, checked atleast 4-5 times. Bios reset to defaults and still working as expected.
So certainly it was a compatibility issue. Both WD models were disconnecting on 2nd m.2 slot may be 2nd slot didn't liked WD.

I was expecting a reply from you in this thread @nRiTeCh & you helped mate, thanks.
Though I 've good knowledge of PC hardware etc. but still I feel there's no harm in discussing with others too.
Sometimes is just happens, after troubleshooting the SSDs and Mobo (both were OK) the very basic thing wasn't striking my mind and in this case @vishalrao helped for what I was missing is called "COMPATIBILITY"

thank you guys, and others too for providing relevant helpful info.

As with the old system 99% it's the b350 mobo failure. @nRiTeCh if you remember it's the same mobo I wasn't getting that beep from buzzer.
New mobo on the way, I'll update and surely ask for any further help if required.
Have a nice day & great weekend.
Nice to hear that bro!
I did mentioned earlier that ryzen has pretty much compatibility woes though may not be for everyone.
Glad you patiently awaited for your samsung ssd and it saved you from rma and headaches!
Would say samsung saved here :P
And not sure if we can conclude that WD isnt compatible with this mobo or combo as it depends from case to case.

And yeah I do remember that buzzer thread posted a month or two ago.
Which mobo you ordered this time?

I would advice to everyone that before jumping into ryzen please do your homework thoroughly or wait a while before placing order for various components.
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yea, Luckily Samsung rescued this time though I am WD person.
RMA was already postponed as other system also didn't started. Still difficult to conclude anything about WD compatibility as it's just the 2nd slot.
One of the WD SSD SN750 1 TB was also listed in official vendor certified list.

How time flies, that was not 1-2 months, it was like 10-12 months old post for that buzzer.
Without wasting time in reviews and all , It took me just 20 mins to get an overview of specs and my requirements. I ordered TUF B450M-Pro gaming for 8K and I think it's ok for an old system. I hope it works, not in a mood to spend further on a CPU.
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So guys,
If I changed my Kingston SNVS1000G into Samsung, it's gonna fix the problem, right?
Because I'm having this exact same problem with the Kingston nvme ssd I just bought for the second slot.
So guys,
If I changed my Kingston SNVS1000G into Samsung, it's gonna fix the problem, right?
Because I'm having this exact same problem with the Kingston nvme ssd I just bought for the second slot.
Very likely, swapping with a different brand SSD will fix this compatibility issue if you are having the same problem. You can try with Samsung or some other brands too.
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