Storage Solutions Crystalmark shows Current Pending Sector Count, need HDD recommendations

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I had bought a HDD from a user in TE. The drive was old when I bought it and it worked well until a few days ago, where it would get randomly unmounted and mounted (On windows and mac). I used crystal mark and saw the temps were 48 C and during load it was reading 50+C. My case is Antec VSK10 and I have mounted the HDD in the drive bay. There is no direct ventilation for the HDDs.

Today it showed the above error, and from the reading I have done it looks like this is the end of the line for the drive.

I was thinking of getting a 2 TB HDD, but if I put it back in same space would the temperatures damage my HDDs in the long run?

Also, would it be better to go with a slower, 2.5 HDD so there is more space for air to move around?
That might just be due to a bad sata/power cable. The bad cable won't directly cause the error but if the drive lost power, i.e got dismounted as you said during a read or write operation then the controller will log an error and those sectors will be marked pending for reallocation. If they are able to be read afterwards then the error wont be shown afterwards, otherwise they'll be reallocated. Could you upload a pic of crystal disk mark.
48C is a bit on the hotter side but within operating range. Make sure your cooling solution is sufficient for the case (preferably ensure net positive pressure). That said if the drive unmounts randomly then most likely its might be a bad/loose cable as mentioned previously. If your drive is on the verge of failure Crystal disk mark will most likely show show sufficient warning (what does the status say?)
48C is a bit on the hotter side but within operating range. Make sure your cooling solution is sufficient for the case (preferably ensure net positive pressure). That said if the drive unmounts randomly then most likely its might be a bad/loose cable as mentioned previously. If your drive is on the verge of failure Crystal disk mark will most likely show show sufficient warning (what does the status say?)
Right now its not too bad. I'm assuming you've checked the cables and power cycled the disk already. Continue monitoring and if the stats get worse maybe its not worth the risk.
The stats have come worst. While I didn't post the complete screenshot, the Current Pending Sector Count and Uncorrectable Sector Count were 10 each. Now they are 200.

I did power cycle them and used the drive in another position, still got similar crashes. Anyways I managed to buy a 2 TB seagate drive and copy data from older 1 tb drive to the newer drive, now thinking zeroing the 1 TB HDD would be worth it so I can keep it as a temporary emergency drive.
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