0-20k Advice on only CPU build.

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How is this build ? Any suggestions or improvement? Or criticism? I know budget isnt high.

AMD 3000g
ASRock A320 HDV
Adata 8GB 3200
WD Green 240 GB SSD
Case: Gx202

Have PSU and peripherals from an older build.
Will add a HDD later.
As good as it gets for an ultra low budget build. If you can invest a little more, maybe try a B450 board and an aftermarket cooler, try overclock the 3000g? IIRC the stock cooler that comes with the athlon is pretty bang average.

Is an Intel build really out of your budget, by the way? The Pentium G6400 is 2c4t but clocked quite 500MHz higher than the Athlon, although it's iGPU is... yeah.
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What is this build for? Low fps gaming then ok.
If it is just media consumption / browsing then see if you get an used i7 4790 for around 4k. Available at times. Will outperform the 3000g. Get a used 710 for GPU temporarily and later upgrade it to a 1070 or so when prices fall?
What is this build for? Low fps gaming then ok.
If it is just media consumption / browsing then see if you get an used i7 4790 for around 4k. Available at times. Will outperform the 3000g. Get a used 710 for GPU temporarily and later upgrade it to a 1070 or so when prices fall?
Yes low fps gaming mostly. Cant I just put 1050ti later on this? Or upgrade cpu to another apu if and when they come back in supply?

Amd a4 sockets support a lot so cpu upgrade is easy too.

With Intel I will need to buy mobo again. Although yes the i7 is a lot more powerful here
As good as it gets for an ultra low budget build. If you can invest a little more, maybe try a B450 board and an aftermarket cooler, try overclock the 3000g? IIRC the stock cooler that comes with the athlon is pretty bang average.

Is an Intel build really out of your budget, by the way? The Pentium G6400 is 2c4t but clocked quite 500MHz higher than the Athlon, although it's iGPU is... yeah.
I think the reusuability of the am4 is the best factor for this budget. Supports a wide array of processors. With Intel chipsets have changed too much every gens.

Yes will look for a better board if possible
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