PC Peripherals Place to check pc peripherals - Mumbai, Thane

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Hi Everyone,

Anyone know a place to check your pc parts in mumbai or thane.

i have a GPU & PSU to check. Please help.
Variety and Computech thane
beware of variety,lot of people have faced part duplication,partswapping etc especially in laptops. Variety sells second ka maal from distris for components aswell i know two people who have faced rma issues after couple of months of purchase for gpu's,motherboards etc. Go to green apple infotech near cidco bus stop in thane instead. in the same vicintiy as variety and computech, much better behaviour,pricing and service than variety and computech. Both variety and computech are owned by same set of people so beware.
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beware of variety,lot of people have faced part duplication,partswapping etc especially in laptops. Variety sells second ka maal from distris for components aswell i know two people who have faced rma issues after couple of months of purchase for gpu's,motherboards etc. Go to green apple infotech near cidco bus stop in thane instead. in the same vicintiy as variety and computech, much better behaviour,pricing and service than variety and computech. Both variety and computech are owned by same set of people so beware.
Thanks for valuable information, I was not aware of this
Thanks for valuable information, I was not aware of this
i had purchased a gigabyte mobo had some port issues so gave back to them they rma'd it, same story with gpu. i had purchased around 10-15 cd's half of them had no read write capability and were duplicate. their rma service is good as they send the product atleast for the first year to the company free of cost their own person visits the rma center's on lamington. Everything else is bad.
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