Well, reading most of facts here, I feel this is a topic that relates to everyone. Very good topic
First things first - I am no IT guy. I just have an interest in it and hence am here. Now coming back to my career choices, it is no different than what many have already posted.
I was always a bright student. Now my parents had a way to lure me to study more, they bribed me.

So, my dad said if you get a distinction in 10th, you get a PC. My prelims already had me scoring 85% + and my dad out of excitement got me a PC 2 months before my SSC (Big Mistake!). Finals were done and all I managed to score was 64% - I still remember the embarrassment. Anyways prior to the finals, had appeared for a Career Aptitude test - The one that ruined my career.
The results showed that I was not so good at Maths. (Reality : I dint give the exam with all my might as I wanted to just end the 4 hour long exam as soon as possible) It resulted that I am good at managing things and not really good at anything technical. Heck did I know that, the professors and my parents had already plot my way into my career path. It said - Commerce -> BMS -> MBA -> $$$$$$
My parents were innocent enough to follow expert advise for their kid. And after doing my MBA in Marketing 3 years ago, I realised that all this time, I have been following a chart drawn as per a Kid's mind, who wasn't even in the mood to sit for that exam.
My choices left me where I am today. Post MBA Marketing, I was clueless what I wanted to do. I joined an advertising agency and was a junior client servicing executive. The job was great but I could not give it my desired time as it was in Malad - East and I stay at Panvel, the Pendora of Mumbai. It cost me 5 and half hours of daily travel to and fro. And all this time, I was only paid my travelling expense since I was a junior. I quit it after 6 months, when my confirmation was based on Project completion - a project which was never gonna complete. Moved on because Ad Agencies want you to work late (I could not as I lived ~2 hours away and my trains were limited), paid less than college mates were minting and the travelling was nightmare!
I was always fascinated by the retail market. Got into it immediately, and grew at an awesome rate thanks to my qualification and my marketability. Within a year, I was already the Assistant Manager at Zara India interacting with actresses and actors. But everyday travelling back to Panvel - Pendora (Another 1.5 hours travel), left me questioning - darn wtf am I doing with my life, I reach home at 1.30am everyday and at times leave at 6.45am just because there is new stock arriving at the Store. No weekends off and the day you have an off, all friends and family are working. Let's not mention the body pain and the loss of personal life.
Eventually, there was a love issue and ended up married in the most filmi style possible! Could, or must I say - did not want to continue with Retail as I wanted to spare good quality Personal time for my family.
Now, currently working at a small firm, near my house since a year, handling 3 or may be 4 roles, being paid for just one. Not earning any better than my previous job. Just that my house is easily accessible and now again looking for a something new.
All this time, I always had a passion towards technology and hardware. Regret that I did not pursue my heart and just went on with the mindset drawn by others influenced on my Kiddish results some years ago. Today, I can't spare to take the risk to go for a course change and get a technical degree since I have dependents and some responsibilities I financially cannot ignore. Basically, I would love to create something tangible or intangible as my job profile rather than investing my brains worth to get a workaround done for an already existing matter!
Let's create a thread where in we post Job openings that we find around or in our organisations that would help the fellow members. I'm a marketing guy for sure, but would love to do something in technology that could give me a passion filled career. If you guys know of anything on this front, do tag me or let me know in any means possible.
Sorry for the long post and it's great to know people on a personal front.
Cheers everyone