21-30k CPU advice

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I recently came across this post from @bssunilreddy

Current specs-

Motherboard- MSI Pro VDH MAX B450m
RAM- 2*8GB DDR4 3600
GPU- 3080ti
CPU- R5 3600

Should I try to get that microcenter bundled deal knowing that there is no international warranty for either of those products (the chance of failure is low but still)?
It would be one hell of an upgrade even if I end up running the new system with my DDR4 RAM config.

The other option would be to get a 5800X3D or a 5900X from the USA (as per my knowledge, AMD doesn't care about the country of purchase??). Getting either of them would end up costing me almost the same amount of money and would be an amazing upgrade other than the fact that I will still be using my current motherboard which I have some issues with (the lack of wifi, really trash audio, etc)

What would you guys suggest?
I would had bought the combo deal if such combo deal had popped last year-end when I was looking for a major upgrade.
Choice is yours ultimately though proccy will have zero issues, mobo can get in issues during transit or worse a doa!
Its a gamble altogether as you are paying for the proccy only.
Should I try to get that microcenter bundled deal knowing that there is no international warranty for either of those products (the chance of failure is low but still)?
It would be one hell of an upgrade even if I end up running the new system with my DDR4 RAM config.
I got one the day before and yes it is a limited-time amazing deal no question ... 50%+ off compared to India prices...

Though I checked yesterday and now it seems to be oos...it is a risk without warranty but worst case I have thought I can get it replaced next time I visit the States or someone who I know can do that
I got one the day before and yes it is a limited-time amazing deal no question ... 50%+ off compared to India prices...

Though I checked yesterday and now it seems to be oos...it is a risk without warranty but worst case I have thought I can get it replaced next time I visit the States or someone who I know can do that
It shows available in microcenter's New Jersey and New York stores. Thinking of getting it from there. (Actually it was oos 2 days ago but they restocked it)
It shows available in microcenter's New Jersey and New York stores. Thinking of getting it from there. (Actually it was oos 2 days ago but they restocked it)
Okay I got it from Columbus and 25 pieces got sold through the day... There is an option to reserve online too..

Imo don't think twice. Get it. Worth the risk.
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I would had bought the combo deal if such combo deal had popped last year-end when I was looking for a major upgrade.
Choice is yours ultimately though proccy will have zero issues, mobo can get in issues during transit or worse a doa!
Its a gamble altogether as you are paying for the proccy only.
The gamble is scary because if the mobo is doa then I'll be stuck with a cpu I can't use without spending a lot of cash.

If I do end up asking someone to get it for me, it has to be opened up before packing. In that case, how would you guys suggest I ask it to be packed. And both the components would be safer in hand baggage rather than check-in right? (Are they even allowed to be a part of one's hand baggage?)
They’re allowed to be hand baggage from what i know. Id say pack them in their own boxes and the electrostatic safe packaging. Also i think micro center might help with testing the components out in a test rig. I personally got my pc parts from Canada as well, taking the risk of having to send them back for repairs.
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The gamble is scary because if the mobo is doa then I'll be stuck with a cpu I can't use without spending a lot of cash.

If I do end up asking someone to get it for me, it has to be opened up before packing. In that case, how would you guys suggest I ask it to be packed. And both the components would be safer in hand baggage rather than check-in right? (Are they even allowed to be a part of one's hand baggage?)
I don't think it would be allowed in hand baggage.

Also, the motherboard gamble is risky. I would suggest getting the 5800X3D.
I don't think it would be allowed in hand baggage.

Also, the motherboard gamble is risky. I would suggest getting the 5800X3D.
The prospect of getting such a good board is too tempting. But it is safer to get either a 5900x or a 5800x3d
i did get x470 crosshair 7 wifi from us in such deal it ran well , untill vrm gave in now its on a shelf and i am running b350/a320 .With Amd just get a basic mobo with decent vrm you cant really oc them like balls to walls .b450 tomahawk or a midranger puchased from india makes more sense . On processor end i too am having my eyes on 5900x ( i run multiple vms) on current black friday deals to run on my b350 .So get proc forget about remaining deal the hit will be to large to gulp down
i did get x470 crosshair 7 wifi from us in such deal it ran well , untill vrm gave in now its on a shelf and i am running b350/a320 .With Amd just get a basic mobo with decent vrm you cant really oc them like balls to walls .b450 tomahawk or a midranger puchased from india makes more sense . On processor end i too am having my eyes on 5900x ( i run multiple vms) on current black friday deals to run on my b350 .So get proc forget about remaining deal the hit will be to large to gulp down
I have a decent mobo (I don't oc) which should work well with a Ryzen 5th gen processor. Are you planning on getting the 5900x from abroad?
yes US black friday deals look decent 5800x3d @329 is very tempting and 5900x at 343 + uncharted game as a bundle todays rate . if they drop that free game and reduce 50$ upfront i`ll go nuts , but than i still do feel that the price might still drop uptill black friday or cyber monday for 5000 series i have a secret wish if 5950 comes uptill 400-425 might go for it.
we had someone named rahul who is or was supposed to provide those kind of services search within the forum . One of my cousin simply raises his eye brows when i tell microcenter .the time to go over there + the fuel cost just for back 7 forth just doesn't make sense for them hence they prefer home delivery.
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we had someone named rahul who is or was supposed to provide those kind of services search within the forum . One of my cousin simply raises his eye brows when i tell microcenter .the time to go over there + the fuel cost just for back 7 forth just doesn't make sense for them hence they prefer home delivery.
I don't get why they're refusing to ship this specific combo deal
I don't get why they're refusing to ship this specific combo deal
They want to have people in the store so that they buy other things... My friend who got it from there mentioned the black Friday deals have started early in the store...and plenty of people were getting lot many other things apart from the mobo combo... Basically they want to sell you a whole pc.. Who can complain it is a killer deal they can try to sell other items at the very least
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They want to have people in the store so that they buy other things... My friend who got it from there mentioned the black Friday deals have started early in the store...and plenty of people were getting lot many other things apart from the mobo combo... Basically they want to sell you a whole pc.. Who can complain it is a killer deal they can try to sell other items at the very least
Doing it for the increased footfall. Makes sense.
My MSI Pro VDH Max (b450m) should be able to handle a stock 5900x right? Don't plan on overclocking but will get a better cooler than the Hyper 410R
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