Not to flame on a message board, but isn't the LGA1700 socket as dead as the AM4? I thought I read somewhere that the 15th gen is going to be on a new socket. I think, if one is hard pressed for budget going with AM4 is more bang for buck than an LGA1700, right? In 5 years when DDR5 becomes the norm, they can and should build a new one (only if the current one is no longer meeting their needs!)
IDK and IDRC about intel, and their side of things. I'm firmly in the red camp.
The point I'm trying to make is that a AM5 Mobo and Ryzen 7000 series APU will make better sense, and also keep open a window of upgradability.

Lol. You're the one assuming anything about being well off or not, either now or in the future. I don't make it my business to speculate on someone else's finances. The problem statement is to build something in X budget that can run Y comfortably. Finances have nothing to do with it as far as the solution to that problem goes.

Not everyone who can buy new parts necessarily wants to buy new parts. I'm not a new part elitist like you evidently are.

I dont understand how anyone can recommend buying a new AM4 mobo, and then restricting oneself to buying used CPUs, if and when the need to upgrade in the future arises, or when the funds are more abundant.

I firmly believe AM4 is EOL.
@Popsicleed one thing I forgot to mention... Since you seem to be new to pc building, take a look around this site for site reviews and pitfalls of buying from fk or Amazon. The sites in pcpricetracker are for convenience and are not vetted or community endorsed in any way.

As for the eol part, I'm not gonna spend more time debating it uselessly. You have both views and can make up your own mind I'm sure.
IDK and IDRC about intel, and their side of things. I'm firmly in the red camp.
The point I'm trying to make is that a AM5 Mobo and Ryzen 7000 series APU will make better sense, and also keep open a window of upgradability.

I dont understand how anyone can recommend buying a new AM4 mobo, and then restricting oneself to buying used CPUs, if and when the need to upgrade in the future arises, or when the funds are more abundant.

I firmly believe AM4 is EOL.
There will still be available AM4 CPU stock with gradually improving prices until stock is completely exhausted. An AM5 build without a GPU is a no-brainer, had OP said they had a 45K budget or upwards AND wanted a definite upgrade path.
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I firmly believe AM4 is EOL.
Technically yes, practically no. Just take a look at new mobos selling on amazon/pcpricetracker & you can can still find B450M (a platform launched more than 5 years ago) for around 4-5k even today that support 5600x with good enough cooler at stock speeds. Now compare that with intel 9th gen released around same time. One can buy a used 5600/5600x for around 8-9k & a new B550 mobo with features more than similarly priced B650 mobo except for an extra NVMe slot. Good enough for next 3-4 years until ddr5 ram & 5th gen NVMe prices drop to ddr4/4th gen NVMe prices currently.
I did build a R3 3200G build right in the middle of the pandemic. I got mildly flamed on the comment section for dead ending myself without an upgrade path. Most of the western users criticise our choices without a full understanding of our scarce choices and overpriced offerings of the Indian market. But I digress... I ended up doing a 2nd build, an i5-12400 build

I honestly did the 2nd build because I was slightly addicted to PC building more than anything else! I don't even play much, other than ocassional Age of Empires games for nostalgia's sake.

My interpretation of the OP is that they are keen on gaming without burning a hole in their (and parents'?) pocket. And I respect that. Just because, I had the privilege/luxury of doing 2 builds, I would not suggest that for everyone. And due to, what I assume, the OP is keen on (gaming, with an upgrade path), I would urge them to go with a full build than an APU or (heavens forbid!) those outdated crap being sold on flipkart/amazon.
Sorry, I missed this. Most communities for such advice have a hive mind opinion that is the loudest. That opinion is usually that whatever you're buying, buy the latest gen and iteration and nothing other than that has value or should be bought, if it's a budget build then buy whatever budget thing XYZ youtuber has recommended. I just don't subscribe to that disregarding of older gens without consideration of the bounds of feasibility for the build being requested.
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Ah, mb. I was really desperate for the cheap parts I shouldve checked on it a bit more.

around 9k+6k I believe
If you can hunt deals and can wait then go for i5-12400f (can easily get for 9k in sale) + Asus H610m MOBO (easily at 6k)

If you are in a hurry then i3-12100f (around 7k) + Asus H610m. I have this exact combo, can tell you it is more than enough for 1080p gaming when paired with my RX6600. I clock 100+ fps in Forza 5 in ultra setting in 1080p.
If you can hunt deals and can wait then go for i5-12400f (can easily get for 9k in sale) + Asus H610m MOBO (easily at 6k)

If you are in a hurry then i3-12100f (around 7k) + Asus H610m. I have this exact combo, can tell you it is more than enough for 1080p gaming when paired with my RX6600. I clock 100+ fps in Forza 5 in ultra setting in 1080p.
Thank you! I don't mind hunting, infact I am kind of patient and not rushing for it since school's starting and I could even save for a bigger budget while.
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If you can hunt deals and can wait then go for i5-12400f (can easily get for 9k in sale) + Asus H610m MOBO (easily at 6k)

If you are in a hurry then i3-12100f (around 7k) + Asus H610m. I have this exact combo, can tell you it is more than enough for 1080p gaming when paired with my RX6600. I clock 100+ fps in Forza 5 in ultra setting in 1080p.
This is the best advice so far with respect to OPs requirement.

Both LGA1700 and AM4 offer great bang for buck and already have multiple generations of CPUs to choose from as per the requirements, you don't need to be on the cutting edge platforms especially just for gaming anyways.

IPC difference is very minor within the generations and you don't really gain much.

Heck something like old quad core i5 from 6th gen onwards hold themselves really great with a decent GPU and those CPUs can be had for dirt cheap on used marketplace , findings a working motherboard is tricky though.
@Afxal Can the asus h610 be had for 6k? Is this during the blockbuster sales? I see it listed at 7.4k currently. A 10% card discount would knock down price only to 6.7k.
There are plenty of h610 motherboards , you can definitely find them below 6k.

You necessarily don't have to go with Asus all manufacturers have their version , msi ones actually are the better in my experience since they have better VRM which can sustain higher load for beefier CPUs.
@Afxal Can the asus h610 be had for 6k? Is this during the blockbuster sales? I see it listed at 7.4k currently. A 10% card discount would knock down price only to 6.7k.
I got it for 6.7k using the SBI cc offer, so maybe for the lowest aim at 6.7k or 6.5k in sale at max.

There are plenty of h610 motherboards , you can definitely find them below 6k.

You necessarily don't have to go with Asus all manufacturers have their version , msi ones actually are the better in my experience since they have better VRM which can sustain higher load for beefier CPUs.
Yes, MSI and Gigabyte motherboards are cheaper. I wanted the Asus H610m E D4 becuase it had 2 m.2 slots and I needed it.
Regarding VRMs MSI has 6 modules whereas the abovementioed mobo has 8. But I get it, VRMs wont matter much if they arent using the highest specced CPU on the board.
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The i3 12100 can outperform Ryzen 3000 series & match older i5s. But OP, you have to get lucky in getting used parts. IMO increase your budget.

Used RX6600 at 11-13k is a great choice for GPU. For others, see what you can get from the used market.

Check Facebook groups as well (your responsibility to do due diligence):
+1 for 12100/F
Seniors/gurus have told me to avoid going lower than 12th gen (or equivalent AMD) new/used processors now.
This video might help understand why so.
If you can hunt deals and can wait then go for i5-12400f (can easily get for 9k in sale) + Asus H610m MOBO (easily at 6k)

If you are in a hurry then i3-12100f (around 7k) + Asus H610m. I have this exact combo, can tell you it is more than enough for 1080p gaming when paired with my RX6600. I clock 100+ fps in Forza 5 in ultra setting in 1080p.
12400F was 9k just 3 days back on Flipkart IIRC, 1k extra off for ICICI card. Still great bangs for the buck I guess.
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CPU - Intel CORE I5 2400 PROCESSOR ( 2ND GENERATION ) 3.1 GHz Upto 3.4 GHz LGA 1155 Socket 4 Cores 4 Threads 6 MB Smart Cache Desktop Processor (Silver) - 2289 INR
GPU - AMD RX580 8G Graphics Card - 11,299 INR
MOTHERBOARD - ASRock B450M-Hdv R4.0 Socket Am4 AMD Promontory B450/ Ddr4/ Sata3&Usb3.1/ M.2/ A&Gbe/Microatx Motherboard - 4519 INR
RAM - 8GB RAM - 1909
PSU - 450watt - 1085 INR
TOTAL - 23,460

(I MIGHT miscalculate the alt total one my calculator broke xD)
Please tell me the flawed parts, thank you!!
Also a little update: I realised my cousin has a really ancient computer that died already, it is still in full set I believe, I will ask him later if he still has it. I could use his monitor AND his pc cabinet, but since it's really outdated I'm wondering if I could still build it as a noob? If so, what are the chances of me actually succeeding??
TDLR; My cousin have an ancient dead computer I could borrow the parts from.
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Ok so I'm listing the builds I've collected so far;
PC CASE - Ant Esports - 3615 INR
CPU - i3-12100F - 8862 INR
GPU - GEONIX GEFORCE GT 730LP 4GB DDR3 Graphic Card - 2735 INR
RAM - 8GB RAM - 1909
PSU - 450watt - 1085 INR
TOTAL - 25,649 INR
Don't get an ANT PSU - Corsair, Silverstone, Cooler Master, Deepcool PK-D units are better/more reliable options
GPU GT730 - it's Ancient. Avoid at all costs.

In general, if you are only checking amazon and flipkart, you are likely paying an unnecessary premium in the parts. Use pcpricetracker.in to get a better idea of parts, costs, availability across multiple online sites.
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CPU - Intel CORE I5 2400 PROCESSOR ( 2ND GENERATION ) 3.1 GHz Upto 3.4 GHz LGA 1155 Socket 4 Cores 4 Threads 6 MB Smart Cache Desktop Processor (Silver) - 2289 INR
GPU - AMD RX580 8G Graphics Card - 11,299 INR
MOTHERBOARD - ASRock B450M-Hdv R4.0 Socket Am4 AMD Promontory B450/ Ddr4/ Sata3&Usb3.1/ M.2/ A&Gbe/Microatx Motherboard - 4519 INR
RAM - 8GB RAM - 1909
PSU - 450watt - 1085 INR
TOTAL - 23,460

(I MIGHT miscalculate the alt total one my calculator broke xD)
Please tell me the flawed parts, thank you!!
Also a little update: I realised my cousin has a really ancient computer that died already, it is still in full set I believe, I will ask him later if he still has it. I could use his monitor AND his pc cabinet, but since it's really outdated I'm wondering if I could still build it as a noob? If so, what are the chances of me actually succeeding??
TDLR; My cousin have an ancient dead computer I could borrow the parts from.
A big NO.
That cpu could be older than you - avoid
That motherboard is not compatible with your cpu. You need to pick an AMD Ryzen cpu to use that motherboard.

Regarding your cousin's pc - you need to give more details before people can make recommendations.

Finally, and I mean this sincerely, you really need a better understanding of the parts, how they work with each other and where you are making trade offs. Please do learn a bit more about pc building. There are several videos out there on YouTube.

If this is your first build and you plan to DIY it,

The age of the old cabinet is irrelevant as long as it's ATX and not some proprietary Dell / HP / Lenovo prebuilt.
You might miss out on USB 3 and on the ventilation front till you get a new case.

Check the motherboard manufacturer product page for processor compatibility.
Check what socket each generation or generations is on.
Check what generations of processors a board or series of board supports.

Look for an RX 580 or a GTX 1660 at the minimum.

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