How to print an Excel file like this?


Gold is old
Someone is trying to print an Excel file on an A4 paper. Problem is that this Excel file has with too many columns and nothing can be skipped.

On Landscape, with fit to width, the print output is like this:


Without fit to page breaks (24%), it looks like this:


On portrait mode with full width:

output 4.png

Portrait mode with fit to page breaks:

output 3.png

How does one print this thing?
Can this be printed on an A4 paper? What to do? Any help?
Last edited:
Someone is trying to print an Excel file on an A4 paper. Problem is that this Excel file has with too many columns and nothing can be skipped.

On Landscape, with fit to width, the print output is like this:

View attachment 199321

Without fit to page breaks (24%), it looks like this:

View attachment 199322

On portrait mode with full width:

View attachment 199324

Portrait mode with fit to page breaks:

View attachment 199323

How does one print this thing?
Can this be printed on an A4 paper? What to do? Any help?
First of all, what are you trying to achieve by printing those? mostly it would be landscape mode if you have more columns. the reason you got the landscape like that is I think it tried to fit alot in one page.
If you are trying to squeeze everything into one page then this looks fine to me: :D


Or you may want to print 20 columns per page but repeat the first few columns on each page to maintain the context. To achieve this, you'll need to select "Columns to repeat at left" on the "Page Setup" options.


In any case, you have far too many rows to be printed legibly on a single page.
the reason you got the landscape like that is I think it tried to fit alot in one page.
In any case, you have far too many rows to be printed legibly on a single page.
The question of the guy printing is how he is supposed to print this.

Or you may want to print 20 columns per page but repeat the first few columns on each page to maintain the context. To achieve this, you'll need to select "Columns to repeat at left" on the "Page Setup" options.
Ok suggesting the same.

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