Israel Hezbollah Pager Attack.

.. unlike Indian part (explain in details with Date & Area of Patrolling), China just Confirm deal with India to end standoff in Ladakh ....

winter season is nearby and china may think will be hard to maintain supply chain in China controlled area to it's Army, so they pretend to ..... High Alert required from Indian Army & Generals for China & it's uses of Words ....
Unlike misinformation we hear in 2024 due to political mud-slinging, this was not actually the case.
China was poised to get it even if India disagree, Indian politicians at that time took a pragmatic stance. There are well known political discourses at that time, people now don't care much about. Because they are not ready to properly read and understand history.
India was offered UNSC seat once by Americans and once by Soviets.
They wanted to kick out china and give India.
There is even written letter of Nehru to Vijaya Laxmi Pandit when she informed him that Americans wish to have India in UN seat .
Where Nehru replies that this will spoil relations with China .

Second Soviets wanted to expand to 6 members and add India and this was direct offer from Soviets but even that was rejected again.
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Offer UN Seat with Veto Power to China chanting Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai
China used to refer to India as 'western heaven'. Buddhism became must know thing for them and demand was high despite emperors trying to ban it from the 1st century onwards. But these bans are not effective because people find ways to get their fix. Same fear as in the present with Tibetans and Falun Gong.

A foreign religion is becoming more imortant than emperor/CCP with large number of followers which is then a threat because of loyalty issue and foreign power like India can do remote control. So they sinnified Buddhism to make it more safe. India was seen as a teacher for China and indeed a large part of Asia. This was the Vishwaguru days. Indian ideas and teachers were the best in the world.

Did we get anything of such value from them? No. They leeched all they could get.

Until the CCP showed up China had a good impression of India. If i find the essay by the Chinese embassador to the US in 1938, you will be amazed at the way India was seen in China.

All changed with Mao. This Nehru didn't get and thought the old way of thinking was still in force. If it was then bhai bhai would be logical and achievable.

China and India are millennia old civilisations with zero grievances until the CCP showed up.
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what about taking kashmir issue to UN? there is blunder made by each Political Leaders in past but few VOTE BANK keep following them for little monetary advantages to community but in return they exploits common people from same community but who cares as Upper Leaders in same Vote Bank community keep feeding by those Political Leaders for mass Vote bank.
what about taking kashmir issue to UN? there is blunder made by each Political Leaders in past
That was absolute real blunder from which India couldn't recover till date, agree with this.
each Political Leaders in past but few VOTE BANK keep following them for little monetary advantages to community but in return they exploits common people from same community but who cares as Upper Leaders in same Vote Bank community keep feeding by those Political Leaders for mass Vote bank.
This haven't changed yet rather is accelerating, don't think is going to change with the kind of politics and social structure India have, sadly.
They wanted to kick out china and give India.
Was not that easy as we think today, there was complicated maze of geopolitics behind this.

Full reading these will give some basic idea. Nehru was well aware and thought ahead of those who were trying to perceptually pit USSR and China against India to oblivion.
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what about taking kashmir issue to UN? there is blunder made by each Political Leaders in past...
I have a different take and actually think Nehru is the reason we own two thirds of J&K and he deserves the credit. He gets slammed for losing parts of it to Pakistan and China but people forget without him we might not have got anything.

How many know that at partition J&K was not included in India by the Brits. It was given to Pakistan. All of it. The Radcliffe line lopped it off completely.

The raja didn't want that. In fact he wanted to be independent. Belonging to neither. Sensing that the handover wasn't proceeding as intended one British major posted in what is PO J&K pulled the rajas flag down and raised the Pakistan flag. That was the start of the land grab.

Raja sensing his forces were being overrun approached India and as you know signed an accession agreement in exchange for defense. The conflict that occurred isn't known as a war but officially as 'Operations in J&K'. Of which we managed to secure two thirds and the remaining third was left.

This is where the controversy begins. Gen Thimaya said he needed no more than a fortnight to get it back. Nehru refused and took the matter to the UN. He had a lot of faith in the institution since it had just been setup and had lofty goals. Sometimes it's not clear why civilian leaders do things but they outrank military in our system. A good example is Vajpayee setting the condition that no Indian troops cross the Loc during Kargil. Making the militaries job much harder but ultimately was the reason Clinton saw Pakistan as the aggressor and withdrew support to them. Ending Kargil in India's favour.

So why did Nehru do it? To get legitimacy from the world. If J&K was not given to India and India now has two thirds, then isn't India the landgrabber here? Don't forget Pakistan agreed to be a frontline state for the west against the soviets. The west would look more favourable at Pakistans complaint here than India who they did not trust. This was the reason for Pakistan to be created in the first place. An obstacle in between Russia and India. So soviets don't get access to warm water ports.

Not if this issue could be resolved at the UN with a plebiscite held after to settle the matter once and for all.

Conditions for holding the plebiscite was as the aggressor the Paks would have to withdraw first followed by the Indians. The Paks never withdrew and the matter rested there. Which is curious because inspite of J&K being majority Muslim they weren't confident to put it to a vote. Better to hold on to what they have than risk it all over some noble idea like plebiscite.

So the fault lies with Pakistan and we hold onto J&K. The world regards it as a disputed area. The US position on this matter remains unchanged since Kennedy. But main point is India isn't seen as an aggressor by the world.

We ended up doing something similar after '71. Winning the war was half the battle. Getting the world to accept Bangladesh as a new country was the final half where our diplomats excelled. Without whom the world could have rejected the outcome and invited Pakistan to take over as victims of an Indian adventure. Paks tell themselves that '71 was not a loss as they didn't care much for East Pakistan so then why did Bhutto storm out of the UN when it was clear Bangladesh would be formed :)

Very few borders have changed since WW2 because most see it as tantamount to a wider conflict. So india redrawing the map is quite an achievement.

As an example of when the world disagrees look at the conflict Indonesia had in the 60s. They called it Confrontasi. In effect an attempt to recreate an undivided Indonesia. So no Malaysia or Brunei which were carved out of Indonesia. This triggered a conflict where the Brits & Australians entered against Indonesia and ultimately Indonesia lost.

So if India disagreed with partition and moved to recreate Akhand Bharat then we would face a similar scenario.

So now you understand the delicate balancing act Nehru had to play to keep J&K.
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what about taking kashmir issue to UN? there is blunder made by each Political Leaders in past but few VOTE BANK keep following them for little monetary advantages to community but in return they exploits common people from same community but who cares as Upper Leaders in same Vote Bank community keep feeding by those Political Leaders for mass Vote bank.
A society that can't survive a few bad leaders wont last long. We have, looking at the recent past, shown some will to survive.

Nehru's two military defeats were followed by 2.5 military victories.

Rajiv+Antonia's incompetence+malevolence drove the country into the arms of IMF. Europeans almost got a second pakistan in the region. Then came PV Narasimha Rao.

Manmohan+Antonia's 10 years were prob the darkest decade for post 1947 Indian governance. Then Modi happened.

Your enemies will do bad things to you. If we can't respond to their attacks, we become one of those lost empires.
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How many know that at partition J&K was not included in India by the Brits. It was given to Pakistan. All of it. The Radcliffe line lopped it off completely.

The raja didn't want that. In fact he wanted to be independent. Belonging to neither. Sensing that the handover wasn't proceeding as intended one British major posted in what is PO J&K pulled the rajas flag down and raised the Pakistan flag. That was the start of the land grab.

Raja sensing his forces were being overrun approached India and as you know signed an accession agreement in exchange for defense. The conflict that occurred isn't known as a war but officially as 'Operations in J&K'. Of which we managed to secure two thirds and the remaining third was left.

This is where the controversy begins. Gen Thimaya said he needed no more than a fortnight to get it back. Nehru refused and took the matter to the UN. He had a lot of faith in the institution since it had just been setup and had lofty goals. Sometimes it's not clear why civilian leaders do things but they outrank military in our system. A good example is Vajpayee setting the condition that no Indian troops cross the Loc during Kargil. Making the militaries job much harder but ultimately was the reason Clinton saw Pakistan as the aggressor and withdrew support to them. Ending Kargil in India's favour.

So why did Nehru do it? To get legitimacy from the world. If J&K was not given to India and India now has two thirds, then isn't India the landgrabber here? Don't forget Pakistan agreed to be a frontline state for the west against the soviets. The west would look more favourable at Pakistans complaint here than India who they did not trust. This was the reason for Pakistan to be created in the first place. An obstacle in between Russia and India. So soviets don't get access to warm water ports.

Not if this issue could be resolved at the UN with a plebiscite held after to settle the matter once and for all.
Where can i go to read the source material for all this info?
Where can i go to read the source material for all this info?
The idea came to me when i saw a map showing the Radcliffe line cutting out j&k completely. I don't think you see that in school books.

As for the rest these are historical events from numerous places.

What do you want to know more specifically?
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This is where the controversy begins. Gen Thimaya said he needed no more than a fortnight to get it back. Nehru refused and took the matter to the UN. He had a lot of faith in the institution since it had just been setup and had lofty goals. Sometimes it's not clear why civilian leaders do things but they outrank military in our system. A good example is Vajpayee setting the condition that no Indian troops cross the Loc during Kargil. Making the militaries job much harder but ultimately was the reason Clinton saw Pakistan as the aggressor and withdrew support to them. Ending Kargil in India's favour.

So why did Nehru do it? To get legitimacy from the world. If J&K was not given to India and India now has two thirds, then isn't India the landgrabber here? Don't forget Pakistan agreed to be a frontline state for the west against the soviets. The west would look more favourable at Pakistans complaint here than India who they did not trust. This was the reason for Pakistan to be created in the first place. An obstacle in between Russia and India. So soviets don't get access to warm water ports.

Not if this issue could be resolved at the UN with a plebiscite held after to settle the matter once and for all.
We grabbed land from Portuguese in Goa. We grabbed land from Portuguese in Puducherry. This was military action.
There was police action in Hyderabad against the nizam.

Sorry, This statement of not wanting to appear as the aggressor does not make sense.
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We grabbed land from Portuguese in Goa. We grabbed land from Portuguese in Puducherry. This was military action.
There was police action in Hyderabad against the nizam.

Sorry, This statement of not wanting to appear as the aggressor does not make sense.
None of those areas were given to Pakistan? That is what complicated everything.

Nehru's plan was to get it all back without more force and with legitimacy.

Don't forget all those actions were done when he was in charge. Goa was in the 60s.
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The idea came to me when i saw a map showing the Radcliffe line cutting out j&k completely. I don't think you see that in school books.

As for the rest these are historical events from numerous places.

What do you want to know more specifically?
Image on that page shows J&K as unaffected portion - meaning not belonging to either India or Pakistan. You mentioned "It was given to Pakistan. All of it." So I was wondering where you got that info from.

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Image on that page shows J&K as unaffected portion - meaning not belonging to either India or Pakistan.
This is not correct and title in your map suggests its speculative.
You mentioned "It was given to Pakistan. All of it." So I was wondering where you got that info from.
A graphic on news X during a discussion. They didn't come to the same conclusion as I did though.
Goa and Puducherry were held by Portuguese, I would say the Portuguese are slightly better regarded on the world stage than pakistan.
Not really. Didn't cause much of a stir. Only Portugal broke off relations.
Nehru was the PM when Goa was annexed.
So you can see a difference in approach from the same PM. Therefore they're not equivalent.
About the loss of Aksai Chin (approximately 38,000 square kilometres), Nehru is reported to have said in Parliament “not a single blade of grass grows there.” Mahavir Tyagi, a senior Congress leader, pointed to his bald head and said: “Nothing grows here … should it be given away to somebody else?”
Who said he gave it away?

If someone comes and robs it then what do you do.
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BRICS Banknote Coming? Putin-Led Currency Could Put Pressure On US Dollar

It's not clear whether the Americans are aware of Israel's attack plans. Maybe all they have is an assurance that no nuclear or oil infrastructure will be hit.

What got leaked was an American assessment via satellite of what they saw the Israelis do. What kind of exercises and the kind of missiles being moved around. So it's what the Americans had over a couple of days of satellite intel that was leaked. No targets in Iran are known.

It's caused the Israelis to postpone the attack as they wargame an alternative approach.

Something else that isn't clear is whether this will be a one off strike on Iran or a campaign over several months. I can see the latter becoming likely if Trump wins.
Finally Pakistan is making use of the cpac road to export....

It's year or old News, after that China even imported lakhs of Monkeys from Sri Lanka.. India should worry about this as donkey & monkey, if trained, can be very useful.

Imagine, if china Trained Monkeys and replace one eye of each monkey (half of monkeys left eyes and other half's Right Eyes) with HD Cameras etc. and released them in Indian side of LOC in deep forest area.. than ?

Donkeys are well versed to walk/work in dry/hilly/rough/narrow hilly pathways/bushy areas with HEAVY LOADS, without BREAK and FEAR, China may plan to train them and use as porter to move Arms/Ammunitions/Supplies to it's Army deployment along Indian Boarder.

I know it as has seen in village areas, that trained donkeys, once loaded with earthen pots, without any guidance they cross TOUGUH HILLS, that we common urban people can't even imagine to cross or hike, and reach to market.

Don't know if they can sustained Harsh Winter of Ladakh etc.
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