i agree with you but a part of my brain is like - well if you are connecting with wire why do you need a mesh, keep cheap wifi routers in every room with same SSID and live with the couple of seconds drop when you move.i have been using the tplink deco x20 mesh for over 2 years now and the same is in use with a friend of mine too. Yes in order to kill all the dead zones, the mesh system is the best option but there are a few key things that you should know before you buy.
-Always go with the wired backhaul if possible and by that i mean dont use wireless connectivity between different mesh routers. Wired backhaul will give you the best performance.
-There are very expensive mesh systems out there, chose wisely according to your need, overspending is very common when buying mesh router.
-You will need to use a gigabit switch in order to setup wired backhaul and i would highly recommend wired backhaul over the wireless backhaul.

not disagreeing with you but yea wired backhaul kind of defeats the aesthic purpose of Mesh doesnt it