What's your perspective on the India's future?

What's your perspective on the India's future? (Votes are anonymous)

  • It's a sinking ship

  • Gradual decline ahead

  • Steady as she goes

  • Bright future on the horizon

  • Golden age incoming

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Two questions for you,​

  1. What's your perspective on the India's future?
  2. How are you personally preparing for that?

My take,​

It's been a year since we got properly introduced to AI. But, my take hasn't changed.
Companies around the world have been outsourcing white collar jobs to India because it's cheap. Now, AI will do many of these jobs for even cheaper. I don't see why AI won't cause massive lay off in India and recession. Prepare yourself.
Coming back to my point, going forward, IT companies won't need that much human resources. AI will be capable of replacing half of the people in this industry. Coders will be first to go because these guys have put mammoth amount of material on the internet for AI to train. There are more coding resources than bio, mechanical, law, civil etc resources combined. Those who are underestimating AI are looking at the past AI history and are clearly oblivious to the current inertia of this field.

Things that happened in one year. (This is what I have seen)​

  • AI can code better than most of the top-level tier 10x coders.
  • AI can create better art than humans.
  • AI can create better music than humans.
  • AI can sound more human and compassionate than most humans.

What advantage does India have in this situation?​

I don't see any. The future resembles a royal rumble match with only the US and China inside the ring.

Indians are still struggling with the necessities. Doing H vs. M and crapping on villains from our history has become a favorite paste time for Indians. These days, when I talk to people, more and more of them sound like good ol' grandpa. No offense to sweet grandpas of TE, but these other younger ones are living in the history.

White-Collar jobs​

In my view, the US covers India's expenses. This was effective because Indian workers provided affordable IT and BPO services. However, AI can now perform these tasks at an even lower cost. So, why would Western nations continue to outsource jobs to India? Even if they do, why not choose countries like Vietnam, which offer superior infrastructure and a more educated workforce that are ready to work for cheaper rates than Indians?

Blue-Collar jobs​

Talking about manufacturing. I have said my piece about it elsewhere. Robotics subject isn't as glam as AI for Ujjala-washed-collars. The Robotics race is running only a slightly behind the AI. The China is clearly winning this one. You may have seen impressive robot demonstrations from Boston Dynamics. In China, hundreds of startups have already surpassed those robots within a year. To compare, this is how Indian robotics looks like.

Putting jokes on hold, I firmly believe that with its vast and cost-effective robots, China will continue to be the ultimate manufacturing powerhouse. No human, regardless of where they’re from, can compete with the price of those robots.


With HNIs, talent, FIIs and now, we'll also see the jobs fleeing the country. India, similar to other countries in the global market, relies heavily on exports. This is especially true because it operates as a net negative economy. Such an economy can't last long without foreign investment, leaving domestic investors to manage the country's finances. It's a bit like trying to pay off loans by taking more loans. Also, the increased taxes and the government's 'fake it till you make it' approach seems to be failing.

Many Indians tend to overlook the obvious statistics, which leaves me with no hopes.
There is no future in India. Why?

1. Reservation - The system mocks merits, hate people with intelligence and prioritize people with no skill. It is just funny/tragic to see student with 90% fails but 20% pass and get a job.
2. Corruption - from Top level to bottom in every sector, corruption is running like parasites.
3. Education - Education in India is null.
4. Healthcare - Poor healthcare, nothing for taxpayers.
5. High Triple taxation - upto 60% taxes goes to government directly and indirectly which they use to give freebies, make their own villas and do everything to be remain in power. Highly mental abuse and trauma for taxpayers.
6. Corrupt Government - The government of any, just not want to do anything. they just want to remain in power. anyhow.
7. -100% civic sense - Indians have -100% ultra pro civic sense.
9. Job Security - It prevents any of gov sector person working effeciently.
10. illegal aliens - with heavy population in itself, illegal aliens are abusing resources of India making it poor each day.
11. Infrastructure - we do have enough people and resources to develop make in India products but you can't when you hire someone with zero iq in different quota.
12. ease of doing business - it is just hard. no motivation when there is lot of compliances, gst compliances, you waste a huge part of time just filing these fking documents instead of actually putting energy in work. GST offices sends notices and ask for bribery to settle things, yes they do.
13. Law & courts - it is for powerful people. people with money and powers win. it is not the option to get justice in India. Just look a the false 498A cases or someone was asked to write essay for k#ing in road accident.
14. Internet / Broadband - Reliable internet connects people. it opens the doors of opportunities and make a country grow. The government can't even have a reliable broadband that they can offer us. Look at the BSNL site. Just look and see the changes and growth. Just go to BSNL exchange and check their services. Just buy bsnl broadband and check how reliable their service is.

Name a single service offered by government that can be rated atleast 4 out of 5. I see 1 or 2 or even 0 in some sector.

All 4 pillars of democracy are broken, untrustable. not a single person you will ask will say that they trust it. they can say it on camera but in heart they all know how fishy things are there.

I have a lot of points to make and just a single question, why it is hard to just stop and think do what is absolutely right.

I will move abroad when i will have enough money or get a chance to. I do love India but people of the India are itself responsible for everything. I see my future is dark in India.
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The million dollar (rupee?) question is who will bell the cat? We have to acknowledge our problems and issues at first. The government is behaving like an ostrich and thinks problems will fade away by itself if they don't pay attention to it.

We as a society are trying to live in the past (glory days of the olden kings), rather than plan for our future. There is no proper coherent achievable strategy - all we do is make grandiose statements and pull down people who try to offer constructive deployable solutions.

I rarely see any discussion papers being put up in public domain asking for comments from experts and people alike, on various schemes being implemented at the moment. We do have a lot of patriotic intelligent people who have demonstrated their abilities on a global platform - the best we could do is to listen to them and implement their suggestions in earnest.

The Indian society is caught up in the "jugaad" mentality. We like to take shortcuts for everything and this is the wrong path to take. Good things take time and proper effort to succeed and shortcuts might get the job done but will stifle innovation. Name a few good products that are developed locally that we can be proud of globally without any foreign collaboration or involvement.

All that matters is intent to change - once the heart is in the right place solutions will follow.
Putting this here so one can clearly see the future of India.

None of the given options are suitable. It has been a chalta hai model since the brits left. It'll be the same half a century from now. So in one word chalega. It's not a sinking ship by long shot. Bright future and golden age are laughable on the other hand. When you have the most indisciplined and uncivilised people around, future cannot be bright. Economically it will linger on.
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People who mention reservation as a problem without mentioning the barbaric caste system should never be taken seriously. Eradicate caste, we wont need reservation at all, its that simple. How do you do that ? Inter-caste marriage. PERIOD
really? when you study upto 12th with good marks and suddenly you get to know that 90% is not enough. it was all lie.

Caste system exist for a reason and all these years with reservation not changed that so i don't want to argue over this just because you think so. it is a common sense to have merit system. it is not a fault of someone to born in a decent family. also inter-caste marriage or anything is not that gonna solve this.

if you think pandits are rich, you are wrong. i don't even know how many casts are there. i treat them as people. rich or poor.

the solution is to bring everyone on the same line, offer facility to prepare for the same exam with a single cut-off. If one is poor, give them the library, food, education, everything they need for passing an exam. just don't run away giving someone a job with no skill.. it is only gonna put hate for these people instead of actually solving anything. it is harsh but there is no easy money. i work 12-15hrs just to give my future a better life.

also people without merit getting jobs are actually putting India's future at risk. They can't guide the youths, offer their ideas or do anything that requires intelligence and skill.

i love every single indian but bro i don't my children to be teach by a teacher who scored zero. i don't want to be treated by someone with poor passing score. i don't want to avail a service that requires intelligence but the person have come through quota or reservation. it is risky.
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None of the given options are suitable. It has been a chalta hai model since the brits left. It'll be the same half a century from now. So in one word chalega. It's not a sinking ship by long shot. Bright future and golden age are laughable on the other hand. When you have the most indisciplined and uncivilised people around, future cannot be bright. Economically it will linger on.
That's the middle option. "Steady as she goes". No ups and downs.

People who mention reservation as a problem without mentioning the barbaric caste system should never be taken seriously. Eradicate caste, we wont need reservation at all, its that simple. How do you do that ? Inter-caste marriage. PERIOD
Eradicating the caste system is as of a fairy tale as Harry Potter. Kuch realistic solution do bhai.

All of my younger male cousins went abroad for their higher education. Why? They have absolutely no chance of getting into good institutes in India unless they score like 105%.

Is it a good idea to chase people away who are just as very liberal as one can be and avoid caste games?

There is no future in India. Why?
You raised more valid points. When I was writing my opinion, I wasn't even remotely thinking about them. lol.
really? when you study upto 12th with good marks and suddenly you get to know that 90% is not enough. it was all lie.

Caste system exist for a reason and all these years with reservation not changed that so i don't want to argue over this just because you think so. it is a common sense to have merit system. it is not a fault of someone to born in a decent family. also inter-caste marriage or anything is not that gonna solve this.

the solution is to bring everyone on the same line, offer facility to prepare for the same exam with a single cut-off.
Reservation was given for a reason and that is for the upliftment of downtrodden classes. That is for a limited period of time but politicians are using it to ascend to power and not think of India's future.

After I wrote Lawcet I went for counselling, while I waited in the room, ladies quota went 1st then reservation quota then local quota ie 10 seats then seats were over. I literally have to study in a private college.

But I noticed that either people of reserved quota or not they are equally showing great resolve while ascending the ranks in public sector and that is what I have seen. Without hardwork and perseverance nobody can ascend but will eventually be given promotions after certain period of time.

Take Isro, DAE, steel plants, Drdo etc PSUs both categories of peoples contribution were the result of what we are seeing until now.

Edit: Personally I have seen people of reserved category giving up their quota and participating in open quota and getting jobs or promotions by writing exams like everyone else in PSUs.
In private sector if you please check once Dupont labs in Pune and the contributions or achievements which were made in the last 20 years by whom. Check once please.
Personally I have seen people of reserved category giving up their quota and participating in open quota and getting jobs or promotions by writing exams like everyone else in PSUs.
people with skill are wise and choose what is right for them, however there are only few of them and i don't see them.
people with skill are wise and choose what is right for them, however there are only few of them and i don't see them.
Generally there are more people belonging to marginalised sections either living in villages or towns or cities than us. We are fewer in number compared to them.
But govts should not give freebies only to pamper everybody to ascend the thrones.
They should provide employment opportunities even in villages and towns in large numbers but they are not doing it.
Why people are still asking for reservations because they need them still.
In South education has penetrated more and earlier than north.
Why because of Christian missionaries and policies of previous govts until now.
Why Kerala has achieved 99% literacy than other states? Even though it was ruled by communists and congress.
The people also need to ask or demand from the govts that they don't need freebies but permanent measures to eradicate the differences in society , jobs and livelihood.
In Telangana, since last 10 years realestate prices have increased so much that middle class are not able to buy property ie.houses under 50lacs.
Who is responsible for this artificial price rise?
It's the previous govt and people who has many properties.
Who is suffering now?
How do you mitigate from this crisis?
By decreasing prices or by putting a limit on price rise?
You or I can afford these prices but what about middle class and lower middle class?
Tell me.
There is no future in India. Why?

1. Reservation - The system mocks merits, hate people with intelligence and prioritize people with no skill. It is just funny/tragic to see student with 90% fails but 20% pass and get a job.
2. Corruption - from Top level to bottom in every sector, corruption is running like parasites.
3. Education - Education in India is null.
4. Healthcare - Poor healthcare, nothing for taxpayers.
5. High Triple taxation - upto 60% taxes goes to government directly and indirectly which they use to give freebies, make their own villas and do everything to be remain in power. Highly mental abuse and trauma for taxpayers.
6. Corrupt Government - The government of any, just not want to do anything. they just want to remain in power. anyhow.
7. -100% civic sense - Indians have -100% ultra pro civic sense.
9. Job Security - It prevents any of gov sector person working effeciently.
10. illegal aliens - with heavy population in itself, illegal aliens are abusing resources of India making it poor each day.
11. Infrastructure - we do have enough people and resources to develop make in India products but you can't when you hire someone with zero iq in different quota.
12. ease of doing business - it is just hard. no motivation when there is lot of compliances, gst compliances, you waste a huge part of time just filing these fking documents instead of actually putting energy in work. GST offices sends notices and ask for bribery to settle things, yes they do.
13. Law & courts - it is for powerful people. people with money and powers win. it is not the option to get justice in India. Just look a the false 498A cases or someone was asked to write essay for k#ing in road accident.

All 4 pillars of democracy are broken, untrustable.

I have a lot of points to make and just a single question, why it is hard to just stop and think do what is absolutely right.

I will move abroad when i will have enough money or get a chance to. I do love India but people of the India are itself responsible for everything. I see my future is dark in India.
One great tie-in example would be the Puja Khedkar case:

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And, then you have people like Puja Khedkar. Rich AF and still taking backward quota.
Then govt needs to put economically backwards classes not socially backward classes in the constitution.
Again this is 1 case that got out because of media attention.
There may be many that we don't know of.
Again I am saying that it's both central and state govts doing that they are not bringing in new rules according to time and age.
Putting this here so one can clearly see the future of India.

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Do you realise what this means? That means the number of SC/ST people applying was less than the number of reserved seats. That's why everyone got selected, hence zero marks cutoff.

Now pause and think how a community of crores is not able to produce enough candidates, maybe there is a bigger reason for it and you are being the ostrich in this case.
People who mention reservation as a problem without mentioning the barbaric caste system should never be taken seriously. Eradicate caste, we wont need reservation at all, its that simple. How do you do that ? Inter-caste marriage. PERIOD
Funny how if you leave India and blame religion dominated politics you are an anti-national, but leaving India after blaming reservations (needed due to said religion) is perfectly acceptable.
i love every single indian but bro i don't my children to be teach by a teacher who scored zero.
I have so many schoolmates of mine, who scored less than 50% in their class 12 boards and go on to become teachers, under reservation of course. One is an English teacher in Xavier's school but scored 42 in English.
I have so many schoolmates of mine, who scored less than 50% in their class 12 boards and go on to become teachers, under reservation of course. One is an English teacher in Xavier's school but scored 42 in English.
bro here in bihar, people got selected who can't even write their name properly and teaching in college now. i wonder what will they teach our children? maybe our children will able to create their own CPU, GPU, AI in guidance of these great teachers.
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Funny how if you leave India and blame religion dominated politics you are an anti-national, but leaving India after blaming reservations (needed due to said religion) is perfectly acceptable.
1st of all EC should bring new rules like
If a candidate gives speech by raising religion, caste, region and ethnicity he should be permanently barred from filing application to contest then free & fair elections will be possible.
In our dist in the last 24 elections they have spent 4000 crores altogether by all parties. Even they have distributed 5k per person by every party.
But people took from both sides and voted to other because he gave more promises like 6 exactly but until now he implemented only 3.
Freebies are given to eligible people while free hospitalization charges are given to employees & pensioners upto 15 lacs while all normal people are given upto 10 lacs.
If any person works in a field he is paid 1k per day by govt. And there is compulsory duty provided by the govt also.Private people need to pay 600.
Govt is giving 10kgs rice free to ration card holders every month. Free bus travel for all women even in interstate buses and garuda ac buses.
People are becoming lazy by all freebies.
When one govt provides freebies if successive govt does not give them it is the end of their political career so they also continue and give even more freebies than previous govts or others.
How much cost is going to the state for these freebies is?
6 lacs for 5 years since 2019-24 in AP also.