Recent content by Aneecake

  1. Aneecake

    Monitors Looking for a 240hz 1440p monitor under 30k

    Hey guys, since a sale's going on, looking for a 240hz 1440p monitor, thanks!
  2. Aneecake

    Monitors Recommended monitors for 1440p 360hz

    agreed! I'm probably holding out until their launch. But yeah, I do value fps over visual quality, so I'll probably go for a IPS panel. Thanks!
  3. Aneecake

    Monitors Recommended monitors for 1440p 360hz

    Hello! Building a new beast of a setup soon, with a 7900 XTX and a 7800X3D. I play a ton of competitive shooters, and dabble with story games once a while, to chill. Building this PC to last me a good 8-10 years, hence the ridiculous specs :P Any range of budget is fine, I'd definitely prefer...
  4. Aneecake

    71-90K Build a customised PC or order one ?

    If you find the prospect of assembling a machine fun, then go ahead, do it. If you're not so excited about spending half your day building a machine, then id suggest going for pre build custom machines.
  5. Aneecake

    Monitors Looking for a 240hz 1440p monitor under 30k

    hey! when was this last sold? Just wanted to know since I hope its not a ghost post.
  6. Aneecake

    Monitors Looking for a 240hz 1440p monitor under 30k

    Hey guys, looking for options for an IPS 240hz monitor, with eSports in mind.
  7. Aneecake

    51-70k Looking to build a new PC with a new/used GPU but can't decide what to get

    Considering the fact that you want it to be relevant for at least half a decade, either invest in a higher end card, or prioritise higher V-Ram cards like the 6700XT.